Why does everyone want to "train" natural hair?

I don't think there is anything wrong if a person who is natural decides to wear straight hair regularly and thus their hair becomes "trained". I do think they are still considered natural. IMO--being natural is not about texture, but about not using CHEMICALS to alter hair texture, more specifically, relaxers. I don't think trained = heat damage. Hair is a fiber that can easily be altered. I have looser curls in the front of my hair from pulling back into buns so much. If trained hair is "damage"--then what is relaxed hair? lol And I think we all can agree that relaxed hair can be quite healthy, as there are some relaxed heads on this board who have reached lengths even some naturals have never even touched.

I think some naturals are wrong into thinking that going natural is some spiritual journey for EVERYONE. It's not. Some simply stopped relaxing because of the effects of the chemical. Some still prefer the aesthetic of straight hair, or hair that "hangs". There is nothing wrong with that.
Just because you don't use chemicals to PERM(anently) alter your hair does not mean you are natural. Natural hair is hair in which the original curl pattern has not been permanently altered. The source by which one has changed their original texture is of really no consequence. If you need to cut your hair to get back to your original pattern, heat or chemicals alike, you aren't natural. So imho a discussion on "naturals" who have heat trained their hair imho is moot. Permanently straight hair by fire, permanently straight hair by chemicals...there is no difference.

AND THIS IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TOO. However, it is OKAY if you want to heat "train" your hair and it works for you. GO RIGHT AHEAD. Some people have the skill to fire breath, some people have the skill to walk on hot coals, some people have the skill to put the leg around their body and in to their mouth lol. I am saying all of that because some things work for some and some of those same things don't work for others. However your hair is no longer NATURAL (look up that word for clarification, not natural hair but just NATURAL) when you do those things. But it's okay NOT to be natural. Do YOUR thing.

I feel like now we ALL need to stop throwing words around and start looking up the meaning before we use them. Besides natural, the term "heat training". Some of you need to refer back to Biology 101 from college (no offense if you didn't go) but when your hair is permanently altered and/or THE BONDS IN YOUR HAIR ARE PERMANENTLY BROKEN AND REARRANGED, your hair is DAMAGED. No need to sugar coat it. The word "damaged" doesn't have to hold a negative connotation either though. The fact that our hair is technically dead makes it possible for us to have damaged hair and US (the person and not the hair) take care of it in a way to retain it (the hair).

Anyway back to people wanting to sugar coat things. Be proud of what you do with your damaged or none damage hair. If it works for you then go ahead! I bite my nails from time to time. SO! NO need for me to term it "an alternative way to file my nails". I BITE MY NAILS DANGON IT!!

Do what you do with pride! I think at the end of the day some naturals are giving "heat trained" naturals (judgmental or not) the side eye because they can no longer throw water on their hair and it (the curls/coils/napps etc) don't draw back up to its original state but still call themselves NATURAL.

In my opinion, the term "natural hair" should not mean "without chemicals" but mean "hair that has the ability to return to its original state when water is used" :drunk: How about using the term "heat trained" only? You are neither natural or relaxed. (AND THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!!!)

And yes I realize this thread (PLUS my comment) did not answer OPs question. That happens a lot here but I find it becoming the norm. :kanye shrug:
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AND THIS IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TOO. However, it is OKAY if you want to heat "train" your hair and it works for you. GO RIGHT AHEAD. Some people have the skill to fire breath, some people have the skill to walk on hot coals, some people have the skill to put the leg around their body and in to their mouth lol. I am saying all of that because some things work for some and some of those same things don't work for others. However your hair is no longer NATURAL (look up that word for clarification, not natural hair but just NATURAL) when you do those things. But it's okay NOT to be natural. Do YOUR thing.

I feel like now we ALL need to stop throwing words around and looking up the meaning before we use them. Besides natural, the term "heat training". Some of you need to refer back to Biology 101 from college (no offense if you didn't go) but when your hair is permanently altered and/or THE BONDS IN YOUR HAIR ARE PERMANENTLY BROKEN AND REARRANGED, your hair is DAMAGED. No need to sugar coat it. The word "damaged" doesn't have to hold a negative connotation either though. The fact that our hair is technically dead makes it possible for us to have damaged hair and US (the person and not the hair) take care of it in a way to retain it (the hair).

