In Bizarre Dating News....

About 5 or 6 years ago had a date with a guy who started picking melted cheese and licking it off his plate. It had gotten cold and hard and yet he kept picking. He was 10 years older than so late 30s. It was so weird. It was a Cuban spot....not so fancy like jacket/tie only, but not a jeans casual place either. I just stared at him and when the waiter came over to remove our plates, he lifted his plate still picking and licking....both of us looking at him like WTF. I let him pay, though I wanted to just walk out before the check came and never went out with him again. Lol.

OP if you decide to see him again, please bump the thread.
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About 5 or 6 years ago had a date with a guy who started picking melted cheese and licking it off his plate. It had gotten cold and hard and yet he kept picking. He was 10 years older than so late 30s. It was so weird. It was a Cuban spot....not so fancy like jacket/tie only, but not a jeans casual place either. I just stared at him and when the waiter came over to remove our plates, he lifted his plate still picking and licking....both of us looking at him like WTF. I let him pay, though I wanted to just walk out before the check came and never went out with him again. Lol.

OP if you decide to see him again, please bump the thread.

I really don't want to see him anymore but I'm starting to feel compelled to ask him why he thinks it's ok to lick crockery in public? Why he thinks it's ok to lick crockery on a first date? What the hell is wrong with him? Lolllll

I'll update the thread if I ever find out
Disgusting!! SMH. What a way to make an impression on a first date, without a warning. Please provide feedback on why he acts like an animal.

As sarcastic as I am, I'd go out with him again, give him a straw when he started licking his plate, say something else crazy, go to the "restroom" & hit the door. Deuces!
But ask him why...maybe he just needs someone to tell him that's inappropriate. If you address it maybe he'll stop...?
This question prob needs its on spinoff. But seriously at some point there has to be some baseline standard. I shouldn't have to tell a grown man how to eat in public, or smacking/slurping can get you stabbed in the throat. I don't feel I should have to teach you fundamentals that your parents neglected. This is not I don't know which fork to use issue.
So he licked the sushi plate and the mug? What the hell! That's completely unacceptable and I'm a first date too. Although knowing me after looking at him crazy I would have had to say something like "still hungry?". You didn't say anything to him at all?
OhMyGoodness, OP. Horrid.

However, I would've taken plate-lickin' dude over this guy I met:
This guy was soooo good looking - dark smooth flawless skin, sexy intense eyes/shapely full lips, bald head, beard, and built symmetrical bod, articulate, and intelligent. HOT!
So, we're in Starbucks and he orders 1 of those strawberry cake-lollipop-things. It drops on the floor after he bit into it. I THOUGHT he was going to clean up the mess and buy another one. But nope. He picked it up off the ground and ATE IT...didn't even blink. Nasty buzzard. Disturbed my whole groove, mind, & body.
I was even willing to overlook his dumb comments about Miami women not providing "good customer service to the brothers". What the hell does that even mean. Hookers?
Also, he would laugh ferociously & VERY LOUDLY at his own jokes. :(
OhMyGoodness, OP. Horrid.

However, I would've taken plate-lickin' dude over this guy I met:
This guy was soooo good looking - dark smooth flawless skin, sexy intense eyes/shapely full lips, bald head, beard, and built symmetrical bod, articulate, and intelligent. HOT!
So, we're in Starbucks and he orders 1 of those strawberry cake-lollipop-things. It drops on the floor after he bit into it. I THOUGHT he was going to clean up the mess and buy another one. But nope. He picked it up off the ground and ATE IT...didn't even blink. Nasty buzzard. Disturbed my whole groove, mind, & body.
I was even willing to overlook his dumb comments about Miami women not providing "good customer service to the brothers". What the hell does that even mean. Hookers?
Also, he would laugh ferociously & VERY LOUDLY at his own jokes. :(

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
OhMyGoodness, OP. Horrid.

However, I would've taken plate-lickin' dude over this guy I met:
This guy was soooo good looking - dark smooth flawless skin, sexy intense eyes/shapely full lips, bald head, beard, and built symmetrical bod, articulate, and intelligent. HOT!
So, we're in Starbucks and he orders 1 of those strawberry cake-lollipop-things. It drops on the floor after he bit into it. I THOUGHT he was going to clean up the mess and buy another one. But nope. He picked it up off the ground and ATE IT...didn't even blink. Nasty buzzard. Disturbed my whole groove, mind, & body.
I was even willing to overlook his dumb comments about Miami women not providing "good customer service to the brothers". What the hell does that even mean. Hookers?
Also, he would laugh ferociously & VERY LOUDLY at his own jokes. :(

Lorrdddddddd!!!! You win....I wouldn't even have finished this date. I woulda run for the hills when he picked food off the floor and ate it :eek::eek::eek::eek:
OhMyGoodness, OP. Horrid.

However, I would've taken plate-lickin' dude over this guy I met:
This guy was soooo good looking - dark smooth flawless skin, sexy intense eyes/shapely full lips, bald head, beard, and built symmetrical bod, articulate, and intelligent. HOT!
So, we're in Starbucks and he orders 1 of those strawberry cake-lollipop-things. It drops on the floor after he bit into it. I THOUGHT he was going to clean up the mess and buy another one. But nope. He picked it up off the ground and ATE IT...didn't even blink. Nasty buzzard. Disturbed my whole groove, mind, & body.
I was even willing to overlook his dumb comments about Miami women not providing "good customer service to the brothers". What the hell does that even mean. Hookers?
Also, he would laugh ferociously & VERY LOUDLY at his own jokes. :(

OMG. Did you say anything to him? I would have totally called him out on that.
OhMyGoodness, OP. Horrid.

However, I would've taken plate-lickin' dude over this guy I met:
This guy was soooo good looking - dark smooth flawless skin, sexy intense eyes/shapely full lips, bald head, beard, and built symmetrical bod, articulate, and intelligent. HOT!
So, we're in Starbucks and he orders 1 of those strawberry cake-lollipop-things. It drops on the floor after he bit into it. I THOUGHT he was going to clean up the mess and buy another one. But nope. He picked it up off the ground and ATE IT...didn't even blink. Nasty buzzard. Disturbed my whole groove, mind, & body.
I was even willing to overlook his dumb comments about Miami women not providing "good customer service to the brothers". What the hell does that even mean. Hookers?
Also, he would laugh ferociously & VERY LOUDLY at his own jokes. :(

Did he at least kiss it up to God first? You know that makes it ok. :rofl:
OhMyGoodness, OP. Horrid.

However, I would've taken plate-lickin' dude over this guy I met:
This guy was soooo good looking - dark smooth flawless skin, sexy intense eyes/shapely full lips, bald head, beard, and built symmetrical bod, articulate, and intelligent. HOT!
So, we're in Starbucks and he orders 1 of those strawberry cake-lollipop-things. It drops on the floor after he bit into it. I THOUGHT he was going to clean up the mess and buy another one. But nope. He picked it up off the ground and ATE IT...didn't even blink. Nasty buzzard. Disturbed my whole groove, mind, & body.
I was even willing to overlook his dumb comments about Miami women not providing "good customer service to the brothers". What the hell does that even mean. Hookers?
Also, he would laugh ferociously & VERY LOUDLY at his own jokes. :(
Hahahahahaha :lachen:
I had a guy do this before too but right when he picked it up he asked me "has it been 5 seconds?" :abducted:
I told him if he puts that in his mouth he would no longer be able to touch me. It took him at least 9 seconds for him to put the jelly bean down. o_O The way he hesitated let me know I couldn't mess wit him AT ALL.
Hahahahahaha :lachen:
I had a guy do this before too but right when he picked it up he asked me "has it been 5 seconds?" :abducted:
I told him if he puts that in his mouth he would no longer be able to touch me. It took him at least 9 seconds for him to put the jelly bean down. o_O The way he hesitated let me know I couldn't mess wit him AT ALL.
LOL...I hope I never encounter another guy like that. Ever.
Hahahahahaha :lachen:
I had a guy do this before too but right when he picked it up he asked me "has it been 5 seconds?" :abducted:
I told him if he puts that in his mouth he would no longer be able to touch me. It took him at least 9 seconds for him to put the jelly bean down. o_O The way he hesitated let me know I couldn't mess wit him AT ALL.

I don't know which is worse, licking your plate clean in public or sucking and chewing up chicken bones and spitting them back on your plate. Either way, some men aren't being taught or they just aren't learning. OP, I wouldn't have been able to resist asking him whether he was auditioning for the dishwasher's job. SMH