Well-Known Member
I know women who are the type who WILL follow their man from room to room nagging and bickering.
If he gets in his cars and leaves, some women will get in another car and follow him, while blowing up his cell phone, his mothers phone and whoever elses trying to look for him to continue to curse him out.
And the ones that actually ask for it. "What! What you gonna do? You aint gonna hit me!....I dare you to hit me!....that's what I THOUGHT!...yo' **** *** aint gonna hit me!....etc, etc.
Men actually have restraining orders on women. STILL NOT advocating violence but the way some women act makes me wonder what are they looking for as the outcome??
And yes, words are very powerful. I have cut many a guys throat with my own verbal abuse and i'm lucky i didnt get smacked the hell out because of the things i've said...
See...this is what I'm talking about. I've seen it in the streets too many times where dude is being a man and trying to do the right thing and walk away and the woman doesn't let up. What if Sis starts shoving him? I've seen this ish go down. Sis keeps shoving and shoving and he keeps walking away. Is he not doing the right thing?? So really, who's fault is it if he hits her?
My vote is HERS, because dude was trying to be a man and she wanted a damn fight and got it.
The responsibility lies on BOTH the man and the woman, IMHO. I've never agreed that the responsibility should lie solely with the man and I never will.
I can't be sympathetic to the Sis who stays in a relationship because she gets off on pushing her man's buttons, cussing him out and berating him on the daily, and I don't feel bad for her when she goes too far and ends up with a broken lip. On the flipside, the man who stays in such a relationship and it lands his butt in jail doesn't get my sympathy either, even if it was the woman who pushed him to it.
If I'm with a guy and I can't get through a day without chewing him out and trying to go upside his head with something, hell, HE wouldn't have to walk the **** away. I'd do it.
And I'm not referring to the usual bickering over some trivial ish like getting on your SO for the umpteeth time about leaving the toilet seat up or making a comment about your fat MIL or tossing your SO a few curse words because he forgot to stop at the store and pick up the chicken you were going to fix for dinner that night. There's no reason to end up getting your teeth knocked over that stuff, I agree. I'm referring to the relationships where the occasional bickering has escalated to daily emotional and physical abuse that teeter dangerously close to a person being battered.