Everything was going ok until...


Well-Known Member
So I went out on a date. Everything was going really well. Lots of laughs, smiles, alot in common. :yep:


So they bring the salad to the table in a large bowl. Instead of him using the utensils (in the bowl) to scoop out what he wants and put it on his salad plate, he eats out of the large bowl with his fork. When he saw me take mine out, he was embarrassed, like 'oh um'.... and hides his face and laughs. So I giggle too and tried to let it go. I was like 'ummm, did you plan on eating the whole bowl by yourself'?

Ok, but it gets worse....after he cleans his plate, he picks the plate up and licks it!!!!:lick: No lie!! I was in the middle of talking, so I guess he felt comfortable? Or maybe he thought I really wasn't paying attention to him? eeer um....:look:

To make matters worse, he uses his index finger to clean the plate and licks his finger...and kept on until the plate was completely clean like it just came out the dishwasher. :wallbash:

This was a complete turn off. And I've been avoiding talking to him since.
I always thought Flava Flav looked gross when he ate (when I watched his reality show) and watching my date eat, made me have flash backs.
Not everyone has great table manners, but dang. Am I wrong? :perplexed

You had me at "picks the plate up and licks it". That is a scene from a bad comedy.
I'd just keep avoiding him until he stops calling...

You had me at "picks the plate up and licks it". That is a scene from a bad comedy.
I'd just keep avoiding him until he stops calling...

Lol! Right! It sure does sound like it. i was wondering if that was his first meal all week. I had this look on the inside> :perplexed:look::ohwell::blush::nono:
That's hilarious!!!! Bless his heart...

But you are not wrong at all. Who has time to teach a grown man table manners? KIM.
Whaaaahaaaas this some type of Frat Prank? Surely he was "punking" you!

If not WOW!!!!! Just wow!

No you are not wrong. Table manners are hard to teach to an "adult" but if he's really a "friend"....all I can say is..... Friends don't Let Friends eat like that in public. (like letting your girl walk around with her skirt stuck in her drawers,....lol
Gently correct him and be prepared to move on.
Wow! That's my laugh for the day!!!! How did this guy grow up without learning that licking the plate is highly inappropriate!?!?!?!? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Sounds like he's never been anywhere. That's not uncommon.

Whether or not you want to see him again is your choice but I wouldn't use the avoidance method because it's immature. When he calls, tell him that you are seeking someone more socially polished. The end.
My word..has he never been to a restaurant before? I would have wanted to fall into a hole. I kinda feel bad for him..somebody needs to school him but it don't have to be you lol!
LMAO at this. My SO will lick the plate at home sometimes. It's gross but funny. Out in public he knows how to act right.

OP i'd be mortified if i were you, and kudos to you for keepin it together. I about DIED at your story lmao.

I think you should let him know you're not interested in him. If he dares to ask you why, let him know why, in a non-insulting way (if possible). Good luck to you.
That's hilarious and really gross

Its one thing to do this at home, but in public

I dont think he's that into you. Maybe as a friend cos people usually put the "Im very polished" front for people they really like..well until they get into a true relationship :look:
So I went out on a date. Everything was going really well. Lots of laughs, smiles, alot in common. :yep:


So they bring the salad to the table in a large bowl. Instead of him using the utensils (in the bowl) to scoop out what he wants and put it on his salad plate, he eats out of the large bowl with his fork. When he saw me take mine out, he was embarrassed, like 'oh um'.... and hides his face and laughs. So I giggle too and tried to let it go. I was like 'ummm, did you plan on eating the whole bowl by yourself'?

Ok, but it gets worse....after he cleans his plate, he picks the plate up and licks it!!!!:lick: No lie!! I was in the middle of talking, so I guess he felt comfortable? Or maybe he thought I really wasn't paying attention to him? eeer um....:look:

To make matters worse, he uses his index finger to clean the plate and licks his finger...and kept on until the plate was completely clean like it just came out the dishwasher. :wallbash:

This was a complete turn off. And I've been avoiding talking to him since.
I always thought Flava Flav looked gross when he ate (when I watched his reality show) and watching my date eat, made me have flash backs.
Not everyone has great table manners, but dang. Am I wrong? :perplexed

Please tell me you are joking and was really on candid camera?????????

So I went out on a date. Everything was going really well. Lots of laughs, smiles, alot in common. :yep:


So they bring the salad to the table in a large bowl. Instead of him using the utensils (in the bowl) to scoop out what he wants and put it on his salad plate, he eats out of the large bowl with his fork. When he saw me take mine out, he was embarrassed, like 'oh um'.... and hides his face and laughs. So I giggle too and tried to let it go. I was like 'ummm, did you plan on eating the whole bowl by yourself'?

Ok, but it gets worse....after he cleans his plate, he picks the plate up and licks it!!!!:lick: No lie!! I was in the middle of talking, so I guess he felt comfortable? Or maybe he thought I really wasn't paying attention to him? eeer um....:look:

To make matters worse, he uses his index finger to clean the plate and licks his finger...and kept on until the plate was completely clean like it just came out the dishwasher. :wallbash:

This was a complete turn off. And I've been avoiding talking to him since.
I always thought Flava Flav looked gross when he ate (when I watched his reality show) and watching my date eat, made me have flash backs.
Not everyone has great table manners, but dang. Am I wrong? :perplexed

You playin-right? :lachen::lachen::lachen: Was this a "Date from Hell" prank?

Did you meet this guy on the internet? Is he black? I know it's wrong to ask that, but hey this one is a new one me. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
How old is he?


You playin-right? :lachen::lachen::lachen: Was this a "Date from Hell" prank?

Did you meet this guy on the internet? Is he black? I know it's wrong to ask that, but hey this one is a new one me. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

No it wasn't a prank, lol. I kinda wish it was, because then I wouldn't feel so bad for him. :lachen:

I've known him through other friends for about 2 years as a acquaintance that I'll see at parties or gatherings. Like a hi and bye thing. So this was the first time he's actually asked me out on a date, just me and him.

He is black...lol
LMAO at this. My SO will lick the plate at home sometimes. It's gross but funny. Out in public he knows how to act right.

OP i'd be mortified if i were you, and kudos to you for keepin it together. I about DIED at your story lmao.

I think you should let him know you're not interested in him. If he dares to ask you why, let him know why, in a non-insulting way (if possible). Good luck to you.

Lol, yea when you're at home you can really get your grub on when no one is looking. :yep: :lachen:

I know it wouldn't be right to cut him off just like that since i know him through other people, and we usually end up bumping into each other at the same events.
I would of stopped him at the first mistake...putting his fork in the salad...then proceed to explain to him that we can no longer continue with the date. I don't play when it comes to table manners especially out in public with someone else. He clearly lacks home training in that department. :nono::nono:
Ok, but it gets worse....after he cleans his plate, he picks the plate up and licks it!!!!:lick: No lie!! I was in the middle of talking, so I guess he felt comfortable? Or maybe he thought I really wasn't paying attention to him? eeer um....:look:

The visual on this is just :lachen:. Dude could definitely learn a thing or two on table etiquette.
:thud: OMG! I would have been on the brink of collapse when he licked his plate the first time. But then for him to lick the whole thing completely and totally clean like he just got airlifted out of a natural disaster is :nono: :perplexed WOW.

Look, since you know him through friends and will see him again in the future in a friendly setting, I'd just use a nice excuse like "I think we'd be better as friends" or "I'm really busy with work right now" That way everything can be chill when you see him at a party. Can't be like "I'm not going to go out with you because you eat like a barnyard animal"
Sorry girl.

You handled that better than I would have. After he picked up the plate to lick it I probably would have commented on it. I don't think I would have been able to sit there and watch him do it with saying something.
Wow... I have no clue what I would have done in that situation. How nasty.

How the heck do you make it through 33 years of life without realizing that licking your plate isn't kosher? :ohwell:

His mother must feel like a total failure. :nono:
You are not wrong to want your guy to have basic table manners. I was once seeing a guy who drove me home from a date and started sneezing and saliva and snot went all over his hand and lap. He was so nasty with it, I thought maybe he was intentionally trying to gross me out so that I would stop communicating with him. I never spoke with him again. Don't feel guilty, men are equally critical if not more.
Wow, unbelieveable!!! Don't know how I would have reacted. Grown man with no table manners :nono:
I doubt, but would hope, that he considered himself to be "testing" you and that he really does know better. *fingers crossed*
I probably would have called him on the carpet right then and there. I don't think the words, " Do you always do that" would have been contained in my mouth. Then that would have been followed with: " you know that's nasty, right?" And he would've gotten the :huh: look.

Seriously. He would know why I didn't wanna talk to his arse again and maybe he would stop doing it in the future.

He would be on permanent ignore after that horrifying date. It's really a shame when grown people don't have table manners. I mean really, licking a plate? Seriously?:lachen: