Does your hair FEEL long?


New Member
:drunk:Now that my hair is a little past BSL (stretched) it FEELS like its only SL it doesnt even really feel long to me. Does anone else have this problem? Like the longer your hair gets the more length you need to actually feel like your hair is long.??? I think I if I had TBL hair it will be long. Does that make sense???:spinning:

This is the last progress picture I took of my hair on Jan. 2008 ( i was 8 months preggo in this pic)

im sorry but you suffer from hairorexia LoL
there was a thread on this a while back. there are lots like u, u have hope
I think a lot of us suffer from hair anorexia :perplexed

I see a lot of people with hair that's my length, even shorter, and it looks like their hair is longer than mine. I don't think I'll feel my hair is long until I reach MBL :ohwell:
My opinion fluctuates on my mood. When I'm feeling good and I'm happy and my hair is cooperating it feels long to me, but when it's being naughty and not behaving well I'm like "Are you even growing!?" :lachen:.
now that i'm getting real close to apl....i still feel like I'm at SL. I too, don't think my hair will feel long til I reach MBL
I'm almost BSL, and NO my hair does not feel long. I think I'll have to at least get to MBL before it feels long to me. And maybe not even then. I don't know why! Because I see other ladies hair, that's not even as long as mine, and I think their's is long.
I feel this way a lot. I have to remind myself how long it is by looking at pictures. I think I will feel my hair is long when I reach WL.:perplexed
why is this?

do u think that since we're just used to our hair..and see it everyday that we've lost the ability to tell when it's long?
I have like 2 more inches to Waistlength and my hair feels like it SL to me! I think its because i can't FEEL where the ends of my hair are at unless i'm rinsing it out in the shower.
I have MBL ( really close to WL) and I think my hair looks short compared to other MBL ladies.
I certainly don't feel long now I am about 1 1/2 inches from brastrap now that I've cut four inches...and even though people IRL still say "Your hair is so long". Okay who am I kidding even at MBL I didn't feel long...and I don't have a deep V...sigh...I do need to work on this attitude thing.

Yes I understand completely because I too suffer from hair anorexia. I have short BSL hair and I think I need to do tailbone length so I can feel like its long. :spinning:
I think you are right. My hair grows in a 'V' and the length in the front can be shorter than the back unless I bring all of my hair to the front.

Yeah because i can't see my length in the front layers are like when ppl say that my hair is long i'm like....huh?....cause i don't see the length all the time.
Aaaaaahhhh! I understand you! I've been on this board for years. I feel like I should be knee length by now but I had many setbacks. What makes things worse is that my hair won't get straight (even with heat) so I don't even know how long my hair really is. Hair Anorexia is real!
No. I KNOW it is long, but it doesn't FEEL long. I keep saying, "Two more inches and it'll feel long." Then I get those two inches, and end up saying that same thing again.
Sometimes :ohwell: but I definitely need to get to MBL before it always feels long. Right now I can tell right after I wash it and it clings to my back - it feels different than when it was APL. But wearing it down, :nono: no :nono:
Is it suppose to feel long? I think we have been playing with too many pillowcases on our heads as children. We think long hair is suppose to feel like that.
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I think if my hair was thicker, I would be OK. Even though I am grazing BSL, trying to get to MBL, my hair feels short. I am SO glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. WHEW! :look:
I am APL with layers so my hair definitely doesn't feel long. I think when the back of my hair is MBL and the front is BSL then it will feel long.
Is it suppose to feel long? I think we have been playing with too many pillowcases on our heads as children. We think long hair is suppose to feel like that.

That's what i would like to know.....all this length i thought it should at least FEEL the way it
No, my hair is short. When I can comfortably cover my boobies (sorry for tmi) with thick healthy hair, I think, I will feel my hair is long. :rolleyes: