Online Dating Horror Stories

Rissa Rissa Rissa,

Okay I'm go ahead and send you to Cali, non-stop flight. Can you cook, clean and make me some pretty nappy headed gran-babies. Not that your hair is nappy, but my son has been only dating Koreans since he moved there. He is an actor and a second degree black belt.

I would love for him to meet a "sistah" and move back to Texas. But alas he is following his dream. His done some small parts and some commercials as well. Wait here is one.

Okay so anyway, my reason for posting this is this. He also works as a security guard at the Hollywood Cemetary, while his day job is a licensed (both in Cali and Texas) Vet Tech at the Hollywood Emergency Animal clinic. He dropped out of college in his last year to move to Los Angeles. He is a pet fanatic and them folks in Hollywood loved their pets. That said he fully supports himself so that he can stay in Cali and pursue his dream of acting....or just continue to live his dream.

I know for a fact my son would never propose to anyone that he is some corporate big wig or is anything more than he is. Guys who do this are already looking at you as their next pay check. They get one lined up before the current one finds out he's garbage like the last one did.

My advice to you (if you don't want to go to Cali...J/K) is to stop listening to the guys and start asking them what you really want to know. Make what you listen to the answer or non-answer to your question. When he got to talking about his retirement that would have been the time to ask..."now tell me again because I have never heard of anyone taking retirement at your age...what kind of penalities are involved" or "who does your taxes? Really could I have their name and contact information, I need someone to do mine as well" If they give you anything but a conact consider that a dot.

Keep asking questions that based on what that tell you would have had to take place and then just connect the dots. You will always get a picture. It may be a positive one or it could very well be a series of unconnected dots. At which point you will know exactly what you have.

I have to do this all the time because believe me grown *** men, with 401ks, and their own home still have much to lie about. Don't just assume because they have that they are all systems go. Back taxes, federal leins, bad credit, house about to go into foreclosure. All that stuff he is not going to reveal.

But working at a grocery store and can't buy a soda. We can discern that just from the picture and profile. Good luck. FDIL (future daughter-in-law...)

LOL imma fly into Texas when he just so happens to come home for a visit. I did ask him quesions about the whole "retirement" thing and he explained it. Actually come to find out, it was somewhat valid. It was this whole buy out thing, and I heard something similar from another source. I wasn't even trying to be in his business that deeply, solely because I didn't even know if I liked ol boy yet. i just can't stand to be lied to. and if you are going to lie, can you care enough to remember the lie. and why lie for no reason? thats just extra ish for u to have to remember. but its so funny how with each question i asked him, he had a lie ready and waiting. see i cant lie on the spot like that. i get to stuttering and "ummm"ing. lol that experience left a bad taste in my mouth cause i started chit chatting wth someone like 2 weeks ago and i swear i dont be believing anything he says.
I've had some interesting *meeting/dates* from guys that I have met online. I learned early on that you should meet pretty soon after contact to see if you have any chemistry in person. I do prefer communicating for a while, but after meeting if neither one of you are attractive to the other, you've wasted your time or may get your feelings hurt. To that end my funny meetings:

One guy and I went to an Indian restaurant. Dude ate EVERYTHING with a SPOON and a thumb. I had to keep my composure.:lachen:

Another guy and I met at a sports bar type place. I wasn't his type and I could tell right away. After hours of online messaging and phone calls, dude begged me to meet him for a drink. Well during that drink he kept staring at me in disblief that I was as old as I told him. Said that I had aged well and had good genes. :ohwell: Then he wouldn't talk to me. Then when we left, dude talking about "where do we go from here?" Me, "to the grocery."

Those two stood out as the craziest. I then got offline, but I may consider it again. Maybe.


:lachen: at the bolded.
Last of the story:

Went to the police, basically he lied and told them that I was calling and threatening to have my family beat him up. My family is old i.e. 60s, 70s, 80s. It was completely ridicuous. The police officers were angry with him for having me go through all of this.

Anyway, taking a break from all things online these days. I need to re-group and focus on life.
Last of the story:

Went to the police, basically he lied and told them that I was calling and threatening to have my family beat him up. My family is old i.e. 60s, 70s, 80s. It was completely ridicuous. The police officers were angry with him for having me go through all of this.

Anyway, taking a break from all things online these days. I need to re-group and focus on life.

I figured he filed some type of terrorist threat report in order to get that TRO. It was a Temp Restraining Order wasn't it?

I hope when you say your staying away from all things online it doesn't include this board aka us. Chile this board maybe crazy but its God seny when your going thru your own personal hell. Keep your head up chica.
I used to have a co-worker who met a man on-line I can't think of the actual website off the top of my head but it was for people that had kids and looking for relationships. Needless to say this fool married the dude she met on this website and wouldn't you know it he was a child molestor! And abused her daughter!:wallbash:. He had a criminal record for child molestation and she didn't do her research before she said "I Do" . Needless to say he was on the website to meet women with kids to abuse their kids. Truely SICK!
I used to have a co-worker who met a man on-line I can't think of the actual website off the top of my head but it was for people that had kids and looking for relationships. Needless to say this fool married the dude she met on this website and wouldn't you know it he was a child molestor! And abused her daughter!:wallbash:. He had a criminal record for child molestation and she didn't do her research before she said "I Do" . Needless to say he was on the website to meet women with kids to abuse their kids. Truely SICK!

wow, that just hurt my soul.
To the original poster, sorry you had to go through this.

I met my own serial dater on I would post his screenname, but he changes it after every new relationship LOL....

I also met another weirdo on Blackplanet, he claimed he was a virgin(even though I never asked him :crazy:). And if that wasn't enough, the first day we met this fool says he is too shy to speak so he text messages me the whole time :spinning:. Saying all these peverted things like if he hugs me he is gonna explode LOL . I tell him that for someone who is a virgin, you sure make a great deal of sexual references. He then precedes to call his best friend on speaker phone to "prove" that he is indeed one. Needless to say I never answered his calls again :lachen:

:blush::lachen::blush::lachen: That's the craziest sorriest thing ever!

OMG, the spoon! I forgot about my spoon date. We went to an ice cream parlor and he would take a spoonful of ice cream, eat it, then slowly lick the back of the spoon, REAL slow, while giving me this sexy look. I asked him if that was supposed to be sexy and he actually said 'Yes, is it working?' Ummmmm....NO.

What is also funny to me in online dating is the height issue. 5'10" is the default height for short men. One of my dates said he was 5'10" and he was Prince-size.

I.can't.breathe! *howls* :lachen::lachen:
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Dude #1

Teacher, 30 (I was 26 at the time), cute, worked with youth on the after-school programs, etc. We chatted for a while. He wrote poetry to me and was very romantic over the phone. Our first date he's like 15 minutes late, oh and he tells me he is really 36 (didn't think anyone would date him if they knew his real age (???), and while he does work with youth in after school programs , one of those programs happens to be theater - now I'm not one to stereotype, but theater...:ohwell:. Once while walking through the mall a group of black guys (he is white) pass by and one shoulder-checks him, and he apologizes to the other guy. I didn't expect him to try and fight but dang.... Anyway, he seems almost asexual and a pushover, plus there are other things that he does not tell me until months into the relationship. We date for about 6 months and have fun, but in the end his omissions bother me, and his interest in all things theater bother me even more.

Dude #2

Big, buff, dark Italian guy who totally turns me on because culturally he's different than the other (mostly Irish/Scottish/Polish/Native American descent) white dudes I've dated. He knows what he wants and is quite forward. Did I mention that he is a gym rat and the complete opposite from Dude #1 - I wanted a macho-man that didn't have me questioning his sexual preferences. Anyway, he tells me he has a 5yo daughter from a previous marriage, he's into health/fitness, works hard and just wants someone who shares his moral and work ethics. We talk on the phone and online, and he seems so right - trying to make a better future for his daughter :blah: First date (last date) I meet him at the mall and later we go to his house where he cooks dinner (Italian of course) -- then he lights up a joint or "J" as he calls it! When I bring up the whole health/ natural living thing, he gives me some B.S. that it is from the earth and is all natural, God gave us all the vegetation of the field :blah: :rolleyes: I left quick that day and erased his email, phone number, etc.

BTW - these were both
dude ask me for my e-mail address...(we have been talking for weeks)...i give it to him....he sends me a video of him j*cking off...
