How many of you are married or engaged with a specific date?

Are you/Will you/Have you been married?

  • Yes. I am currently married

    Votes: 83 53.5%
  • Yes I'm engaged with a specific date in the next year

    Votes: 23 14.8%
  • I was/am married, but not with my husband

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • No. Not yet

    Votes: 46 29.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
All the talk around here got me to wondering. I'm sure that there's a lot of married women here and I think it would bode well for the single ladies to see the numbers. So please participate in the poll. Also feel free to discuss if you want.
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I'm not married nor have I ever been and I'm not looking to be anytime soon because I do not have any prospect.
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Now I'm sure there a lot more ladies who could weigh in here. Let's Go ladies!
More than half AA women are married! Let's represent!
Congrats to you Mrs. Arianna and LilMorenita on your up coming nuptials.
Thank you ladies who have participated so far. I thought we would see a lot more married women though. Again OVER HALF OF AA WOMEN DO MARRY! so while the "WHY aren't we married threads grow and grow, this positive thread languishes.
My theroy: the reason we keep seeing the same threads over and over is b/c there are people who'd rather complain and lament than do/be part of something uplifting. Am I wrong? Or is this site yet another popularity contest? I wonder if this same thread were started by the golden girls (I have NO idea who they are, I haven't really done the math nor do I care to) would there be more participation. I did/do search threads before I just start up a new one and was surprised to see there hasn't been a thread that does this (by title) yet, but with the onslaught of single women (and men regardless of race) who perhaps had particular goals for their 2009 and find themselves not where they anticipated, it's actually quite natural for these types of threads to accumulate at this time of year (you'll also notice more online dating commercials as we approach New Years too b/c when we think about it, humans are social and sexual beings, when we're alone we die. So much of what we do in life has a direct correlation with being attractive to others be it for friendships or romantic coupling even if marriage isn't the goal)
Well, I hope more women participate b/c I don't truly believe that there is something off/wrong/different about us as a group, I think while our numbers may be lower, remember we're a minority in population as well. Just as the negative stats may actually be skewed to villainize AA men, the unmarried AA women stats may be skewed as well. I just wanted to set out to attempt to prove it in our little section of the world. Please don't take offense if I offended and if you come in, please take the poll.
Thanks Ladies. I can't tell if my little experiment worked or not b/c over 100 have veiwed, but less than 30 have voted. But looking at the poll, it seems there are more married women here than single/engaged. Now I wonder if those who didn't vote didn't b/c they are unhappily single. Does this mean that it's kinda like those threads where the happy people respond and the other suck their teeth and keep it moving. Which could be another thread (why do people "do this" as in join web groups/networks?)
I'm happily married!! I got married at 36.
Some would say that's too late, but I figure it's only too late when you're dead! Congratulations!
I'm engaged for a May 8th wedding (I didn't vote yet) and I'll be 38 this year. I guess God had a lot of work to do with me first! Oh well, it's gravy now.
I think the whole AA women don't get married theory is all a facade. For example, my sister is married and has been for 16 years. However, she hyphenates her name for tax reasons. She's a MRS when its beneficial to her. She's Ms for the same reasons as well. I'm a member of two AA bridal messageboards and the member numbers are through the roof!! AA women do get married, but often times we are low-key, and don't HAVE to be in Ebony, on Good Morning America, or put it on a highway billboard (yes someone has done this). My wedding was the second-biggest little secret in town.
All of the happily married ladies, have you been happily married the entire marriage?

I know there's the good/bad days but overall have you been happy or are you finally get there after making it thru any war years?
All of the happily married ladies, have you been happily married the entire marriage?

I know there's the good/bad days but overall have you been happy or are you finally get there after making it thru any war years?
Hey Girl!!!
I've been married for almost two years. For me, its not if this year is worse than last year....its if this day/these days are better or worse. It could be something as small as someone calling him tattling about my Facebook status, to me going off on him from winning/beating me on my Wii. Though those examples are small, they really happened and escalated into hurt feelings and emotional outburst. Its all about the recovery and making up that matters. I hate to quote a movie line, 'But its the love that gets us through those days'. I want to create a life, family, and grow old with him and thats what makes me smile in order to forgive and apologize.
Hey Girl!!!
I've been married for almost two years. For me, its not if this year is worse than last year....its if this day/these days are better or worse. It could be something as small as someone calling him tattling about my Facebook status, to me going off on him from winning/beating me on my Wii. Though those examples are small, they really happened and escalated into hurt feelings and emotional outburst. Its all about the recovery and making up that matters. I hate to quote a movie line, 'But its the love that gets us through those days'. I want to create a life, family, and grow old with him and thats what makes me smile in order to forgive and apologize.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. That's so beautiful and true.