When did your hair first feel long to you?

I'm slightly past APL and my hair still seems extremely short
Same here. Even though everyone tells me my hair is long, I don't see it. But when I see others with hair the same length as mine, their hair looks long. Sigh.
After I saw a picture of me with my hair down ... this was AFTER I cut it and got so disappointed. I have Hairorexiz
I once thought I would feel as if my hair were long once I reached waist-length. But now I know that shrinkage will never allow me to feel that my hair is long... a super-duper blow-frying session gives that fleeting feeling of length, but it never lasts, :lol:. (Currently waist to hip-length stretched, but barely shoulder with shrinkage. I've gotten as far as tailbone+ stretched, but I was still at shoulder-length curly. :rolleyes: )