Anyway back to people wanting to sugar coat things. Be proud of what you do with your damaged or none damage hair. If it works for you then go ahead! I bite my nails from time to time. SO! NO need for me to term it "an alternative way to file my nails". I BITE MY NAILS DANGON IT!!

Do what you do with pride! I think at the end of the day some naturals are giving "heat trained" naturals (judgmental or not) with the side eye because they can no longer throw water on their hair and it (the curls/coils/napps etc) don't draw back up to its original state but still call themselves NATURAL.

In my opinion, the term "natural hair" should not mean "without chemicals" but mean "hair that has the ability to return to its original state when water is used" :drunk:
ITA 1000% If you get new growth (and I watched the YT video of the heat trained poster in here where she clearly showed her new growth ) you are not natural-- chemicals or heat. But its fine to not be natural and folks should do with their hair what they want just call it what it is.
ITA 1000% If you get new growth (and I watched the YT video of the heat trained poster in here where she clearly showed her new growth ) you are not natural-- chemicals or heat. But its fine to not be natural and folks should do with their hair what they want just call it what it is.

Bolded: exactly, lol

Do what you want with your hair! but let's call a spade a spade. People already know the deal regarding the preference for straighter hair in the black community, it is what it is! lets not skirt around the real issue.
Scientifically, heat trained hair is damaged. It just doesn't look that way to the human eye.

Maybe the salon that OP went to, a lot of the natural clients get their hair heat trained so the stylist asked. Why such disdain for hair being heat trained? It just another option for your hair like anything else. You can't feel bothered/annoyed by someone asking without your own consent. As little girls, my little sister and my hair was heat trained. It still had kink but my mother was better able to care for and manipulate it and we had long hair with no issues.

Hair's a very personal thing, do what you want. There's no need to explain yourself or your hair choices to anyone.
I don't question or judge what anybody wants to do with their hair. But just looking at it technically, heat trained hair is not natural.

That's not an insult to ladies who prefer to use heat on their hair, it just is what it is.
Just a question:

If heat trained hair is not "natural," is hair that is covered in conditioner and gel to define curls "natural?"

I've been having this discussion with myself now that I am close to being completely natural. If I have to dump a lot of gook in my hair (gel and conditioner...the kind you are supposed to wash out) to keep my curls looking like they do when they are wet, then I am not sure I like that.
AND THIS IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TOO. However, it is OKAY if you want to heat "train" your hair and it works for you. GO RIGHT AHEAD. Some people have the skill to fire breath, some people have the skill to walk on hot coals, some people have the skill to put the leg around their body and in to their mouth lol. I am saying all of that because some things work for some and some of those same things don't work for others. However your hair is no longer NATURAL (look up that word for clarification, not natural hair but just NATURAL) when you do those things. But it's okay NOT to be natural. Do YOUR thing.

I feel like now we ALL need to stop throwing words around and start looking up the meaning before we use them. Besides natural, the term "heat training". Some of you need to refer back to Biology 101 from college (no offense if you didn't go) but when your hair is permanently altered and/or THE BONDS IN YOUR HAIR ARE PERMANENTLY BROKEN AND REARRANGED, your hair is DAMAGED. No need to sugar coat it. The word "damaged" doesn't have to hold a negative connotation either though. The fact that our hair is technically dead makes it possible for us to have damaged hair and US (the person and not the hair) take care of it in a way to retain it (the hair).

Anyway back to people wanting to sugar coat things. Be proud of what you do with your damaged or none damage hair. If it works for you then go ahead! I bite my nails from time to time. SO! NO need for me to term it "an alternative way to file my nails". I BITE MY NAILS DANGON IT!!

Do what you do with pride! I think at the end of the day some naturals are giving "heat trained" naturals (judgmental or not) the side eye because they can no longer throw water on their hair and it (the curls/coils/napps etc) don't draw back up to its original state but still call themselves NATURAL.

In my opinion, the term "natural hair" should not mean "without chemicals" but mean "hair that has the ability to return to its original state when water is used" :drunk: How about using the term "heat trained" only? You are neither natural or relaxed. (AND THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!!!)

And yes I realize this thread (PLUS my comment) did not answer OPs question. That happens a lot here but I find it becoming the norm. :kanye shrug:

I read this after making my comment. This is exactly what I was trying to say:yep:
Just a question:

If heat trained hair is not "natural," is hair that is covered in conditioner and gel to define curls "natural?"

I've been having this discussion with myself now that I am close to being completely natural. If I have to dump a lot of gook in my hair (gel and conditioner...the kind you are supposed to wash out) to keep my curls looking like they do when they are wet, then I am not sure I like that.

Here we go.....
"If you use products like conditioner, lotion and deodarant", you are not really natural. It was bound to go in this direction.
OP, at this point, I don't really think that most people with natural hair are interested in heat training. I do think that stylists are a whole 'nother story. As someone with majority 4a pen-spring sized coils and at least 50% shrinkage, my hair must be managed constantly, with or without heat. If it can be done successfully, I can definitely see why some people would want to heat train.

As for some of the other comments in this thread, I propose a third category, "chemically unstraightened". This category will cover all those who are not relaxed but who choose to heat straighten at their whim. Hopefully, it will also satisfy "real naturals" and we can cease diluting the "purity" of the natural label. :rolleyes:
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Just a question:

If heat trained hair is not "natural," is hair that is covered in conditioner and gel to define curls "natural?"

I've been having this discussion with myself now that I am close to being completely natural. If I have to dump a lot of gook in my hair (gel and conditioner...the kind you are supposed to wash out) to keep my curls looking like they do when they are wet, then I am not sure I like that.

When you wash the gel or conditioner out, the hair will revert back to its natural state. It has not been permanently altered. It's a styling option like wearing a wig, or straightening your hair every once in a while.
So I thought in the natural community to be natural meant you didn't use relaxers or texturizers. Now those that heat train aren't natural either? Anything you do to your hair, you are damaging it. Good grief. It's sooo not that serious but I guess for some it really is. Do what you want with your hair. Why all the classifications and technicalities?
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I'm not arguing with you. These are issues I'm dealing with within my own Hair Journey.

But... I do NOT feel any kind of natural wearing a wig (never have had weave) at all. In fact, in a wig, I feel the opposite of natural.
personally, i see nothing wrong with people doing it BUT it isn't natural hair to me anymore either. your hair doesn't have the same curl pattern that it had naturally so how can it still be natural hair? i don't see why people would get offended by that statement. i don't think that it was intended to sound offensive (unless of course it was followed by something about people being ashamed of their texture lol- some people are but not everyone is so that assumption can't be made).
AND THIS IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TOO. However, it is OKAY if you want to heat "train" your hair and it works for you. GO RIGHT AHEAD. Some people have the skill to fire breath, some people have the skill to walk on hot coals, some people have the skill to put the leg around their body and in to their mouth lol. I am saying all of that because some things work for some and some of those same things don't work for others. However your hair is no longer NATURAL (look up that word for clarification, not natural hair but just NATURAL) when you do those things. But it's okay NOT to be natural. Do YOUR thing.

I feel like now we ALL need to stop throwing words around and start looking up the meaning before we use them. Besides natural, the term "heat training". Some of you need to refer back to Biology 101 from college (no offense if you didn't go) but when your hair is permanently altered and/or THE BONDS IN YOUR HAIR ARE PERMANENTLY BROKEN AND REARRANGED, your hair is DAMAGED. No need to sugar coat it. The word "damaged" doesn't have to hold a negative connotation either though. The fact that our hair is technically dead makes it possible for us to have damaged hair and US (the person and not the hair) take care of it in a way to retain it (the hair).

Anyway back to people wanting to sugar coat things. Be proud of what you do with your damaged or none damage hair. If it works for you then go ahead! I bite my nails from time to time. SO! NO need for me to term it "an alternative way to file my nails". I BITE MY NAILS DANGON IT!!

