Does your hair FEEL long?

That's what i would like to know.....all this length i thought it should at least FEEL the way it

I think you are applying weight to something that has very little weight to it. Most of us probably won't feel like we have long hair until it starts to get in the way and give us headaches. Then they'll do the big chop. :lachen:
I have hair anorexia about the thickness of my hair. People in my real life have said my hair was thick, but after seeing Lynnie B's hair, my hair looks so thin to me. It always looked thin to me really, but now I feel like if I was any thinner, I'd be bald, lol.
My hair is undebatably considered short, so of course it feels short. I think that at BSL I will feel like it is long since I have never had hair that long before, but you never know until you get there!
My hair tends to feel longer when I have it in a air dried pony tail. Why? Because I feel the WEIGHT of the hair. ANd when it is blown out and I tak the small of my ar and flip it - then it feels a little long. But to look at it - I'm not amused! lol
my hair is no wheare near bsl, however, I get compliments all the time about my length, when I'm in twist outs everyone thinks its a weave and but when its striaght I hear the long hair compliments. I'm stuck between sl and apl. I saw a friend that I hadn't seen in years recently, the last time I saw her my hair was probably right at sl. She just kept saying how long my hair was and how she couldn't believe how long it was, and I'm thinking to myself I think she's lost her mind, I'm trying to acheive long hair it's not long yet...I get it from alot of other races as well, especially my ponytails. I have a lady at work that makes comments about how long and full my hair is, she's asks questions all the time about why my hair grows but the other AA girls at my jobs hair seems to stay stuck at the same length for years.

But if you ask me, I have medium length hair...thats now if u asked in feb i would have said i have short hair.
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In a word ... no! My hair straightened out is APL, but my hair shrinks to neck length when curly. I think I will have to grow my hair to tailbone for it to feel long ... both curly and straight.
Not really. When I first found LHCF, I said ooooooh, I can't wait until I reach BSL. In my head I equated BSL with long hair and it is long. Then I reached BSL and passed BSL and I'm still waiting to feel as if I have long hair. I think I've just got used to handling my own hair so it doesn't feel particularly long. I get average growth of .5" a month so I have time to adapt to the length and thickness as it grows out. When my hair was above SL and I wore weaves, I'd get to BSL overnight and then suddenly I "felt" like I had long hair.

Don't know if I am making any sense here...I am reminded it's a whole lot longer when I sit and try to straighten up and feel my head getting tugged back because my hair is caught between my back and the chair, then I gather it all up and put it over one shoulder. Then I think ok, my hair really grew! But generally speaking it doesn't "feel" long...
Length doesn't matter to me so much as thickness. If I ave really thick hair then I feel accomplished and would then look into getting more length, but then, that's just me. I am so busy cutting off the bone straight relaxed hair now and working on growing out my texlaxed hair just to achieve some thicker looking hair. The length doesn't matter just yet but I know it will much later:yep:.
Grazing BSL and it feels short as heck. I only think of it as long when I'm around ppl with tore up or way shorter hair (honestly), but doesn't feel long at all despite what ppl tell me. . .and I sometimes tell myself.
I'm APL but I don't feel like it because my hair is never SHOWING at that length. It is either bunned, high ponytailed, or on the rare occasions it is down it is curled, so I never WEAR my hair "APL" - I wear it SL or NL so that's how I think of it.

ETA: It's also how far I am into a stretch because the longer I stretch, the shorter my hair appears to me.
I already know I have issues. EVERYONE has been wowed lately since I have been wearing my hair in a bun for a couple of months and I recently got a relaxer. Even though I have been getting compliments galore about how long my hair has gotten, I don't really see that much growth and even though I'm about 2 inches from BSL, my hair feels so friggin short!! I guess if I took pictures, it would be easier to see the growth.
Most of the time yes,when I'm stretching no. I remember Kinikakes (sidebar: where is she??? :( ) would say that here hair didnt feel long until she reached MBL because her hair was fine...well i feel the same hair is fine and I will not say it's long until I reach my next goal :yep:
In answer to your question: "NO" my hair does NOT feel long. My hair is about the same length as yours and it took forever to get there. Now that I want it much longer it really does not seem long to me. Hopefully we'll get through this soon.
Most of the time yes,when I'm stretching no. I remember Kinikakes (sidebar: where is she??? :( ) would say that here hair didnt feel long until she reached MBL because her hair was fine...well i feel the same hair is fine and I will not say it's long until I reach my next goal :yep:

Hey ladies!!! *waving* That's exactly right! For a long time I simply refused to "acknowledge" (to myself as well as others) that my hair was long until MBL. :lachen:To me, even at BSL, it didnt look like the other girls whose hair was the same length. Mine always just felt shorter, somehow. Perhaps the fact that its super fine.... or maybe just that hairnorexia kicking in. :lol:
kiniiiiiiiiii!!!! where the flip have u been girl?!?!? glad to have u back!

ok sorry back to the topic! im bsl and my hair doesnt feel long at all :sigh: maybe when i hit waist length or something lol :ohwell:

hey girl! yeah, i just paid my dues again, and am gonna try to come by more regularly, now that *life* has slowed down for me a tad!!! :spinning:
I think a lot of us suffer from hair anorexia :perplexed

I see a lot of people with hair that's my length, even shorter, and it looks like their hair is longer than mine. I don't think I'll feel my hair is long until I reach MBL :ohwell:

YEA, THIS... :)
Same here! People tell me my hair is long all the time but I'm just like "yeah whatever". I can however agree that I have ALOT of hair it just doesn't feel long... My SO tells me all the time "girl you have alot of hair". Mid back might be long since I've never had hair that long. Idk.
When I was SL, my hair used to feel very long to me. I could see it moving around my shoulders, I could feel it, play with it. Now, my hair doesn't feel long since I can't see it anymore, that's weird:rolleyes: I know there is some length, but I just don't feel it:look: Ok I need help:lachen:
My hair didn't feel long at BSL, but now it does. Only because my hair is straight right now and feels in the way all the time.

Last night my hair got "trapped" under my arm while I was sleeping lol