He hit her, but she deserved it, your thoughts?

I sensed FRUSTRATION, not aggression. Many posters here were frustrated with the responses with good reason.

You almost have 2000 posts. :yep:

HEYYYY!!!!! :yay: This should upgrade me from Newbie status now.

Yeah i sense frustration but and i got frustrated for a minute then said "wait, im on the internet, its just typed words and a screen". Can't do much about it.
Nah, they were probably talking about me. So what. Only i know the full story. And yeah i'll continue to "give advice". Internet peeps don't bother me. Toodles!

:bighug:I'm sorry that someone would use your personal story to attack you in a "debate." I enjoyed hearing both sides of this debate though.
:bighug:I'm sorry that someone would use your personal story to attack you in a "debate." I enjoyed hearing both sides of this debate though.

Thanks! Not surprised. It's been done to other members before with worse situations and it will happen again. I saw a lot when i was lurking before joining so i knew what was up with this board.

I knew what i was walking into. At the end of the day, i can just close my laptop.
I apologize to all of the grown women who posted in this thread or who visited to read the debate for the little girl exchanges that have come into play. I'm moving on. Yall can have this one.
You know how some women have a girlfriend who is being abused by her man and time and time again you try to convince her and tell her to leave him and the deserves better, yet no matter how well you reason with her, she just doesn't get it and decides to stay with him?

This is one of those times. Save your keystrokes. :lachen:
Your right girl. I am gonna let it go and take my butt to bed.
. That's how i saw my Daddy until he finally snapped. Then i realized he strong as hell and Daddy dont play!

I'm not sure if this has been covered yet...but ummmm, whatcho Daddy did to yo mama? I know I'm being nosey but you've made reference to it a few times so it must be serious.

So either share here, PM me or tell me none of my business! :lachen:

Off to finish reading. I just found this thread. Interesting read. I ain't touchin' it.
I'm not sure if this has been covered yet...but ummmm, whatcho Daddy did to yo mama? I know I'm being nosey but you've made reference to it a few times so it must be serious.

So either share here, PM me or tell me none of my business! :lachen:

Off to finish reading. I just found this thread. Interesting read. I ain't touchin' it.

He didn't lay a finger on her. That's all i have to say about that...:drunk:
That type of woman is triffling, no doubt about it but I assure you I hold a wife-beater in more disgust.
We all have our breaking point, some are just not condonable.:nono:
Exactly:yep: ITA Seriously, most of us up in here are adults and are capable of understanding the OP. Yes, we as women should be accountable for our actions in relationships...I'm sure we all understand that. But it is not excusable for my grown *** to be put in my place by my DH...that is not his job. If I push him to the point of him needing to give me a "little smack", like I'm his child...its time for him to pack his bags and leave. As simple as that!
A man that resorts to hitting a woman because she is "nagging him" or whatever with WORDS isn't a man at all! Children resort to hitting men learn to walk away or diffuse the situation.

Saying that a woman nagging a man deserves to be hit is like saying a person driving over the speed limit deserves to die in a car wreck.

I hate it when people say that a woman that "nags" a man deserves to be hit, especially when women say it. Being in control of your emotions is part of being an adult and hitting someone shows that you have no control and condoning it shows you have no sense.
.....and what's surprising about this thread is that the majority of women (some of you got it, some of you really do understand the point, thank goodness), that as a woman, you can do things that can take a situation too far and in the heat of the moment, just like you're flying off the handle with your weapon (words) he could fly off the handle with his weapon (and what if his weapon isn't words, what if it's strength)?

Most of this thread is further evidence that most women don't really understand men too well. And this is why I'm witnessing the trainwreck coming right now with one of my friends. She just won't stop constantly pushing.

And all of this "he should just leave" stuff...comon', let's keep it real, most of the time (FOR THE SITUATION I'M TALKING ABOUT) the man THINKS she can't push him that far, he THINKS "I don't hit women" so he THINKS he will never do it, until she goes too far one night and he goes too far too...

Funny how it's virtually impossible for women to accept responsibility in our actions. You CANNOT DO AND SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN in a relationship with a man. It's your responsibility to NOT GO TOO FAR because you could end up in a situation where you bring harm on yourself. No he shouldn't hit you, but you also shouldn't disrespect him to the point where he can't control himself, for your own sake.

If you're a woman who is in an abusive relationship, this ain't about you. You should get the hell out. Actually, I have a pretty good instinct that some women in this thread have pushed those buttons with men who would never have hit them if they hadn't pushed him, but I think only one woman owned up to it.

Wow, just wow. I can't believe that a woman is writing these words. :nono:
If a person feels like they have been pushed to a point, there is a innate ability for us to suppress our rage and reactions. Let this same man be at WORK and have HIS BOSS ridin him. I bet all he will say is "yes sir" and find another way to vent his frustration.

If we can have sooooo much control in other environments that stop us from knocking people out on the street everyday, then why can't we practice this at home?

Why is the woman that is one always at that hitting end of the stick? Is it because the man feels like he is MAKING HER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS THAT SHE WON"T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR????? *********.

If people were allowed to knock somebodies head just because they frustrated them, then there would be so many people passed out with knots and bumps on their heads on the streets everywhere! That means I can bump the head of the woman in line in front of me at the bank for holdin up the line cause she damn sure flustered the hell out of me the other day. :rolleyes::wallbash:
Women should be accountable for their actions. But I don't ever think it is okay to put hands on somebody unless you are defending yourself from physical harm. :nono:sorry
EDITED QUESTION: Let me reword this from DESERVE to get to hit to can you understand why some women end up getting hit by a man?

If I see woman constantly berating a man, pushing hit buttons, pushing and pushing until he reaches his breaking point where he feels backed into a corner and he lashes out and hits her, I don't feel sorry for her at all. I don't think a man should be hitting on women, but I also don't think a woman should treat a man as if he's not a man by constantly picking and picking until....


- following him around the house nagging and nagging

- talking an issue to death when he's shown you he's done with that convo

- running up on him with your hands all in his face

My question ultimately is...what's worse...a man hitting a woman or a woman driving him to it?

Your thoughts?

A woman should never put her hands on a man.
A man should never put his hands on a woman.

No person deserves to get hit if shes getting on him so much he has a choice to leave he doesnt have to listen to her constant nagging, I would never condone anyone getting beat down like that EVER
That whole "she provoked it" argument doesn't work when two kids get into a fight at the local high school--and in this zero tolerance environment that can mean jail time for some kid. If we expect 14-18 year-olds to control themselves, why in the hell can't we expect a grown-assed man to control himself?
I agree with the baiting argument.

No one deserves beats but in those circumstances you know if you push anybody whatever sex vocally to the limit, that person may lash out physically. You have to accept that purely as a possibilty, humans are humans and attack is attack. That goes for woman on woman, man on man, parent on child.

I see a lot of people that agree with hitting children who are against a man hitting a woman. Its all the same thing to me. Pushing someones buttons and trying to say the rudest most vile personal thing to them then getting upset if the hit you is dumb as hell. Violence is never right to me but you have to accept in some situations that outcome is more likely and sometimes you will build the foundations for it.
I agree with the baiting argument.

No one deserves beats but in those circumstances you know if you push anybody whatever sex vocally to the limit, that person may lash out physically. You have to accept that purely as a possibilty, humans are humans and attack is attack. That goes for woman on woman, man on man, parent on child.

I see a lot of people that agree with hitting children who are against a man hitting a woman. Its all the same thing to me. Pushing someones buttons and trying to say the rudest most vile personal thing to them then getting upset if the hit you is dumb as hell. Violence is never right to me but you have to accept in some situations that outcome is more likely and sometimes you will build the foundations for it.

I call it walking away. If people would learn to leave a situation before they reach their limit then we wouldn't be reading about all the women and children that get abused each year.

Chastizing a child with a slap on the but and punching a woman in the eye are in no way comparable. A parent whips her child to build him into a stronger/ better person so that one day he will be able to stand on his own 2 feet. A man beats his wife/GF to bring her down and make her a weaker person so that she will always be down on all fours crawling around the floor while he towers over her.