HairStyles You HATE

I still see women puttin gold spray on there fingerwaves, bangs or the back of their plastic looking frenchroll. stop please...I'm asking nicely.
Grown women with lil girl updo's...y'all know what I'm talking bout.

Greasy, stringy "wraps"

Short cut in the front, long in the back (black girl mullet)[/quote]

:lachen:OKayyyy, me too! I can't stand silky weave glued in. The silky weave with grease added, to make a sheeeeen! Yuck! I think the age of French rolls have come to an end. And finger waves, noooooo! And bad dye jobs!:nono:
men with braids.

men with cornrows.

men with weaves (like I saw this morning.....:look:...a bad weave at that!)

men with ridiculous zig zag patterns in their heads.

men with jet black hair when they are like 50 years old.

I hate men w/a curl that always looks wet, even though its short. (like babyface).


:rofl: :rofl: Y'all are KILLING ME tonight. :lachen: :lachen:

I would also like to add, I hate micros/braids with blue hair/extensions. (I saw this style recently, unfortunately)

ETA: TSUNAMI'S!!! I am still not over that. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
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You and me are >< !I hate all of that!

I don't mind cornrows on teens but when you turn 21, time to let them go!

I hate seeing men in public with du-rags or wave caps! You should have done that last night! We want to see your waves not the dang cap!

I hate all those crazy designs, they look stupid! Your head is not a drawing board, I saw this man with "fire and the word "hot" I was like, WTH! You could tell him he wasn't the ish.....:rolleyes: I wanted to send him to my grandma,she would have set him straight real quick!

Oh and men with Shirley Temples! Stop it, I would a man would try to "pimp" me looking like that! I also hate men with relaxers! Why? you look stupid!

wow, you seem to feel very strongly :lachen:this was good though... very funny
i dont know what the name of it is, but its a gel-slicked weave ponytail updo thing where they make pin-curls out of the ponytail hair. that was an annoyin fad in my senior year of h.s. and i still see it nowdays... with a swoop bang:nono:

matter fact, i dont like styles where you can see any part of a bobby pin. it looks tacky to me.
Hey, I wore this one prom. And look D*** good!:lachen::look:
blunt bangs that are puffy
blunt bang weaves where the weave looks stuck on the fore head
curl weaves where the ends stick out and dont curl(so obviously fake)
huge @ss weaves
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I hate that style

waterfalls- the hard strips of weave coming down from a high ponytail.

full head weaves and you can see the track on top of the head. bangs plastered to the forehead

haircolors that dont go well with a person's skin color.
Haha I used to have the weave ponytail WITH the bacon strips on the side and a swoop. I thought I was t he ish!! And I couldn't figure out why my hair kept comign out. I thought that was natural...prolly all that durn spritz
People who wrap their hair and only take it down halfway.

Ahhh, that would be the infamous volcano. :lachen:


Yes!! I HATE this, especially on dreds!! Ewww, they look horrible like that (think Rajeen from Living Single).

I hate men w/a curl that always looks wet, even though its short. (like babyface).

I hate straight hair ponytails on men. (locked hair ponys are cool)

I hate perms on men.

I hate those flips that go either waay under, or way out.

That's all I can think of right now.

Oh my sweet begezus...:lachen:

Also, I HATE the glue in short cuts!!!! I'm sorry be brave to cut it off, or at least wear a wig!:rolleyes:


Any style that involves fingers waves :nono:
Any style that has tracks showing :ohwell:

This 40ish yo woman gets on the train this morning...all her hair is fingerwaved to the other side (think ear to ear) and lifted...the hair on the end was flipped up and she had the NERVE to be holding the flip in place with a hair clip. I was like :ohwell::nono:..she came and
Men with half of their hair missing on top but got the nerve to have a long-*** ponytail in the back.

Wigs that look like helmets sittin' on their head.
The weave style where it looks like some sort of flat twists going up into a pineapple looking contraption


I don't know why I would have never thought to describe it this way but this is EXACTLY what it looks like!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: it even has the green leaves of hair sticking up at the top!!!

Is this the official name for this style? Because the more I think about it the more someone obviously had to have a pineapple in mind when they thought up this hairdo :look::yep:

I don't know why I would have never thought to describe it this way but this is EXACTLY what it looks like!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: it even has the green leaves of hair sticking up at the top!!!

Is this the official name for this style? Because the more I think about it the more someone obviously had to have a pineapple in mind when they thought up this hairdo :look::yep:

:look: Once upon a time, I have worn the pineapple hairstyle. *hangs head in shame* :lachen:
does anyone have a pic of the "fan" style? I have no idea what you guys are talking about

Lemme break out my 6th grade photos. :lachen:

ETA: I was kidding. My mama didn't let me use Pump it Up in my hair like that. :look: Sort of like this, but more ghetto-fied. Imagine two inches of hair gelled up into a high ponytail with half-an-inch of "fan." :lachen:

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does anyone have a pic of the "fan" style? I have no idea what you guys are talking about

Consider yourself blessed! You missed it b/c if you have seen it you would know exactly what we are talking about!

I had a friend who used to gel that sucker up with the brown gel, that used to dry all crusty and looked like dandruff. She only had to fix her hair 1 time and it lasted for the rest of the week:nono:.
Consider yourself blessed! You missed it b/c if you have seen it you would know exactly what we are talking about!

I had a friend who used to gel that sucker up with the brown gel, that used to dry all crusty and looked like dandruff. She only had to fix her hair 1 time and it lasted for the rest of the week:nono:.

I hate the fan...
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it

( the fan is when someone has NO hair and they put it up in a ponytail and and fan the little hairs up like a bald peacock)

My 11 year old daughter does that. It drives me crazy. I wash, deep condition, moisturize, put her hair in a protective style. I wake up in the morning and she's in the mirror with let's jam, black gel, a swoop and a fan.

Aaaargh! My mother would have killed me.
Lemme break out my 6th grade photos. :lachen:

ETA: I was kidding. My mama didn't let me use Pump it Up in my hair like that. :look: Sort of like this, but more ghetto-fied. Imagine two inches of hair gelled up into a high ponytail with half-an-inch of "fan." :lachen:

ooooooohhhhh!!!!!!! People usually do this with clips to right?? If so I know exactly what you guys are talking about now! Wow, people was gellling the hurrs up and stuff? :nono: :lachen: