.....and what's surprising about this thread is that the majority of women (some of you got it, some of you really do understand the point, thank goodness), that as a woman, you can do things that can take a situation too far and in the heat of the moment, just like you're flying off the handle with your weapon (words) he could fly off the handle with his weapon (and what if his weapon isn't words, what if it's strength)?
Most of this thread is further evidence that most women don't really understand men too well. And this is why I'm witnessing the trainwreck coming right now with one of my friends. She just won't stop constantly pushing.
And all of this "he should just leave" stuff...comon', let's keep it real, most of the time (FOR THE SITUATION I'M TALKING ABOUT) the man THINKS she can't push him that far, he THINKS "I don't hit women" so he THINKS he will never do it, until she goes too far one night and he goes too far too...
Funny how it's virtually impossible for women to accept responsibility in our actions. You CANNOT DO AND SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN in a relationship with a man. It's your responsibility to NOT GO TOO FAR because you could end up in a situation where you bring harm on yourself. No he shouldn't hit you, but you also shouldn't disrespect him to the point where he can't control himself, for your own sake.
If you're a woman who is in an abusive relationship, this ain't about you. You should get the hell out. Actually, I have a pretty good instinct that some women in this thread have pushed those buttons with men who would never have hit them if they hadn't pushed him, but I think only one woman owned up to it.