Dealing with insecurities of being a black woman in the dating scene

Do these cases happen a lot because we focus on them or is it just reality? I've tried to reprogram my mindset by focusing on black couples I know in real life or remind myself of all the black women that mention they are in relationships with black men and IR online, but it still hasn't translated to the couples I see in real life.

Reality, Prince William and Fairfax counties have one of the highest interracial rates of marriages in the country. Well at least the state.

It is not that I do not see black couples, it just feels like I do not see them as much as the other groups.

But I focused more on available unattached men of all colors which I see everywhere.
^^^I think that's smart. It's not about faking a's about seeing the GOOD in your reality so that you can attract it.
What do you all suggest women with this problem focus on? Try doing to get out of the rut? (Other than having confidence and thinking positive thoughts :look: ). What would you do if you were in this situation? Specific answers for the dating inept would be great.
Hmmm... Lushcoils, I think I know you from another board...

Whether that's the case or not, I will say (either for the first time or again), that constantly focusing on one's lack of dating success typically results in more of the same.

People can sense negativity. It doesn't surprise me that those who make it a continued point to say how they get little to no attention from men... continue to get little to no attention from men.

Negative words and thoughts bring negative results. Even if this is your reality right now, it doesn't behoove you (or anyone on this board reading this thread) to continue dwelling on it.

What do you all suggest women with this problem focus on? Try doing to get out of the rut? (Other than having confidence and thinking positive thoughts :look: ). What would you do if you were in this situation? Specific answers for the dating inept would be great.
To Lushcoils
Bunny and I both pretty much said the same thing.

You think confidence and positivity are =:look:

I think they equal =:grin: and success with men folk and pretty much in every way (in other areas of life)

Do you need to find a way to be happy with yourself? Yes. Meaning if you don't like your life you would have to CHANGE it. I had a long hard look at my life some years ago, and decided to re arrange some things. Because people saying to be happy and positive period are just...silly to me. Meaning if you aren't happy...why aren't you? Maybe there's a reason. What can you do to make your life excellent? Well then take that leap. It's terrifying sometimes, but it matters. Sometimes you have to put up or shut up.

What do you focus on...reality. Find things that support the reality you want (in your neighborhood, or even stars. If you want an interracial relationship think about melanie and George lucas or someone else and KNOW that it IS possible. If you want something else, find examples that support that reality. In my case I was open to dating any FH happens to be black because he happened to be the ONE not cause he was black). You really need to just KNOW that if they can, why not you period. And it IS a knowing. It's not about wishing, or hoping, it's actually believing you're just as wonderful.

In reference to guys (and this works in reference to other things to) I can look around and see the attached men, or I can look around and see the single ones. I can think that I am worthy of attracting them. I can think about what's wonderful about me (personality, eyes, etc) and I can love myself. And when I talk that radiates from me. I can also SMILE (lots of women forget this) because I am happy with who I am and radiate what my FH says is my magnet (he says I radiate a warmth and that's what attracts guys to me. He notices, but he's not jealous because he has enough confidence to handle that). Now do I mean to make yourself smile? No. Do I mean to find a genuine way to be happy? Yes. Then the smile just comes. But what if you're life is crap...refer to the change it thing. It's terrifying but worth it.

As for what my FH says, Yes he's my fiance so he would say I radiate but that's the POINT. Other guys have said similar stuff. I bring this up because everytime I hear suggestions like look at them for a few seconds then look away, or do this, or that I think I've never done that. Does it work...I'm sure. But what works for me? I can only say the truth as I know it. Uhm...happiness, and confidence in really does attract men. I can go in a store and single men follow me down aisles. They FIND a way to talk to me. Because I think men like to be around someone who is joyous. Did I have an easy life...that's a laugh (w/ an alcoholic father who was abusive, and other crap)....but I decided to find joy in life and I started attracting happiness to me, and also wonderful opportunities.

You can be blind and hate it, and think your life sucks and that you have nothing to offer. Or you can become stevie wonder, notice what you have that's wonderful and open your mouth and sing! Everyone has shortcomings...or what others may perceive as that (but they never are because there's something else wonderful waiting to get out) It's up to us to find out what is GOOD about us, and let it out. It's not about displaying your talents at all times (I'm using this as an example) but it is about knowing your worth and looking at the good in you. Choose to become magnetic.