Do what you do with pride! I think at the end of the day some naturals are giving "heat trained" naturals (judgmental or not) the side eye because they can no longer throw water on their hair and it (the curls/coils/napps etc) don't draw back up to its original state but still call themselves NATURAL.

In my opinion, the term "natural hair" should not mean "without chemicals" but mean "hair that has the ability to return to its original state when water is used" :drunk: How about using the term "heat trained" only? You are neither natural or relaxed. (AND THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!!!)

And yes I realize this thread (PLUS my comment) did not answer OPs question. That happens a lot here but I find it becoming the norm. :kanye shrug:

/Thread. It's kind of like how people who eat the least live the longest.
For some reason, I've been bombarded with people who believe natural hair should be "trained." I went to get my hair straightened a few weeks ago, and the stylist kept saying how thick my hair was. As she was flat ironing, she told me that I should come to her at least once a month to get a trim and to let her straighten it so that it "won't be so used to being natural, it'll be used to being straight." :ohwell: If I wanted my hair to be "used to" being straight, I wouldn't be transitioning. :wallbash:

A few days later, I was flipping through an Essence magazine (the one with Taraji on the cover) in Meijer and there was an article about keeping natural hair straight in the summer. The stylist mentioned training natural hair by straightening it so that it will stay straighter in summer heat. :nono:

After that, I ran into a natural with beautiful hair who wore her hair straight and said that it stayed that way because it has been "trained" and doesn't get as kinky as it used to. :perplexed

As far as I know, "training" natural hair = heat damage. Why does everyone think it's a good idea? :wallbash: :spinning:

From what I have seen of "heat trained" naturals they are using that option to lessen single strand knots and to help their hair grow longer without using chemicals. Most still can achieve some wave but there are some "heat trained" naturals with hair that looks relaxed right out of the shower.

There are a few youtube ladies who demonstrate how to "heat train" hair using a blowdryer or flat iron. You can search "heat trained" to see videos.

Heat trained = Heat damage but to some naturals that is okay.
Here we go.....
"If you use products like conditioner, lotion and deodarant", you are not really natural. It was bound to go in this direction.
Right. Its really not hard to understand. Permanently altering your hair texture makes it not natural.

As far as the supposed original definition only meaning free of chemicals that is all fine and dandy many people probably werent altering their hair texture with heat permanently either. But now that they are its fine to reassess the definition because the ESSENCE of being natural is having hair whose texture is not permanently altered. Heat trained hair acts just like relaxed hair...the curl itself is relaxed, you get new growth, you have to chop it to get back your natural texture, you have to reapply the eat periodically to match the texture....sounds relaxing to me. Just because its not in the form of a cream does not make a difference.

If texlaxers (whose hair still has some remnants of texture) aren't natural then how can folks relaxing their hair via heat think they are still natural? There are members here with hair that is texlaxed that looks closer (and acts like it) to natural hair than some of these heat trained folks.
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Yes, this is exactly it. Heat trained does not have to be a negative thing. Do you.

Side note: Is biology really not taught in public school anymore? I took biology in 9th grade.

AND THIS IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TOO. However, it is OKAY if you want to heat "train" your hair and it works for you. GO RIGHT AHEAD. Some people have the skill to fire breath, some people have the skill to walk on hot coals, some people have the skill to put the leg around their body and in to their mouth lol. I am saying all of that because some things work for some and some of those same things don't work for others. However your hair is no longer NATURAL (look up that word for clarification, not natural hair but just NATURAL) when you do those things. But it's okay NOT to be natural. Do YOUR thing.

I feel like now we ALL need to stop throwing words around and start looking up the meaning before we use them. Besides natural, the term "heat training". Some of you need to refer back to Biology 101 from college (no offense if you didn't go) but when your hair is permanently altered and/or THE BONDS IN YOUR HAIR ARE PERMANENTLY BROKEN AND REARRANGED, your hair is DAMAGED. No need to sugar coat it. The word "damaged" doesn't have to hold a negative connotation either though. The fact that our hair is technically dead makes it possible for us to have damaged hair and US (the person and not the hair) take care of it in a way to retain it (the hair).

