Does your husband "cover" you?

Hi MariposaSexyGirl, care to expound? Pretty please:).

Although many of the ladies have touched on what I relate to in this subject I will share.

Even before we were married my dh said he wanted me to have an easy life(not that its ever been hard). He didn't want me worrying about anything.

He always prays for me. Sometimes we sit up in bed and read and study the bible together. Whenever I have fears about something or an issue with a relative he always advises me using the word and to always keep my faith. Financially I'm well taken care or. I don't have to work if I don't want. A portion of his check goes into my account every time he is paid and I do whatever I want with it. No mater if it's shopping, Going out to eat with friends or saving it. Household expenses are covered by the main account. Even if I were to have a job that makes as much as he does he still would be responsible for household expenses. He is one of those guys that will always find a way to provide. That's how his parents raised him. Even in the event of death I would be covered(life insurance, pension, savings etc).

He is a gentleman he always protects me and keeps me from doing anything strenuous. Always opens door, packs luggage in the truck while I just sit and look pretty. Very accommodating . Keeps my truck filled one of the reasons being him not wanting me stopping and getting gas at odd hours. He always talks about safety especially when I'm not with him. Sexually he get's it done :look: lol. He always makes sure I'm emotionally secure. He doesn't have women friends(neither I men friends) so we only confide in each other. Best friends. He has stopped hanging with shady guy friends who aren't faithful to their wives or constantly chase after women. He doesn't want their reputation to rub of on him. He said although he knows I know he doesn't do any of that he doesn't want to give anyone else that impression. I'm talking cutting off guys he knew years before me. He doesn't go out to clubs and parties unless I'm with him. He always lets me know where he is, always comes straight home after work. He says all the time at work how the guys always make it seem like they hate going home to their wives. he always tells them he loves coming home to me. they just give him the side eye lol. He is very big on making me feel secure even when he doesn't have to.

And although I'm a sahm he makes sure that I get time to myself away from household chores and a break from the kiddies. He will let me get a good nap, or insist I go to the mall or go get a pedi and mani or take a friend out to eat. He knows how important it is to have time to myself or time with a girlfriend. He brings me flowers out of the blue or brings me something tasty. Always fulfills my cravings and always says, "whatever you want baby". I could go on and on lol.

I feel really blessed and I don't take him for granted. He makes me want to do better and I do the same for him.

That's long :look:.
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I'll share something recent. One of the most frustrating things about the illnesses I have is that I look perfectly healthy. Dh has always been very supportive of me but I know he has had a hard time really relating to what I actually go through.

He got really sick with a stomach virus a few months back and was ill for two weeks. He was starting to feel better so he went to a Falcons game.

He came home and sat on the bed and told me God showed him some things while he was at the game. I was like huh? He said he was sitting there feeling awful. He was hungry, his stomach was hurting, and his whole body was aching. He said it hit him at that moment that this must be what she feels like all the time. Everyone around her is having fun and she feels like crap. He said he felt like God showed him that so that he could be more supportive and understanding of how I feel.

He has been nothing but. He sends me links to techniques and exercises he wants me to try. He asked a chef friend of his for some gluten free recipes so he could make me some new things. He was at career day today and told me one of the men there is involved with foundation for Fibromyalgia so he went and talked to the guy and exchanged info so that he can learn more about it.

Like he really and truly makes it his mission to make sure I'm as comfortable and healthy as possible and I don't feel like I'm dealing with anything by myself.

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dh covers me toooo muchh--like sleeping bag tightly zipped up over ya head cover--like blanket tucked in so tight up to your ears covered lolol

hes my mister everything!!! its weird, i think we dont argue or disagree enough, like its always peace, im not complaining though, trust im not, but he handles me very well because i have a fiesty--fiery personality and thats truly the reason i married him...
happy for every lady that is covered from her soul to her pinky toe by the man in her life...
I'll share something recent. One of the most frustrating things about the illnesses I have is that I look perfectly healthy. Dh has always been very supportive of me but I know he has had a hard time really relating to what I actually go through.

He got really sick with a stomach virus a few months back and was ill for two weeks. He was starting to feel better so he went to a Falcons game.

He came home and sat on the bed and told me God showed him some things while he was at the game. I was like huh? He said he was sitting there feeling awful. He was hungry, his stomach was hurting, and his whole body was aching. He said it hit him at that moment that this must be what she feels like all the time. Everyone around her is having fun and she feels like crap. He said he felt like God showed him that so that he could be more supportive and understanding of how I feel.

He has been nothing but. He sends me links to techniques and exercises he wants me to try. He asked a chef friend of his for some gluten free recipes so he could make me some new things. He was at career day today and told me one of the men there is involved with foundation for Fibromyalgia so he went and talked to the guy and exchanged info so that he can learn more about it.

Like he really and truly makes it his mission to make sure I'm as comfortable and healthy as possible and I don't feel like I'm dealing with anything by myself.

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Awe that is heart warming Southernbella :-)
Southernbella.Thank you for sharing. That was sweet :yep:. I'm so glad he understands how you've been feeling.

dh covers me toooo muchh--like sleeping bag tightly zipped up over ya head cover--like blanket tucked in so tight up to your ears covered lolol

hes my mister everything!!! its weird, i think we dont argue or disagree enough, like its always peace, im not complaining though, trust im not, but he handles me very well because i have a fiesty--fiery personality and thats truly the reason i married him...
happy for every lady that is covered from her soul to her pinky toe by the man in her life...


@ the first bolded, that is such a cute metaphor :lol:, I love it!

@ the second bolded, I agree completely.
This is a great thread. I remember a few years ago my uncle talked about a father covering a woman until she got married and then the husband was the cover. I was so freaking offended. (yeah I was in my independent women phase. Plus I'm not religious)

This thread has really broken it down and made me understand. Thanks for sharing.
Ladies, were your DHs always like this or did they have to learn to cover you so well?

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This is a great thread. I remember a few years ago my uncle talked about a father covering a woman until she got married and then the husband was the cover. I was so freaking offended. (yeah I was in my independent women phase. Plus I'm not religious)

This thread has really broken it down and made me understand. Thanks for sharing.

I think you can still be an independent woman. You can have your own thoughts and mind and endeavors and still be covered. I'm no longer into the whole submission thing (dh was never really into it), but he still covers me and I still view him as the head and the covering for my home and marriage.:yep:

Besides, if a man has to ask or wait for your permission, he's doing it wrong.:yep:

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Although many of the ladies have touched on what I relate to in this subject I will share.

Even before we were married my dh said he wanted me to have an easy life(not that its ever been hard). He didn't want me worrying about anything.

He always prays for me. Sometimes we sit up in bed and read and study the bible together. Whenever I have fears about something or an issue with a relative he always advises me using the word and to always keep my faith. Financially I'm well taken care or. I don't have to work if I don't want. A portion of his check goes into my account every time he is paid and I do whatever I want with it. No mater if it's shopping, Going out to eat with friends or saving it. Household expenses are covered by the main account. Even if I were to have a job that makes as much as he does he still would be responsible for household expenses. He is one of those guys that will always find a way to provide. That's how his parents raised him. Even in the event of death I would be covered(life insurance, pension, savings etc).

He is a gentleman he always protects me and keeps me from doing anything strenuous. Always opens door, packs luggage in the truck while I just sit and look pretty. Very accommodating . Keeps my truck filled one of the reasons being him not wanting me stopping and getting gas at odd hours. He always talks about safety especially when I'm not with him. Sexually he get's it done :look: lol. He always makes sure I'm emotionally secure. He doesn't have women friends(neither I men friends) so we only confide in each other. Best friends. He has stopped hanging with shady guy friends who aren't faithful to their wives or constantly chase after women. He doesn't want their reputation to rub of on him. He said although he knows I know he doesn't do any of that he doesn't want to give anyone else that impression. I'm talking cutting off guys he knew years before me. He doesn't go out to clubs and parties unless I'm with him. He always lets me know where he is, always comes straight home after work. He says all the time at work how the guys always make it seem like they hate going home to their wives. he always tells them he loves coming home to me. they just give him the side eye lol. He is very big on making me feel secure even when he doesn't have to.

And although I'm a sahm he makes sure that I get time to myself away from household chores and a break from the kiddies. He will let me get a good nap, or insist I go to the mall or go get a pedi and mani or take a friend out to eat. He knows how important it is to have time to myself or time with a girlfriend. He brings me flowers out of the blue or brings me something tasty. Always fulfills my cravings and always says, "whatever you want baby". I could go on and on lol.

I feel really blessed and I don't take him for granted. He makes me want to do better and I do the same for him.

That's long :look:.

Where did you meet him?
Just saw 42 for the second time. Jackie Robinson sure seemed to cover his beautiful wife, Rachel, very well.
Any more stories...beautiful!

I didn't realize how important it is to have someone who doesn't have many friends(girls especially ), and the quality of friendship is important as well. Thank You Ladies
Probably from the first date.:lol: I'm incredibly lucky to have a man who loves me like he does, even though I can be hell on wheels to live with sometimes.

He's my rock, and I'm his. Yes we have other friends of different sexes and races and whatnot, but we speak a very special language when we're together.

My husband would love it if I didn't work so much, but he loves the fact that I have my own thing aside from him (though when he wants my attention, you know how that goes:lol:) We both are independant but dependent on each other. If I stopped working today, he would be fine with it.

Plus, my money is my money, his money is my money:lol::yep: While he knows I can make my own, he wants me to have his. I'm good with that! The only thing he told me I had no say was on the kind of ring I wanted as my engagement ring. :rolleyes: Otherwise he totally relents, as a result and I have several colored engagement rings to wear:lol:

He's a gentleman, though he wasn't raised to be. He said being with me makes him want to be one.

He's the only man I've ever wanted to hold hands with in public, and I'm the only woman he's wanted to hold hands with in public. We really do love each other and respect our differences (mostly:look:) I remember I told my best friend that my husband was the man I waited all my life for. Sappy but true.

Aww thank you Arcadian for sharing your story. You and your hubby sound like a perfect fit for each other, and like you both "get" each other. Your story should be especially helpful to those very "independent" ladies. Thanks again for sharing:).
Probably from the first date.:lol: I'm incredibly lucky to have a man who loves me like he does, even though I can be hell on wheels to live with sometimes.

He's my rock, and I'm his. Yes we have other friends of different sexes and races and whatnot, but we speak a very special language when we're together.

My husband would love it if I didn't work so much, but he loves the fact that I have my own thing aside from him (though when he wants my attention, you know how that goes:lol:) We both are independant but dependent on each other. If I stopped working today, he would be fine with it.

Plus, my money is my money, his money is my money:lol::yep: While he knows I can make my own, he wants me to have his. I'm good with that! The only thing he told me I had no say was on the kind of ring I wanted as my engagement ring. :rolleyes: Otherwise he totally relents, as a result and I have several colored engagement rings to wear:lol:

He's a gentleman, though he wasn't raised to be. He said being with me makes him want to be one.

He's the only man I've ever wanted to hold hands with in public, and I'm the only woman he's wanted to hold hands with in public. We really do love each other and respect our differences (mostly:look:) I remember I told my best friend that my husband was the man I waited all my life for. Sappy but true.


My mom has always said this in regards to she and my dad's finances, I think there is something to it. :look::yep: