I don’t have pretty privilege and that sucks

I was looking for a way to say it.
To the underlined: This last video is her saying she didn't like the fallout (results/responses) she got about the original video. I just want her to find joy and happiness but its not happening through YT. Even though she has likely made some hefty coin in the last year. She is also upset that other YTers and then people supposedly in her circle didn't even acknowledge her existence and/or what she is doing on YT. So all that to the bolded as well.
She wants to make a platform on oppression. As someone who has been single and looking for 10yrs to no avail it pains me to see. Like babe take your visibility and make something. Relationships as much as society demotes you if your not in one isn’t for all and isn’t a trophy. Like so many feel if I’m chosen then I’m validated and someone.
But to chose to fixate on trivial things makes me see she is just wounded and hyper unaware which makes me tune out.
Woo too the bolded. It’s so layered but can see this. It’s done in so many groups when you don’t get desired results you move into a voluntary oppression.
This! I stay away from men and women that think that way. The battle of the sexes/division drama is just another competition event in the oppression Olympics. And it’s sad that people feed into that to make a name and a dollar for themselves.
This! I stay away from men and women that think that way. The battle of the sexes/division drama is just another competition event in the oppression Olympics. And it’s sad that people feed into that to make a name and a dollar for themselves.
That last part the old saying any press is good press because some will be enticed solely to see what’s all the noise. It’s harder to say I need to work on self than to just wallow in the realities. Yes for some it’s harder due to optics and hierarchy but you either make yourself match of the mainstream or really relish in your niche. I wouldn’t want anyone to want me out of pity as that means a unhealthy connection.