How many of you are married or engaged with a specific date?

Are you/Will you/Have you been married?

  • Yes. I am currently married

    Votes: 83 53.5%
  • Yes I'm engaged with a specific date in the next year

    Votes: 23 14.8%
  • I was/am married, but not with my husband

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • No. Not yet

    Votes: 46 29.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm 24 and single. I'm not quite receptive yet, I'll probably start dating/accepting dates this fall.
I have picked a wedding date, however :look:.
Question for the ladies?
How did you go about finding a marriage counselor?
Did one of your insurance partially cover?

What are some of the things discussed?
I want to go to marriage counseling and he kind of doesn't but will I'm going to mke sure it gets done, lol

Also, I AM NOT LOOKING FOR ANY PREACHER TO DO OUR COUNSELING, just a regular marriage and family therapists!


I found our through our insurance carrier. We had seven weeks as a part of the deal--he was a MFT. If you DF is a little reluctant, I encourage you to request a black man, or at least a man. My DF would have been much less willing to do it with a woman, I think.

We will be starting our Christian counseling next month.

Oh and I'm engaged with a date--April, 2010.
Happily married to the Love of my Life for almost 2 years. We have a one year old and I am expecting another in 2 months! Thank God for his blessings! :)
Married for 7 years, with my husband for ten years.*(since I was 16, And him 19)
We have two beautiful baby boys.

We have our ups and downs, but he is a beautiful person inside and out.
things can only get better if WE both continue to strive for the best! :)
Thanks Ladies. I can't tell if my little experiment worked or not b/c over 100 have veiwed, but less than 30 have voted. But looking at the poll, it seems there are more married women here than single/engaged. Now I wonder if those who didn't vote didn't b/c they are unhappily single. Does this mean that it's kinda like those threads where the happy people respond and the other suck their teeth and keep it moving. Which could be another thread (why do people "do this" as in join web groups/networks?)

I don't even know if it's about happily single vs. unhappily single. The title of the thread calls out to people who are married or engaged with a specific date. So if you are not, you simply might not come into the thread at all. 30 votes for 100 views is not bad. Not everyone who views a poll will vote, and that's any topic (look around the board at other polls). Also, the same person coming into a thread multiple times will register as multiple views, but that person can only vote one time.
Not married or engaged.... haven't even the slightest idea anymore when either will happen for me.