ok ladies. here goes. now i love my boyfriend dearly. we haven't been together for a long time but it feels like we have. we always say that it just feels like we're
meant to be together. we're even making plans on getting married once i'm done with school.
he has given me his myspace password a long time ago and i read through his email and he answered any questions i had about them. this really upped the trust level by a lot. a few weeks later i was at his house and while he was taking a shower i started checked his facebook that he left up. (i swear i had just planned on logging off and going under my name but it was just THERE. and my curiosity got the best of me. plus if he gave me his myspace that means he doesn't have anything to hide on fb right?) so anyway i go and read his emails. in all honesty i really didn't expect to find anything. but... i did. i saw a message he wrote to one of his female friends that was written on the day that me and him became official and he changed his status. she had wrote a comment on his wall saying "wow that was quick, tell me about her" (he had broken up with his ex 3 months earlier.) well n e how the message that he wrote to her was:
"yea, it kinda was quick, but I guess I was sitting around waiting to see how stuff was gonna develop ya know and I eneded up meeting her the night I decided to go to the club alone since dion was bugging and all.
(dion is his roommate) she is... really don't know how to explain her except unique.
(is this a compliment? i kno i say that about myself but.. couldnt he think of a better way to describe me?) right now we are more so and open relationship
(negro, since when!?!) but
i wanted to change my status to throw it into the face of micheriablush: ladies this damn near killed me). so we will see where this goes or if it takes off like i said its still and open relationship so we gonna see who we gonna see but in the long run if no one can change our minds we will stay together."
ok.. now at this point we had been together "officially" for almost a month and things were going really well plus like i said our relationship was pretty fast and intense so it felt like a yr. anyway im not one who can easily pretend that something is ok when it isn't so he knew right away something was wrong. i confronted him about his fb and told him that we should be in an open relationship since that's how we started out anyway. he protested and his whole explanation on this thing was that he had thought that she might've liked him for awhile now and after she wrote that comment on his wall it raised his suspicions even higher. so he wrote that message to see if it was true. after she didn't say anything that made it seem like she wanted to get together he left it alone (which from the fb convo he did, nothing else was ever brought up about it) but my thing is.. that explanation seems
i mean it just SOUNDS like a lie. or at least not the complete truth. but he swore up and down that it was and he gave me his fb psswd and told me to check it whenever i want and that he has nothing to hide from me.
we moved on from there and i tried my best to leave it alone and to not keep bringing it up. anyway i haven't checked his messages in quite some time. (all in all i trust him and honestly don't think he's cheating on me) today i read the thread by adequate asking do we check our SO's messages. after reading that thread it got me in the mood to check his. so i did.. i didn't find anything incriminating really but i DID find some things that bothered me. today he has an interview at disney and he got a summer job at universal with me. he also got offered another job at finishline. (he has just graduated 3 mths ago and couldn't find a job for awhile. he even considered going back to his hometown to get back on his feet, then all of a sudden he got all these job offers at once) ok.. so i read his myspace and he's talking about how he's being showered w. job offers.. which i guess is sorta true. but THEN he started adding stuff that wasn't true. like universal offered him a job to design their clothing line or w/e (hes a graphic designer) this isn't true. we both got offered a job to rent out strollers. he also said disney offered him this job too. and he also said finishline offered him this prestigious job (cant remember what exactly) ...again.. not true. they offered him a job selling shoes. that's IT. he also said apple offered him a job and all of these other places.. they DIDN'T. i just can't understand why he's so BLATANTLY lying. esp when he kept going on and on about how he hates how his roommate is a liar. and plus i personally can't STAND ppl who lie for no good reason. it really gets under my skin.
so now idk what to think. i mean i'm telling you i hate, hate, HATE liars. i really do. and now he's just sitting here lying his a$$ off. for apparently no good reason. and if he's lying to his friends for no good reason why wouldn't he lie to ME for a good one? what makes me think he hasn't lied to me already? idk.. im not really that experienced in relationships so i'm not sure what to think.
all i can say about him and our relationship is that he treats me wonderfully. he has his flaws but i'm trying to get around them. he puts up with me and my bull$hit and trust me i put up
alot. whenever we have a problem he's always trying to work it out instead of run away from it (im usually doing the running
) he's a complete gentleman and treats me with the utmost respect. he's really trying to do something with his life and says that i'm his motivation.. but idk sometimes you guys..
anyway just tell me what you think.
i see that not alot of u ladies are in the relationship forum today.. either way i'll be grateful to any piece of advice i get. TIA!!