sis you described my dh when he was my fh to a responding to say SiS you are not alone ive been there....
dh is the oldest and has been an only child for 12 yrs
ditto @on how kind and loving my family is
surprised at his behavior when brought to attention
this was me and dh our first 3 months....what ended up happening was we were walking across the street and he had crossed b4 in ny the streets are crazy---i lost it..i was so upset and that was my final straw with fh....
when i made it across the sidewalk....i looked him dead in his eyes and said "you crossed the street without me, not looking if i was okay or etc" I do not feel protected and safe with your #1 priority as the future mother to your children and the woman that you will spend the rest of your life with
i said youve seen the way the men in my family treat me and how they protect and provide a sense of safety and care.....i will not be with a man who doesn't practice that and i walked away--it was super dramatic but super needed!!!!!
i had to remove myself from dude until it clicked....i said some other things like i dont know if you need to take a class, sit down with your mom and figure out how to be a great future husband or father but who you are right now, is not the kind of man i could share the rest of my life with...chile!!!!
anyhoo for the life of fh he couldnt understand why i was so adamant about these simple principals.... to him he bought me everything, treated me to the best of everything, took me around the world and back i didnt want for anything but i dont care about none of that i cared that he was considerate and kind and thoughtful
me removing myself and not accepting that behavior and communicating with clear examples of his ridiculous behavior was sunk in...because he wasnt seeing lux until he resolved that issue within himself
he dated some other chicks...and ofcourse came back talking about they dont hold a candle to you..i said yeah i know that!!!
he stated you challenged me and i knew i had to change just didnt know how....
that was me @.fh had some great qualities about he meant well but if i was forging ahead and he was to be my forever man i had to correct this ish now!!!...Not making excuses for him but it was almost like he wasn't home trained or something but he meant well. His faithfulness to me and his love for God, expressed adoration for me is what kept me around for so long
in marriage its hard to justify parting ways or a separation even for a little it disrupts the home you know and share but feeling under appreciated sucks!!!!!!!
men only respond to actions...words and crying and etc for some reason is not enough to move them....
i will remove myself then, problem solved
sorry for the diatribe....