Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

I just knew you were gonna have the rest of this up by now :lachen:

Girl we bout to start a search party..teasing us like that some of us hope:look:
I think she's making some hard decisions about what more to share. After all, they chose 3 movies and didn't watch a one :look: . The sister's got to edit.

This really is sweet. My cousin met her hubby online. They have a wonderful life and are expecting their first child. Here's to living boldly Eliza.

You can pm me with the WHOLE story, I won't judge ya. :grin:

This is one of the most beautiful stories I've read in a long time. I wish you nothing but the best that life and love has to offer.

Handsome, successful, respectful, courteous, chivalrous...AND a big'un to boot! Girl, you done hit the jackpot!

Are you sure you're not realtor by day and novelist by night? You're telling the story so well and pausing the story at just the right moment - right when I am DYING to read more! Now get back in here and finish that story!
I think she's making some hard decisions about what more to share. After all, they chose 3 movies and didn't watch a one :look: . The sister's got to edit.

This really is sweet. My cousin met her hubby online. They have a wonderful life and are expecting their first child. Here's to living boldly Eliza.

You can pm me with the WHOLE story, I won't judge ya. :grin:

same here:grin:
not a single sole:yep:
I think she's making some hard decisions about what more to share. After all, they chose 3 movies and didn't watch a one :look: . The sister's got to edit.

This really is sweet. My cousin met her hubby online. They have a wonderful life and are expecting their first child. Here's to living boldly Eliza.

You can pm me with the WHOLE story, I won't judge ya. :grin:


Really sweet story, :yep:

A toast to "Living Boldly"


I'm not in the business of judging folks either....

To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions. ~William James:Rose:
Hello hello hello....I'm back. And have much to tell.

Lawd have mercy. The man was standing there without a stitch. I mean I couldn't help but look. I was like DAMN...he reach and grabbed of all things a sock, which only made a comparison in length. I couldn't move. I was just standing there like a fool with my mouth open.

Finally I mumbled something about where's the other bathroom, but by then I was ready to say "I Do" "I will" heck "will you marry me" . We laughed about that later...

Really funny because my first encounter with you was your post on how to perform a proper "drive downtown"! :lachen: If he'd read that, he'd be saying "will you marry ME?!" :lachen:
Will yall let the girl get some rest. You know she sure is tired from all that None movie watching...J/K.

We want to hear the rest.
Ahem....I'm here. Let me just began by saying, my dad has Alzheimer's and I have to care for him during the day and pretty much at night to. I put my mom on a plane to Dallas today for my nephew's graduation, so I've been quite busy.

Okay so now back to it.

We picked out the movies. I thought I wanted to see Annapolis, and we actually started it.

By the way...just so ya'll know he is up on my web cam now fast asleep (our nightly ritual). I told him that I write to my sisters about girly stuff and that I had shared our weekend with you ladies. He laughed and said what do you tell them? I said well pretty much everything. He was like everything? Then he sort of blushed and said I know not everything? So I did agree to not tell everything...but as much as possible. He even said he didn't care if I posted a picture of us. I don't know about that one. But I probably will. Now look ya'll out there in South Cak-a-laky don't be talking bout "girl I went to high school with him". Cause the Blue got this. Ain't no Hillary Clinton gaps in my game. Hehehe. Okay stop.

We were on the couch and he had changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. I still had on my previous clothes. To be honest I wanted to go take a shower and change into something more comfortable to, but I just didn't think I could trust myself. I know me. So the movie is playing and we are just sitting side by side, sort of like in church. At the same moment I get ready to say something about sleeping arrangements he tells me that he will sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. So that started the laughing. Which started the staring. Which started the kissing. Which started the squeezing.

His thigh I mean. I guess I had started to sort of doubt my vision earlier and just wanted to kind of... I mean just a little bit...make sure I saw what I thought I saw. I know I know that was so terrible of me. Well so yeah I let my hand roam a bit. When my hand reached it, I swear I thought it was a flashlight. He let out a gasp from his throat that sounded like I had hurt him. So I quickly removed my hand and opened my eyes. Okay okay I was really just wanting to see what I had felt. I knew then it was a done deal for me. If I never ever saw this man again, I had to go back to Texas with more knowledge than I had left with. Stone me if you want. I'm just being real.

I took a long look at what ole boy was working with. And the fabric of those shorts were fighting a losing battle at any hope of concealment. Let me put it this way, he's one of those guys that will forever have to carry a book, coat, briefcase, flat screen tv etc with him at all times. He will always need something he can put in front of him to keep from being stared at when he becomes "interested".

When I looked back up at him I knew I had crossed that line. He was staring so so deep into my eyes he looked like he was going to cry. It was so sweet. So yeah the line was crossed. Oh hell I had just erased the damn line. See we had made an agreement early on that in terms of getting physical, we would do whatever was best for us a couple. In other words, we knew we had some animal like chemistry for each other already. So being adults neither of us was going to say "oh I'ma come down but ain't nothing gone happen". We decided we would decide. Here is the line, and we would only cross it IF and only IF we decided to be a BONAFIDE COMMITTED couple. So here we were.

BONAFIDE. I sort of tilt my head and smile. A smile which said "gimme five minutes to jump in the shower and I'ma be right back". He holds his head back, the way only jocks can do and looks down at me through those incredibly long lashes. Did I tell ya'll bout them eyelashes. Yeah well anyway. I get up and turn to go to the bedroom to get in the shower. Never made it. Never ever made it past the coffee table.

Them country boys is fast. They move real fast. I was back on that couch before I knew what happened. After about a three minute kiss. We come up for air. I then actually say to him I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back. We both breathing like two panthers. So I go in his bedroom and pick out an outfit. I'm thinking purple and pink, no red, no red and black, no all black. Yeah I have quite a lingerie collection. I take my shower. Ya'll know I was checking the floor for female hair. I think this is just something we do. Ya'll do that too right?

So anyway. I get out. Wrap myself in a towel. Give myself a do you really want to do this talk, agree that yes I do. I put on my lotion and so forth. So now I'm about to put on my selection.

Somebody please tell me how homeboy is already in the bed...remote in his hand....smiling like a kid on Christmas asleep. WTH!!!! I look at him for a long time. Trying to decide if I want to wake him up and get this party started or rethink me being so hasty. In the end I think oh well. I push aside the silk and lace, pull out the flannel boxers, my tshirt, go back in the bathroom and wash off my makeup and crawl into bed next to him.

He wakes up, smiles at me and says in a sleepy voice "you're here, I can't believe you're here". I curl up next to him with my head on his chest and we go to sleep. This man smells like I don't know, I can only describe it as fresh sun dried laundry.

Throughout the night we wake up and change positions. From spooning, to me on his chest, to our legs all interwined, to back to spooning. But I will leave you with this. Just before daylight he woke me up. I thought I was dreaming or had won the lottery. You know how when an singer wins a grammy and they didn't have a speech prepared so they start thanking everybody from their kindergarten teacher to their landlord. That was me ladies. Oh thank you thank you. (Use your imagination for about the next 35 minutes and 7 orgasms later) When he came back up and looked at me I was his. Totally and completely. I knew then I was going to have to be a big girl and not a track star. He looks down at me and ask me if I'm sure I want to do this. Now I am in the full throws of a left leg seizure, how am I suppose to answer anything...I mean come on. He's kissing me and telling me I have to answer him I have to say I want him to do this. I realize he likes the vocal. So I take him, it...all. I give him the ear candy he wants to hear. He takes his time. One time, two times, three....I'm done. We go back to sleep.

If this post becomes offensive to anyone, let me apologize up front. I apologize. But ladies before you leave this earth....go get you a country boy. they send them to farm school to learn this stuff? He put to shame anyone and everyone I have ever ever ever been with. And then he went and cooked me a big ole country breakfast of grits, bacon, eggs, biscuits and coffee.

I wake up to him being gone and me wondering where the heck I was. I was sort of shook, if I may say. I'm looking around the room when he comes back in, sits on the side of the bed and ask me if I'm hungry. I really ain't trying to talk to him before brushing my teeth. So I just sort of shake my head.

He's just staring at me. Then he asks if I have any regrets and before I can answer he tells me that he doesn't. And that he knew it was a done deal before I got there. I smile at him. He kisses me. I am definitely not going to give him any tongue before I brush my teeth. He starts laughing, which makes me start laughing which made me open my mouth. This of course was his intent and he slips his tongue in my mouth. I'm like "no I have to brush my teeth". He wasn't even trying to hear that. Suffice it to say, breakfast got cold. We ate it for lunch.

Let me know if ya'll want the other two days.
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Ahem....I'm here. Let me just began by saying, my dad has Alzheimer's and I have to care for him during the day and pretty much at night to. I put my mom on a plane to Dallas today for my nephew's graduation, so I've been quite busy.

Okay so now back to it.

We picked out the movies. I thought I wanted to see Annapolis, and we actually started it.

By the way...just so ya'll know he is up on my web cam now fast asleep (our nightly ritual). I told him that I write to my sisters about girly stuff and that I had shared our weekend with you ladies. He laughed and said what do you tell them? I said well pretty much everything. He was like everything? Then he sort of blushed and said I know not everything? So I did agree to not tell everything...but as much as possible. He even said he didn't care if I posted a picture of us. I don't know about that one. But I probably will. Now look ya'll out there in South Cak-a-laky don't be talking bout "girl I went to high school with him". Cause the Blue got this. Ain't no Hillary Clinton gaps in my game. Hehehe. Okay stop.

We were on the couch and he had changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. I still had on my previous clothes. To be honest I wanted to go take a shower and change into something more comfortable to, but I just didn't think I could trust myself. I know me. So the movie is playing and we are just sitting side by side, sort of like in church. At the same moment I get ready to say something about sleeping arrangements he tells me that he will sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. So that started the laughing. Which started the staring. Which started the kissing. Which started the squeezing.

His thigh I mean. I guess I had started to sort of doubt my vision earlier and just wanted to kind of... I mean just a little bit...make sure I saw what I thought I saw. I know I know that was so terrible of me. Well so yeah I let my hand roam a bit. When my hand reached it, I swear I thought it was a flashlight. He let out a gasp from his throat that sounded like I had hurt him. So I quickly removed my hand and opened my eyes. Okay okay I was really just wanting to see what I had felt. I knew then it was a done deal for me. If I never ever saw this man again, I had to go back to Texas with more knowledge than I had left with. Stone me if you want. I'm just being real.

I took a long look at what ole boy was working with. And the fabric of those shorts were fighting a losing battle at any hope of concealment. Let me put it this way, he's one of those guys that will forever have to carry a book, coat, briefcase, flat screen tv etc with him at all times. He will always need something he can put in front of him to keep from being stared at when he becomes "interested".

When I looked back up at him I knew I had crossed that line. He was staring so so deep into my eyes he looked like he was going to cry. It was so sweet. So yeah the line was crossed. Oh hell I had just erased the damn line. See we had made an agreement early on that in terms of getting physical, we would do whatever was best for us a couple. In other words, we knew we had some animal like chemistry for each other already. So being adults neither of us was going to say "oh I'ma come down but ain't nothing gone happen". We decided we would decide. Here is the line, and we would only cross it IF and only IF we decided to be a BONAFIDE COMMITTED couple. So here we were.

BONAFIDE. I sort of tilt my head and smile. A smile which said "gimme five minutes to jump in the shower and I'ma be right back". He holds his head back, the way only jocks can do and looks down at me with three inch lashes. Did I tell ya'll bout them eyelashes. Yeah well anyway. I get up and turn to go to the bedroom to get in the shower. Never made it. Never ever made it past the coffee table.

Them country boys is fast. They move real fast. I was back on that couch before I knew what happened. After about a three minute kiss. We come up for air. I then actually say to him I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back. We both breathing like two panthers. So I go in his bedroom and pick out an outfit. I'm thinking purple and pink, no red, no red and black, no all black. Yeah I have quite a lingerie collection. I take my shower. Ya'll know I was checking the floor for female hair. I think this is just something we do. Ya'll do that too right?

So anyway. I get out. Wrap myself in a towel. Give myself a do you really want to do this talk, agree that yes I do. I put on my lotion and so forth. So now I'm about to put on my selection.

Somebody please tell me how homeboy is already in the bed...remote in his hand....smiling like a kid on Chrismas asleep. WTH!!!! I look at him for a long time. Trying to decide if I want to wake him up and get this party started or rethink me being so hasty. In the end I think oh well. I push aside the silk and lace, pull out the flannel boxers, my tshirt, go back in the bathroom and wash off my makeup and crawl into bed next to him.

He wakes up, smiles a me and says in a sleepy voice "you're here, I can't believe you're here". I curl up next to him with my head on his chest and we go to sleep. This man smells like I don't know, I can only describe it as fresh sun dried laundry.

Througout the night we wake up and change positions. From spooning, to me on his chest, to our legs all interwined, to back to spooning. But I will leave you with this. Just before daylight he woke me up. I thought I was dreaming or had won the lottery. You know how when an singer wins a grammy and they didn't have a speech prepared so they start thanking everybody from their kindergarten teacher to their landlord. That was me ladies. Oh thank you thank you. (Use your imagination for about the next 35 minutes and 7 orgasms later) When he came back up and looked at me I was his. Totally and completely. I knew then I was going to have to be a big girl and not a track star. He looks down at me and ask me if I'm sure I want to do this. Now I am in the full throws of a left leg seizure, how am I suppose to answer anything...I mean come on. He's kissing me and telling me I have to answer him I have to say I want him to do this. I realize he likes the vocal. So I take him, it...all. I give him the ear candy he wants to hear. He takes his time. One time, two times, three....I'm done. We go back to sleep.

If this post becomes offensive to anyone, let me apologize up front. I apologize. But ladies before you leave this earth....go get you a country boy. they send them to farm school to learn this stuff? He put to shame anyone and everyone I have ever ever ever been with. And then he went and cooked me a big ole country breakfast of grits, bacon, eggs, biscuits and coffee.

I wake up to him being gone and me wondering where the heck I was. I was sort of shook, if I may say. I'm looking around the room when he comes back in, sits on the side of the bed and ask me if I'm hungry. I really ain't trying to talk to him before brushing my teeth. So I just sort of shake my head.

He's just staring at me. Then he asks if I have any regrets and before I can answer he tells me that he doesn't. And that he knew it was a done deal before I got there. I smile at him. He kisses me. I am definitely not going to give him any tongue before I brush my teeth. He starts laughing, which makes me start laughing which made me open my mouth. This of course was his intent and he slips his tongue in my mouth. I'm like "no I have to brush my teeth". He wasn't even trying to hear that. Suffice it to say, breakfast got cold. We ate it for lunch.

Let me know if ya'll want the other two days.

YESS!!! And the saga continues! Heck yea we want the other two episodes!

ETA: Just finished reading. DAAAAAAANGG! I needs me a country boy :lachen:
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:blush::blush:AHHHHHHHHHH.......dats what I'm talking bout gurl. Whew.sounds like a heck of a weekend to me mzlady. Let me find out you done went down to SC and found your hearts desire. I am so happy for you (heck I don't even know you). Yet I am still so happy for y'all and love in general. This story just goes to prove that it's always worth giving it a shot. Congrats 2 u and yeah we still wanna know about the other two days. I'm a hopeless romantic still waiting on my prince charming.
YESS!!! And the saga continues! Heck yea we want the other two episodes!

Really...well. I know in the past I have seen some sanctions about this being available to those under 18 and I mean it's just my life you know. I don't want to offend anyone. But then I have to ask myself why are they reading if they are offended.

I just checked and he is still fast asleep. I really wish I back there with him. Oh well he will be here in two weeks.
:blush::blush:AHHHHHHHHHH.......dats what I'm talking bout gurl. Whew.sounds like a heck of a weekend to me mzlady. Let me find out you done went down to SC and found your hearts desire. I am so happy for you (heck I don't even know you). Yet I am still so happy for y'all and love in general. This story just goes to prove that it's always worth giving it a shot. Congrats 2 u and yeah we still wanna know about the other two days. I'm a hopeless romantic still waiting on my prince charming.

You are welcome. I'm about the crash and curl up next to my webcam. This is so funny to me. I mean that we sleep this way. But round about 11pm he will say what time we going to bed, cause I have to get up early. This man really expects me to sleep like this with him every night.

Also, you don't think I'm being too graphic do you?
Really...well. I know in the past I have seen some sanctions about this being available to those under 18 and I mean it's just my life you know. I don't want to offend anyone. But then I have to ask myself why are they reading if they are offended.

I just checked and he is still fast asleep. I really wish I back there with him. Oh well he will be here in two weeks.

I feel ya and you're very considerate, good point w/the bolded. I'm glad that you're happy:yep:
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Loving, loving the story. You should look into writing.

Not too graphic imo but if it is, pm me that story and I will post it somewhere. :lachen:

If this right here doesn't get us the big girls playground forum, it really may be no chance. :lachen:
Eliza..ahh naw not to graphic in my opinion. Not like you writing a Zane novel or something. There ain't but so many ways to describe some things ya know. I think you did it in a tasteful but detailed manner.
bay-bay....this story has me like boy EH??????:lachen:lemmie stop for mr man stones me...but really..get it how you live :lachen:..holla!!!!!!
Girl you got a taste of them SC country boys :lachen:Eliza I am loving this story. This is becoming a lot more common and acceptable. My bff met his future Mrs. online and they are hella happy. Keep doing ya thing, lots of luck to ya.
OH. MY.GOODNESS. :spinning:

Girl, you really did hit the lottery!
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!!!! :grin:

I am so happy for the both of you, what a fantastic story. Ummmm, gottta love them country boys...:lick:
Good morning!

Wow, I had to come back to get a follow up and my, my, my. No it was not too graphic, but if necessary add me to the PM list for the rest.

I think that I am flushed, so I know that you need to catch up on your vita b6 & 12.

I am very happy when I read about people finding their hearts desire. Can't wait to read more. Remember, PM welcome. *wink*