Grounds for dismissal or the benefit of the doubt?

I just hope his peen isn't getting hard while he is unemployed cuz he should seriously be dating Mr Palm not you. LOL Males and Females need to really ask what they seriously bring to the table besides themselves even with a piece of paper. I guess if you like his company you could keep him around as a friend. I don't mean friends with benefits either. LOL
Mine does! Darn student loan payments :angry2:: ..and I'm still not even working in my field.

You know what? You right. :rofl: My undergrad degree did make me angry. My grad degree landed me a well paying job in my field that I enjoy, but I shouldn't forget my other time.

Nefertari, I hear what you are saying. The question is, though, for every couple where a woman married a man without a job that has them doing economically well now, how many are there that aren't doing so well now? We can't just selectively look at only the successes. I wouldn't feel stable building my life on coulda, woulda, maybe, and what not. Especially thinking about having kids. Sure, anything can happen, by why start out that way. I think it's possible to find a guy who has the qualities you want and who has a steady income. But it's cool if we have different views about the world. :yep:
You know what? You right. :rofl: My undergrad degree did make me angry. My grad degree landed me a well paying job in my field that I enjoy, but I shouldn't forget my other time.

See, I've been thinking of going back for a graduate degree but was afraid to go in to more debt for a degree that wouldn't do me any good (as has been the case with my undergrad). I may seriously have to bite the bullet and give it a shot.

As for the OP. I agree with those saying keep him around as a friend (if possible) if he really has great qualities because I can attest that it is so hard to find nowadays. I've went out with degreed, gainfully employed men that were total douches. Finding the total package can be difficult..not impossible but definiitely not easy especially depending on your location. Hopefully this guy can find some work soon.
See, I've been thinking of going back for a graduate degree but was afraid to go in to more debt for a degree that wouldn't do me any good (as has been the case with my undergrad). I may seriously have to bite the bullet and give it a shot.

Definitely think hard about it. I don't think grad school is always the answer, especially if it's a field where there are comparatively few opportunities.
Like others have said, I'd keep him in the friend area and keep your options open. But would want to know what he was doing to remedy the situation. And look at it this way, at least he told you, I dated someone for some weeks and he never said a word about being laid off, then a couple of weeks in, he's like oh I have to tell you something...I was laid off from MTA. I continued to date him for a bit, and for some other reasons, cut him loose.
It depends. If he is obviously talented and doing a hot job search, I'd date him. But his not having a college degree is a bit of a deal breaker. If he's just slacking around, I'd walk by.
Ok, someone please explain what not having a college degree has to do with dating. I'm confused lol. I just don't get it:perplexed. I was going to guess what it means but I just don't understand. I'm not from the US so things like not having a certain qualifications aren't really a big deal when dating over here.
Ok, someone please explain what not having a college degree has to do with dating. I'm confused lol. I just don't get it:perplexed. I was going to guess what it means but I just don't understand. I'm not from the US so things like not having a certain qualifications aren't really a big deal when dating over here.

i'm not from the US and i don't get it either...:look: