Do you believe everyone that claims they are "natural"?

what is considered natural hair to you?

  • hair that is not chemically altered to become straight

    Votes: 185 94.9%
  • hair that has: chem color, perm, texturizer anything besides shampoo/condi

    Votes: 9 4.6%
  • hair that: is shampooed with chemicals I wash my hair with water only!

    Votes: 1 0.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I dont understand the second & third poll options for the question :spinning: but whatevs, the first one is right on the money for me anyway :grin:

IMO, Natural = no chemical alteration of the *texture* of your hair. No more, no less.
Why would anyone hate you for your response. Is this thread indicates, there are many different opinions on what "natural hair" is. :spinning:

ladies please don't hate me but, to me natural hair is just hair that is not permanently manipulated to curl or be straight.
Humming aretha franklins "natural woman"

i dunno y they do but I must admit im a liar about my hair...
example anytime i had braids....some of my white coworkers say wow you must wake up early to do that....and i would say yeah but its not that used to it.
Natural to me is very simple. It hair that isn't chemically processed. No relaxer, no curl, no wave nouveau, no texturizer, no texlaxing. Anything that permanently changes the texture of the hair is un-natural.

Color doesn't make someone un-natural to me.
Humming aretha franklins "natural woman"

i dunno y they do but I must admit im a liar about my hair...
example anytime i had braids....some of my white coworkers say wow you must wake up early to do that....and i would say yeah but its not that used to it.

^LMAO!! :lachen:
If you put chemicals in your hair to make it "act right, and stay right" LOL it's not natural. I don't count coloring, or using lime and salt or whatever that mixture is as chemicallly straightening. B/c if that's the case you may as well stop using conditioner b/c believe it or not conditioner does relax curls (condition) even though it's just a little bit.
I put the 2nd and 3rd options in the poll because in this thread some women felt that any type of chemicals put in the hair can be take away from a person being natural even without any type of perm.

the 3rd option i was just being a clown lol!!

I dont understand the second & third poll options for the question :spinning: but whatevs, the first one is right on the money for me anyway :grin:

IMO, Natural = no chemical alteration of the *texture* of your hair. No more, no less.
I def agree with your statement it's the same thing, it's a texturizer. my moms ex husband liked to wear his hair with a curly look she didn't always use the texturizer kit she would just shorten the time she left the regular relaxer "texlaxed" in his hair add gel and he had curls as if he used the texturizer kit which is still a perm anyways.

i always wonderd why people even say texlaxed. They are still relaxed. ..just not bone straight...u can't say you're natural or even near it when u have a chemical in your hair.
For me, when someone uses the term "natural", I automatically think "relaxer-free". So for the most part, yes, I do believe people when they tell me they are natural.

Now, there are people that will debate whether I am natural or not, for instance, because I press my hair I rinsed it 2 years ago. And I won't argue with their definitions because I actually's just that I call myself a "natural" because I'm not relaxed....but there isn't a term for those that are not relaxed but still use chemicals, ya know? :spinning:

I agree with the other poster that said its complicated...

ETA: Sometimes I do wonder what everyone's definition of "natural" is...but then the thought passes cuz I guess it doesn't really mean much to me...

I agree. I don't put chemicals in hy hair to straighten, but I do use color, and I consider myself natural.
Humming aretha franklins "natural woman"

i dunno y they do but I must admit im a liar about my hair...
example anytime i had braids....some of my white coworkers say wow you must wake up early to do that....and i would say yeah but its not that used to it.

This is pretty funny. Actually, I can understand that. Sometimes taking the time to explain what you do to your hair just isn't worth it!
I didn't know much about the henna stuff henna can change your texture? hmmmmmm. I may have to look into this to keep me from perming at times.

baking soda, and coconute lime too?


What about people who change their texture permanently with henna, baking soda, or coconut/lime? These things are natural but cause a chemical change in your hair. I just had to say that even though I think that we have beaten this conversation to death.
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bkt thermal straightening does have a certain level of chemicals, they may or may not be as harsh as the perms but still chemical.

some of the bkt or japenese straightening even has formaldehyde in it which i hear can be dangerous for you.
I don't know why they would lie either, but they do.

I remember meeting this girl several months ago with a fierce twistout. The ends were very smooth and she claimed she did it on wet/damp hair.

Man, I went out and purchased the products she said used and tried her technique and my hair came out looking nowhere near like hers. I came to the conclusion that she was either texturized or relaxed and lied about being natural.

I was pissed. It's the fact that I went and bought products that does NOTHING for natural hair that really gets to me.

Well, everything doesn't work for everbody.

Herbal Essences conditioners seem to be working for a lot of naturals, but everytime I try it, it makes my hair feel dry.

I don't think their hair is any less natural because something worked for them that didn't work for me.
Do people who texturize actually consider themselves natural?

I personally don't. People think I'm natural when I wear it out and the only people who go on believing that I'm a natural are the silly ones who don't want to listen to me when I tell them I have a certain type of relaxer in it! :lachen:

But I personally don't consider myself natural, or else I wouldn't be transitioning.
ladies please don't hate me but, to me natural hair is just hair that is not permanently manipulated to curl or be straight.

Originally Posted by zzirvingj
For me, when someone uses the term "natural", I automatically think "relaxer-free". So for the most part, yes, I do believe people when they tell me they are natural.

When I hear natural, I also think--no relaxers, texturizers, or curly perms.
Came into this thread, read a few pages and got a pounding headache, lol! just wanted to say I never thought about this topic so thoroughly. Quite frankly, cut some people some slack. As mentioned by other posters, a person's definition of "natural" might be different from another person's. It's clear that this is the case from the responses in this thread alone.

You and me both! My head is pounding now :cry:

Every few months I flatiron my hair and make it straight. Then after a few days I wash my hair and my natural curls are back in 5 seconds. So I'm not natural anymore the minute the flatiron touched my hair? That doesn't make sense to me.

I know plenty of women that rollerset on a weekly basis and wouldn't be caught dead wearing their natural curly hair. I consider them natural. They just choose to style it differently.

I think we're driving ourselves crazy here, I'm already nuts as it is LOL :spinning:
I plan to keep my hair straight for the winter instead of dying of a pnemonia. I will go back to naturally curly in the spring. Hopefully the hair police won't give me a ticket LOL :grin:
Well, everything doesn't work for everbody.

Herbal Essences conditioners seem to be working for a lot of naturals, but everytime I try it, it makes my hair feel dry.

I don't think their hair is any less natural because something worked for them that didn't work for me.

No, homegirl was texturized.

Face it, there are people that FAKE being natural for some reason.

Why? I'll never know. I don't ask chicks on the street what they do to their hair anymore. If I want to try something different there are plenty of fotkis and napps on the internet where I can get help.

ETA: I don't like Herbal Essences either.
I hear ya'll but don't get stressed by this thread, most of us agreed that relaxing, texlaxing(texturizing) are not considered natural.

I don't care about people lying about their hair status, but i've run into chicks at school or at work that have had curly weaves fronting like it was theirs, again it doesn't matter to me but even online and in mags i've seen people state they are natural with no perm and stuff but something just didn't seem right.

i'm sure we have all run into people that have fibbed about their hair type. I guess at the end of the day we all want to have that perfect head of hair without a perm and if natural we want to have those tv curls :)
You and me both! My head is pounding now :cry:

Every few months I flatiron my hair and make it straight. Then after a few days I wash my hair and my natural curls are back in 5 seconds. So I'm not natural anymore the minute the flatiron touched my hair? That doesn't make sense to me.

I know plenty of women that rollerset on a weekly basis and wouldn't be caught dead wearing their natural curly hair. I consider them natural. They just choose to style it differently.

I think we're driving ourselves crazy here, I'm already nuts as it is LOL :spinning:
I plan to keep my hair straight for the winter instead of dying of a pnemonia. I will go back to naturally curly in the spring. Hopefully the hair police won't give me a ticket LOL :grin:

co-sign Bolden :lachen: Okay I've got that off my chest. I think I'll just avoid this thread like the plague as I don't want to get into any heated discussions lol!
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I read most of the posts on this thread and have agreed that there are several definitions of "natural". Basically, we've concluded that it's someone whose hair lacks a process in which a chemical permanently alters their texture. I'm sure there are people who claim to be natural when they aren't but I don't really understand the benefits of being misleading.

I read the OP's posts and I want to bring something to attention. You claimed sometimes you see someone's hair and they tell you they're natural and you figure "something's not right". I feel sometimes people don't take into account that person's heredity. Sometimes we expect everybody's natural hair to look a certain way because they look a certain way. I've had someone ask me if I was fully natural when I posted my straight hair pics once, and not to toot my own horn, but I do a really good job of straightening my hair. People wondered why my texture wasn't completely 4c, especially because I'm Nigerian but my sisters and I have the exact same fine texture as my mother who discouraged us from relaxers in the first place because she claimed it damaged her hair. I HAD to go natural, my hair was literally falling out, until i couldn't make a ponytail even though I hadn't cut my hair in two years. Frankly, I'm too scared to relax for fear of long-term damage again.

The point is, I don't think we should worry much about what people claim to be or if they're being misleading. Truth is, we may sit double-guessing over her hair and WE may be wrong because we don't know her background. No one gets a prize for having a specific grade of hair here and to be honest, what would be the point since most LHCF ladies know better and believe that curly 3a hair can be just as beautiful as kinky 4c hair.

Instead of worrying about those false claims, we should question the false claims of this funny a$$ weight loss ad at the top of LHCF pages where it goes from a black woman to a white woman after she loses weight. :lachen:
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Instead of worrying about those false claims, we should question the false claims of this funny a$$ weight loss ad at the top of LHCF pages where it goes from a black woman to a white woman after she loses weight.:lachen:

** When i hear "Natural", I think of hair that isnt chemically processed to change the texture of the hair. IMO, coloring doesnt count...

You can have natural hair, w/o your natural hair color...

:newbie: hi there LHCF
I know that many consider natural as different things. For me, I don't consider pressing to be natural because you are causing a chemical alteration in the way your hair pattern is, even if it is temporary.

They may be natural since you never see most of their hair anyway. It's usually under wigs, weaves and what not. I guess they mean their real hair is natural. LOL.

Err um how is pressing a chemical alteration exactly?:look::look:
Instead of worrying about those false claims, we should question the false claims of this funny a$$ weight loss ad at the top of LHCF pages where it goes from a black woman to a white woman after she loses weight. :lachen:

OMG that's so funny!!! :grin::lachen::grin:
I've noticed in magazines and youtube videos that some call their hair natural, meaning that it's not a weave.

This is how a lot of the women I know feel, too. Natural hair to them = no weave/extensions whatsoever.

However, my view is natural = no relaxer.
I agree with the sentiments of Nichi. People expect because I am West African that my hair is supposed to not have a certain curl pattern. And as I said, without product, my hair looks very coarse despite the different textures and it being fine. I just have mastered my technique of how to bring those natural coils out and because of that I get accused of something's not right unless it is chemical based and that's not cool.

Almond Eyes