Are You Happily or Unhappily Married??

Are You Unhappily Married or Happily Married?

  • Happily Married

    Votes: 198 70.7%
  • Unhappily Married

    Votes: 82 29.3%

  • Total voters
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Geez, some folks are uptight!
Anyway, been married for a blissful month! Can I get a high five?!

OT Bublnbrnsuga: LOVE LOVE LOVE Corrine! Your siggy just reminded me what I need to get this weekend. Do you have her cd? How is it?
Happily married for 4 years, we have been together for 8 years. Marriage is work and I'm blessed to have a husband who works with me and not against me!
Overall, happily married for a little over 2 years. The past year has been very, very hard though but, I guess that's what marriage is all about:ohwell:.
Overall, happily married for a little over 2 years. The past year has been very, very hard though but, I guess that's what marriage is all about:ohwell:.

(((HUGS))) Marriage isn't a bowl of candy all the time. Hang in there!

Been married 8 years :yay:

I didn't thnk we'd make it to 5 actuallly but after just all came together, I can't explain it. There have been bad times but the committment of marriage and my love for dh has always overriden the bad stuff!
(((HUGS))) Marriage isn't a bowl of candy all the time. Hang in there!

Been married 8 years :yay:

I didn't thnk we'd make it to 5 actuallly but after just all came together, I can't explain it. There have been bad times but the committment of marriage and my love for dh has always overriden the bad stuff!

I've heard this often, Very often and I feel like if DH and I can make it over the 5 year "hump" we'll be cool. Why do you think that is? Five being the magic number??
I have been married for 1 year and a couple of months. I am loving the heck out of married life. Even when times are tough, I know I can only go through them with my DH and BFF.

The first couple of months for us were very difficult but that was because I was extremely homesick and we had to readjust to being around each other everyday again. We kicked it strickly as friends for 2 years and dated for one year while living in the same city, then he moved to another state and we dated 1.5 years before we married. We had a lot of adjustments to make but we worked well through it all. We resolved to never go to bed angry with each other and to treat each other as gifts from God and dear friends. I love it.
I've heard this often, Very often and I feel like if DH and I can make it over the 5 year "hump" we'll be cool. Why do you think that is? Five being the magic number??

Girl I don't know but the first 5 years were rough, every three or four months, I thought I'm outta here. Its funny now b/c we look back and think wow why was it so bad?

I do think there is an adjustment period to LEARNING how to be married, learning how to compromise for the other...and then usually by year 5 you may have 1 or 2 add that to the adjustment period of being married, and lack of communication and things might just start going downhill.

I think if you can make it to 5-7years, you might just win the race!
Wow, I really didn't expect so many unhappily married people. :(

BUT. I am happy to see there are so many that ARE happy.
Girl I don't know but the first 5 years were rough, every three or four months, I thought I'm outta here. Its funny now b/c we look back and think wow why was it so bad?

I do think there is an adjustment period to LEARNING how to be married, learning how to compromise for the other...and then usually by year 5 you may have 1 or 2 add that to the adjustment period of being married, and lack of communication and things might just start going downhill.

I think if you can make it to 5-7years, you might just win the race!

lol-yeah I feel you on the adjustment period, makes sense!
Happily married 6.5 years, however there were days I thought about throwing a pot of hot grits on him :yep:.... Seriously marriage was a difficult adjustment for my husband and I because we married in our mid thirties and had both been independent and single for a long time. However, through ongoing communication, mutual respect, and compromise we have managed to maintain a happy and loving's a lotta work.
Unhappily, I want a divorce and DH won't sign the paperwork. He has held me up but come Jan, we will have been seperated for 2 years and I don't need his dang signature.
I'm happily married for 5 years now. No children yet which gives us lot of time for us. This is soon to change though. Marriage is a lot of work. As long as you guys don't fall out of love at the same time keep working at it.

My husband is amazing man:yep:. I feel blessed to have a man like him and thankful for him.
We've been married 18 years and have two sons. It hasn't always been all rainbows and roses - we are human after all.

We dated for 5 years before we married and in the early days of our marriage, I still felt I didn't know him. We had to grow up and we had to find a rhythm...our own rhythm.

Fortunately, we've had more good days than bad...I'd vote happily.
Happily Married for 6 years.
Our marriage has definately had it's ups and downs.
The first year we got married bought house had a baby all within 6 months. Basically we crammed all the major marriage stressors into the first year. We survive that year because we were willing to communicate with one another. the biggest mistake we corrected quickly was talking to each other when we had an issue and not other people. KEEP mama and 'em out of your marital problems. Don't discuss you marriage with people, in particular people who have a jacked up marriage and or are divorced.

Don't ask question you don't want to know the truth about, and don't get angry when you hear the truth even if it hurts. Good communication happens when your spouse knows he or she can be honest about everything.

And if you cannot trust the person you are going to marry, do not marry them, without trust you have nothing.

Oh and the best thing we did was allowing God into our relationship.
ok that's it