Anyway back to people wanting to sugar coat things. Be proud of what you do with your damaged or none damage hair. If it works for you then go ahead! I bite my nails from time to time. SO! NO need for me to term it "an alternative way to file my nails". I BITE MY NAILS DANGON IT!!

Do what you do with pride! I think at the end of the day some naturals are giving "heat trained" naturals (judgmental or not) the side eye because they can no longer throw water on their hair and it (the curls/coils/napps etc) don't draw back up to its original state but still call themselves NATURAL.

In my opinion, the term "natural hair" should not mean "without chemicals" but mean "hair that has the ability to return to its original state when water is used" :drunk: How about using the term "heat trained" only? You are neither natural or relaxed. (AND THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!!!)

And yes I realize this thread (PLUS my comment) did not answer OPs question. That happens a lot here but I find it becoming the norm. :kanye shrug:
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So I thought in the natural community to be natural meant you didn't use relaxers or texturizers. Now those that heat train aren't natural either? Anything you do to your hair, you are damaging it. Good grief. It's sooo not that serious but I guess for some it really is. Do what you want with your hair. Why all the classifications and technicalities?

I too thought that not using relaxers/texturizers meant you were natural, But some also say that if you use permanent color on your "natural" hair that you are not natural anymore because the color can alter your hair texture. I didn't know that using heat would make you not natural,Wow, learn something everyday!
I think people tend to be quite possessive of the word natural, generally.

If I stop relaxing my hair and choose instead to 'heat train' it and I still want to call myself natural and If it doesn't bother me that what I call natural isn't what everybody calls natural. Then I am natural. Reality really is perception.

And for arguments sake lets look up the word damage.

The first defition I got was 'the occurrence of a change for the worse' the second 'physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured'
Using the example of longhairdontcare's 'heat trained' hair, I really don't think the word damaged is very applicable, I would think the word trained ( To coach in or accustom to a mode of behavior or performance or To make proficient with specialized instruction and practice) Is much more suited.

It really is quite subjective
I too thought that not using relaxers/texturizers meant you were natural, But some also say that if you use permanent color on your "natural" hair that you are not natural anymore because the color can alter your hair texture. I didn't know that using heat would make you not natural,Wow, learn something everyday!

It seems some people have elaborated on what natural hair is and isn't. If it new to you, girl, it sure is new to me.:lachen: I don't get why the division exists. It just does.:rolleyes: :giveup:
I had a stylist make a comment to me recently about breaking my hair down so it will stay straight. She won't be straightening my hair. :look: I would like my curls to stay intact.
Oh. My. Goodness. I did not mean for this thread to get heated, or to create a division among relaxed, natural, heat-straighted naturals, etc. I was just wondering why some people think that heat training is necessary when I understood it to mean that the hair was damaged. :perplexed: I never realized that heat styling could reduce single strand knots. Good to know. :yep:

I don't have a problem with straight haired naturals. I can totally understand why some people go natural and wear their hair straight. Many naturals with straight hair have thick, beautiful, healthy looking hair, and so many people say that over time, their relaxed hair starts looking thin and lacking body.

I was a little put off by that stylist because I knew that if I did keep going to her 1) I would never see any growth; and 2) I wouldn't see my natural curl pattern anymore. I love my kinks and curls and would although I straighten sometimes, I always look for curls once it gets wet.
I think some naturals are wrong into thinking that going natural is some spiritual journey for EVERYONE. It's not. Some simply stopped relaxing because of the effects of the chemical. Some still prefer the aesthetic of straight hair, or hair that "hangs". There is nothing wrong with that.

Oh. My. Goodness. I did not mean for this thread to get heated, or to create a division among relaxed, natural, heat-straighted naturals, etc.

Even if you mean well....every thread about heat trained naturals, naturals vs relaxed, naturals and color, is relaxed hair healthy are ALWAYS bound to get heated.

Im actually quite suprised you didnt know that....:ohwell: