HairStyles You HATE

I agree with the other ladies about the stiff hairstyles. You can't even do anything with it after you get it done. Ew, Ugh.
a "french wisp"( not enought hair to make a roll)
anything quick weave
anything sculpted
braids with edges eaten off
oh! i forgot.. balding men who try to wear cornrows with the few stings at the top pulled. i have seen this.

I hate this hairstyle ( I liked it when it was only Mary who had it!)
And when I see the wig versions that are extra shiny with the bright colors.... :wallbash:

The X Mas Tree I call it

:lachen::lachen:Now that you mention it, it really does look like a Christmas tree.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I hate the Halle Berry style short cut with the hair spiked and standing STRAIGHT UP. No curl or bend to it at just sticks straight up in the air like antennae.:nono:

Like this:

a "french wisp"( not enought hair to make a roll)
anything quick weave
anything sculpted
braids with edges eaten off

I am :lachen: and :cry: at the same time b/c that used to be me! I used to want the double french roll like my sis so bad, but I didn't have enough hair. I promise she stuffed that "wisp" w/ one whole pack of kankelon hair once! It's all good though, I bet I have enough hair for the "triple" :lachen:
Okay, cornrows on the guys are bad enough (I'm over it) but the guys who have the cornrows in combination with a receeding hairline...:nono:

For the record... I was queen of the freeze curls when I was relaxed and you couldn't tell me ish!!! :grin:
Okay, cornrows on the guys are bad enough (I'm over it) but the guys who have the cornrows in combination with a receeding hairline...:nono:

For the record... I was queen of the freeze curls when I was relaxed and you couldn't tell me ish!!! :grin:

I once saw a man that had a softball-sized bald spot in the middle of his head.....with corn rows going right over it:look:
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ooooooohhhhh!!!!!!! People usually do this with clips to right?? If so I know exactly what you guys are talking about now! Wow, people was gellling the hurrs up and stuff? :nono: :lachen:

Girl, if only they were that lucky! Their hair is not long enough to twist up to get it in the air, it's in a regular ponytail but the length is the same!
This thread! I'm not bothered enough by most people's hair styles to feel any strong emotion. But I remember seeing this woman with a short hair cut that was lacquered to her head. Fine, you see that all the time. But then right in the crown she had some super stiff . . . petals. Really, it was like a tiny flower was blooming on her head, like bent up helicopter blades. I was like :perplexed and looking around like "is anybody else seeing this?"

I also don't like the kids with 100,002 beads. I saw this poor child with beads on her braids. Now, I like beads in the hair. But this girl's beads started, with no exaggeration, like 1/2" from her scalp and there were like 10 or 15 beads on each braid. It was crazy! Poor girl probably couldn't even jump rope without giving herself a concussion. :nono:

But men with hair? I LOVE men with hair, anything kinky, esp a chunky afro, I have to go home and change clothes after seeing that on the street. tmi? :look:
I don't like men with hair, but I used to be crazy about any dude with cornrows when I was in high school. Now if I see that junk, I'm like dude, we're not 15 no more.

And what is up with YOUNG dudes with receding hairlines? I'm only 21... I should not be silently gagging at all these Carl Winslow heads at university. Even worse if he's a little chubby :nono::nono::nono::nono: Srsly, just shave your head shiny bald. A "lining" on those two separated-by-a-forehead pieces of hair that actually reach the front of your head ain't fooling nobody.
This 40ish yo woman gets on the train this morning...all her hair is fingerwaved to the other side (think ear to ear) and lifted...the hair on the end was flipped up and she had the NERVE to be holding the flip in place with a hair clip. I was like :ohwell::nono:..she came and

I was going to ask if you lived in Baltimore. Then I scrolled up and saw you lived in Maryland. Sounds about right. :lachen:
ooooooohhhhh!!!!!!! People usually do this with clips to right?? If so I know exactly what you guys are talking about now! Wow, people was gellling the hurrs up and stuff? :nono: :lachen:

Naw, for me, this was before clips were popular. Those came into style in high school. They were rocking the fan back in 1994. Just gel and a rubberband with a teensy-weensy pump-it-up'd "fan" in the back. :nono:
My 11 year old daughter does that. It drives me crazy. I wash, deep condition, moisturize, put her hair in a protective style. I wake up in the morning and she's in the mirror with let's jam, black gel, a swoop and a fan.

Aaaargh! My mother would have killed me.

Teenagers still rocking this badboy? :lachen:
Rattail combs stuck in the head. Not a style, but girls at my school do this like it is.:nono:

Co-sign on the fan. Especially side ponytails cuz it looks longer like that<~
I can attest to this.:nono:
LOL My hair was too long.. My fan would fall. So the genius in me would make a bun, pull some hair out into a fan, pump it up and THEN hit it with my mamas marcel iron on the outside... CRISPY!

Oooo one that I hate... A whole head full of finger prints. You know! The old ladies who want finger waves but their hair is too thin and you can see thru the finger waves to the scalp and the waves look like fingerprints? HATE IT!

And alopeciaed edges but still wearing gelled down slicked up ponytails.

Paper thin long hair... Looking like Smiegel.

Why do people still wear French rolls?

ANY style that requires brown gel.
bangs curled under too much (this was me in 3rd grade, i burned all the pics)

or bangs that stick out like a visor. i have a friend who did this our entire first year of college. we teased her relentlessly. thank goodness she cut her hair short and learned how to work a flat iron.

oh wait, and cornrows that end at your cousin's ex-bf showed up at her baby shower with one of his cornrows stuck to the one below it with a rubber band cause his hair was so damn short. no no, booboo.
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wigs with headbands

that do it yourself blonde that comes out a fried yellowy orange color on afro textured hair.

hairstyles that look like architecture

wigs and or weaves that look like they've been polished with Armor All. If I can see my reflection in your hair, there's a problem.

tracks showing

large width locs that have been dyed brown look turdesque. It's the dye moreso than the hair type.
I hate the fan...
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it

( the fan is when someone has NO hair and they put it up in a ponytail and and fan the little hairs up like a bald peacock)

I dont like to laugh at people,BUT i saw this yesterday, i was in the car. the woman walking by the car had a"ponytail" in with a pink scrunchie.

it looked like she had a patch of skin ripped out of her scalp! i was like :eek: but my sister says no,its not ripped off skin, its a pink scrunchie and a attempted pony tail:perplexed:look::ohwell::blush:
I hate humps! :wallbash:


side mullets :rolleyes:

I don't understand tree braids, why not get a sew-in?

styles like this: :nono::nono::nono:
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Not in order of disgust :look: :
  1. The stiff, bone straight, shiny shiny weave... especially with dodgy bright highlights like scarlet red, blue or friggin' green :nono:.
  2. The really high ponytail... like right on top the head. Don't care if your hair is long or short :nono:.
  3. The gelled down bangs thing where the hair is sort of gelled to the forehead and/or temples in swirly designs... anyone know what I'm on about :nono:.
  4. The 3c, 4a, 4b hair with a bone straight phony pony on the end :nono:.
  5. The phony pony that doesn't match the colour of the real hair :nono:.
  6. Rough lookin' braids or cornrows that are way over due to be taken out :nono:.
  7. A bob with a long piece of hair left at the back :nono:.
  8. Mohawks :nono:.
  9. Curly perms:look:... sorry!
  10. Big, dirty, flat, unkept dreadlocks :nono:.
Bright Orange weaves. Especially at the tips. It reminds me of the 80s cartoon Thundercats.

Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats hooooooooooooooo!