I don’t have pretty privilege and that sucks

If a man is an ugg with a poor personality then no he can't get an attractive woman (unless he is wealthy i.e Harvey Weinstein and those truly wealthy men are not in the majority) even though that is what he may want because men are biologically wired to be visual creatures. Women who may not be as attractive will cut their losses and be at peace with marrying a man who is an ugg because for some women marriage gives them a status that the society doesn't even if a man isn't a great provider or protector.

As for my cousin, he said it openly and always recounts the story that he didn't find his wife attractive but grew to focus on the other assets and facets she brought to the table. It's not about her dress style or hair. She just has a plain face and a lazy eye.

Attractiveness is a combination of factors, does someone like your shape? Do they like the smell of your natural sweat? Do they still find you attractive in the morning without squinting one eye or holding their breath from your mouth?. It's not necessarily are you the hottest chick in the room.

I don't think the issue for many women is that they can't get a man, because men are all over, the issue is what that woman is willing to settle for?. And it's okay if you don't want to settle for an ugg unless he has some real things to bring to the table and not weigh you down with his financial burdens etc. Being an unattractive man doesn't make a man a kind person.

Almond Eyes

What is the age difference between your cousin and his wife ?
I find their story so fascinating.
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But most women can’t handle that truth. Most men won’t be honest or upfront about their real reasons for marrying their wives.
I remember this older gentleman approached for me marriage. He was very matter of fact. He said " you are the right height, build, size and age". He was retired military and wanted to marry and start a family. He listed all the things he could offer me and I was like wow, ok.
I had never been approached before like that.
But most women can’t handle that truth. Most men won’t be honest or upfront about their real reasons for marrying their wives.
It’s not women who can’t handle the truth though. No one likes hearing unpleasant things. IMO men don’t want the smoke, whether it be yelling or tears or leaving, that goes with telling the truth and because women are appropriately emotional they say women can’t handle it. That’s man logic. If you say hurtful things to me and I cry or yell that doesn’t mean I can’t handle it. They can’t handle the response and the possibility of women leaving. They know they lose control if they tell the truth and they don’t want that.
It’s not women who can’t handle the truth though. No one likes hearing unpleasant things. IMO men don’t want the smoke, whether it be yelling or tears or leaving, that goes with telling the truth and because women are appropriately emotional they say women can’t handle it. That’s man logic. If you say hurtful things to me and I cry or yell that doesn’t mean I can’t handle it. They can’t handle the response and the possibility of women leaving. They know they lose control if they tell the truth and they don’t want that.
I agree with you that a man being upfront and honest about his true intentions of marriage may hurt his wife or future wife’s feelings, but it is what it is. If a man tells you straight up I want to marry you because you seem nurturing and would be a good mother for my children and none of the lovey dovey romantic stuff, a woman might not be able to handle that. Let’s be honest about that. It’s a hard pill to swallow for some. He might not find you attractive, but you are a good caregiver.
I agree with you that a man being upfront and honest about his true intentions of marriage may hurt his wife or future wife’s feelings, but it is what it is. If a man tells you straight up I want to marry you because you seem nurturing and would be a good mother for my children and none of the lovey dovey romantic stuff, a woman might not be able to handle that. Let’s be honest about that. It’s a hard pill to swallow for some. He might not find you attractive, but you are a good caregiver.
There's something misogynistic about framing it this way. Each person has a choice but when it's a woman she can't "handle" it. Really she's just exercising her right to make another choice, same as a man, but they don't get that label. And women not being able to "handle" any number of inconvenient truths has been cover for men lying for ages.
There's something misogynistic about framing it this way. Each person has a choice but when it's a woman she can't "handle" it. Really she's just exercising her right to make another choice, same as a man, but they don't get that label. And women not being able to "handle" any number of inconvenient truths has been cover for men lying for ages.
I guess the word handle doesn’t sit right with you, so maybe a woman grasping a man’s true intentions of marrying her might be something she wasn’t prepared to deal with, expect, or accept sounds better? What is the woman’s end goal when it comes to marriage? Generally, women expect a man to be head over hills in love with her and find her to be the fairest of them all. That’s not true for some married couples and men that want to get married. It might not matter to some women that her husband isn’t with her for those reasons and that’s ok. Just like women know better than to tell a man he is ugly and she is only with him because he is a good provider, or he has status.

A woman don’t have to marry a man that feels that way about her if she wants more and wants her partner to desire her. You don’t have to settle if that is not the type of marriage you want.
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I remember this older gentleman approached for me marriage. He was very matter of fact. He said " you are the right height, build, size and age". He was retired military and wanted to marry and start a family. He listed all the things he could offer me and I was like wow, ok.
I had never been approached before like that.
How did his approach make you feel?
How did his approach make you feel?
it was unsettling to be honest. I was not flattered. Maybe if I was in a different head space I may have seen it as an opportunity but at that time I saw it as insulting. He didn't really care about me, I just fit a prototype. Plus the age difference was a bit much. I was 31, but looked 22 and he was 17 years older. I just had to shake my head at the whole thing.
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But most women can’t handle that truth. Most men won’t be honest or upfront about their real reasons for marrying their wives

Word up!!!!A male friend entrepreneur told me a few years ago that he wasn't attracted to his wife either, however she worked on him and had a stable job. However he married her because of her father who he said was a stabilizing force. His father had died and he was craving a father figure and he got one. As for the wife, she was always having upturned sourpuss face at other women. No man or woman is going to tell their partner that they find them repulsive or ugly. I don't think Harvey Weinstein's wife told him that and she wanted to snag that bag and willing to overlook his repulsive appearance and energy. Sometimes people just grow into accepting a person's looks and make their bargains. In the end, my mother used to say that ugly or attractive after awhile when you live with people you don't even see looks anymore you just see the personality and if the personality stinks even if the person is the most attractive you will cease to see that.

Almond Eyes
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I remember this older gentleman approached for me marriage. He was very matter of fact. He said " you are the right height, build, size and age". He was retired military and wanted to marry and start a family. He listed all the things he could offer me and I was like wow, ok.
I had never been approached before like that.

Me and my childless uterus can appreciate this. I'm nearing 40 (this close to it) so dating is a whole different monster. I'm fresh off a failed engagement, so I essential lost time behind that. Instead of just an Ltr I'm dating for marriage.

I have the same desires for a mate, but my priorities are now in a different order.

Last week I was approached by a well put together older man. Maybe 20 years my senior. When he found out that I cook everyday for myself he damned near fell over :lol:

The only reason I choose not to date men that old is because I'm sure that I can do better. But better believe that the ability to provide, which is readily evident after a certain age, is the main factor.
Me and my childless uterus can appreciate this. I'm nearing 40 (this close to it) so dating is a whole different monster. I'm fresh off a failed engagement, so I essential lost time behind that. Instead of just an Ltr I'm dating for marriage.

I have the same desires for a mate, but my priorities are now in a different order.

Last week I was approached by a well put together older man. Maybe 20 years my senior. When he found out that I cook everyday for myself he damned near fell over :lol:

The only reason I choose not to date men that old is because I'm sure that I can do better. But better believe that the ability to provide, which is readily evident after a certain age, is the main factor.
At 40 yes, but at 31 I still wanted to be romanced and courted :lol:
I wanted R&B love songs, drama and music video/movie kinda love .
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But better believe that the ability to provide, which is readily evident after a certain age, is the main factor.

Sis, I feel you. Here's a copy and paste of a comment I left in another thread:

The older I get the more I can relate. Passion and fire are great but a lot of us just want someone to be happy, comfortable, and cared for.

I no longer care to be the woman who can take care of everything herself. I've been doing that my entire life and I'm tieeddd. Let someone else take the reigns.

At 40 yes, but at 31 I still wanted to be romanced and courted :lol:
I wanted R&B love songs, drama and music video/movie kina love .

I'm with you. My last rlshp lasted 4 years. He was supposed to be IT. We had that RandB thang too. But now that I've had it, I don't feel as pressed for it.

Considering that we were damned near married, I have a good idea of what I need, and what could work in the long term...and none of it has anything to do with music. Lol
Sis, I feel you. Here's a copy and paste of a comment I left in another thread:

The older I get the more I can relate. Passion and fire are great but a lot of us just want someone to be happy, comfortable, and cared for.

I no longer care to be the woman who can take care of everything herself. I've been doing that my entire life and I'm tieeddd. Let someone else take the reigns.


Yep. And my thinking has become more black and white. I believe more and more in gender roles. Dating has been interesting though. The upside is that the divorcees I meet got some sense. I wouldn't mind landing one of those since they've had some practice :look:
Yep. And my thinking has become more black and white. I believe more and more in gender roles. Dating has been interesting though. The upside is that the divorcees I meet got some sense. I wouldn't mind landing one of those since they've had some practice :look:
I’ve met more than a few men who’ve remarried and they all say they’re better husbands now than they were with their first wives.
I finally took the time to view this video. There's a thread about it on another forum too.

I appreciate her candor and sharing her feelings/opinions.

To me, what she shared was spot-on. I've seen what she talked about happen to other people
with my own eyes. I could relate to all she was saying.
My overall life experience isn't completely like hers, but I've had some moments that I know what she's talking about.
I think a lot of us have.

I'm not judging. I like her glasses, and no, she's not pretty, but she's not bad-looking either. She's introspective and articulate.
She's educated and has/had a career. Good for her. I actually think that in real life, we could be friends.
Y'all made me wanna go watch this video!
I grew up with low self esteem because I was around so many girls who better fit the standard of beauty in the culture I grew up in.
I look back on that time and realized how many opportunities I missed because I didn't feel deserving (I declined being in a commercial among other things). I remember this FLY FLY dude in Paris was interested in me and I totally blew it because there was NO way I believed he was interested in me. I still think of him...20 plus years later hahahahaaha

ETA: She ain't lying!
The more I watch her, the more attractive she became. Her skin is AMAZING. She will DEFINITELY get married, no question. Great skin, articulate, she'll be fine. I know women who are as average looking as she is and they seem to be taken more seriously for marriage from what I've seen around me. It's like that song said "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, don't make a pretty woman your wife..." On the other hand, I witnessed women who can be quietly sitting, not talking to ANYONE, (almost resting B face) not even cracking a smile and people would be clammering to talk to her, men and women alike. One of them had that mysterious, quiet aura about her. They still single though.
The woman in the video also addresses my suspicion about male and female friendships. I low key don't think they are TRULY innocent and I'd agree that they wouldn't be friends with you if they didn't find you someone attractive. I never gave this much though but yeah, I'd agree. Spoken as someone with quite a bit of male "friends."
I also hardly ever benefitted from men buying me stuff or throwing money at me. I'm glad she pointed out that some women who get this treatment are probably not your average looking gal either.
I hear NYC isn't easy either for standing out. Competition is fierce.
Cool video....
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I’ve admitted in other threads that my beauty standards are prob very high & tainted Bc I’m from South Florida, but I really do not see this facial attractiveness y’all are talking about :lol: yes, she is looking BETTER, but better doesn’t necessarily change the facts.

On another note, I always look at visually “unbalanced” married couples and wonder what the thought process was for marrying their spouse. Like…some ppl you can look at and just know that was not who their spouse thought they would be marrying & procreating with lol
I do think that finding a woman attractive for a man can be quite different from who they marry. My cousin married a woman who he didn't find attractive at all, however he found her maternal looking as @ckisland indicated. His wife I think has a perpetual insecurity about that, however for her being married meant that looks weren't that important to him even though he is a visual person. However, I think that a woman may not be conventionally beautiful but I do think that it is important that people are attractive to one another or else it can issues in the long run.

I live in the States, but I found when I was living and visiting in various countries throughout Africa (not Northern Africa), the standard of beauty was smooth poreless dark brown to ebony skin (the predominant skin color). Beautifully shaped and expressive eyes and a nice waist and butt. The bad wigs and small boobs didn't bother men over there. Round faces and warm eyes were also prized in West Africa.

Almond Eyes
How do they get that beautiful skin?