New Member
I learned that the hard way. I wasted my prime marriage/child bearing years on nicca's I should'nt have given the time of day because they were 'good guys' that I was giving the 'benefit of the doubt' and trying to 'work with'. I left my previous 2 relationships for the same reason, one after 3 yrs and the next after 5 yrs because I was ready to move on to the next phase in life and they weren't. After that you couldnt even look at me unless we were on the same page with the same goals and your ish was totally together. Thank goodness that's over, but I still regret the time I wasted.
I feel the same way, but I also believe everything happens for a reason. Unfortunately I had to go thru these relationships to understand what I truly want and deserve. I'm 35, dating and not giving up on love!!!