If you're looking for pointers on how to dress I can tell you that you should dress the way you want to be perceived, and in a way that attracts who you want to attract. That's based on what YOU want. I can also tell you a ton of stuff that I learned working for a matchmaker...and I think I've shared in other threads.

At matchmaking events, single type mixers (I'll give you an ex)...I could already tell which girl they'd go for. Sometimes (if the guy wasn't a jerk with preconceived notions that were immoveable) they'd go for the lady they never thought they would. They'd say I want this and that, and they'd love to go on a date with so and so, but then they'd see someone who was the opposite and say WAIT what about her. An example: There was a girl that all the guys would flock to at singles matchmaking events. She wasn't more beautiful than anyone else. BUT she did radiate. And I KNEW they would flock to her because of it. And I could see the blondes in the room light up with jealousy at this brunette. KNOWING the guys specifically were looking for them and stated they loved why were they asking HER out? And the funny part was I could smell the other ladies' insecurity a mile away. And a lot of them were prettier then her. But that doesn't really matter in the end. It never failed. If she was in the room...the other women faded out. Don't you know she's also the one with proposal after proposal and guys calling sad because she said no, and we'd say she's not a toy we can't make her love you, we can set you up at another matchmaker event. She was looking for the love of her life too, and if they weren't the one, they weren't the one.

So I say if you want to attract men of all types...there are things that trump this. And that's an inner light. And you can roll your eyes... or not, but it's the truth that I find works for me.
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^^^EVerything you said is the truth. Honestly I wasn't feeling happy about my life and situation and it SHOWED! No guy would approach me. I swear, last week, I changed my mindset and working on changing my life. I just decided to be happy. Next thing I know, I'm getting attention from men, people are talking to me, etc.

Just decide to be happy and define what you consider happiness.
What do you focus on...reality. Find things that support the reality you want

Love this.

^^^EVerything you said is the truth. Honestly I wasn't feeling happy about my life and situation and it SHOWED! No guy would approach me. I swear, last week, I changed my mindset and working on changing my life. I just decided to be happy. Next thing I know, I'm getting attention from men, people are talking to me, etc.

Just decide to be happy and define what you consider happiness.

I thought I would be getting more signals from men the more happy/confident/positive I get, seeing some kind of instant improvement like you did. Somewhat discouraging, but I guess I have to try harder.
Lushcoils, it will vary for everyone. I still haven't been asked out on a date yet. But, I wasn't trying to get attention, that's the thing. I just wanted to be happy. I didn't want to be unapproachable, unhappy, physically sick, etc. I did it for me. Now, we will all have our good times and bad. But I'm having more GOOD than bad.

I use the word "happy" to include all the stuff Bunny, lucky and the other ladies have said.
One more thing...

PLEASE stop reading articles (actually, stop reading the comments under the articles) about the woes of being a black woman trying to date and all that stuff. That is poison....


I have felt at a disadvantage in the dating world and have had a chip on my shoulder about it since I was 10 years old.

I'm not kidding.

Why so young, you ask?

Because I spent my afternoons watching Oprah, Ricki Lake, Sally Jessy, Donahue, and every other talk show and all I saw were shows about neck-rollin', fire-tongued black women and how awful and undesirable they were. :nono: So I got it in my head early that as a brown-skinned, heavier set, nappy-headed black girl, I was doomed to a life of loneliness.

Is it any wonder I didn't get into my first relationship until I was 31 years old? :rolleyes:

I wish I had such positive people and influences in my life earlier . . . but I can't change the past. I can only embrace the present.

Best wishes to all of my sisters on the road to romance and love. We deserve it.
To Lushcoils
Bunny and I both pretty much said the same thing.

You think confidence and positivity are =:look:

I think they equal =:grin: and success with men folk and pretty much in every way (in other areas of life)

Do you need to find a way to be happy with yourself? Yes. Meaning if you don't like your life you would have to CHANGE it. I had a long hard look at my life some years ago, and decided to re arrange some things. Because people saying to be happy and positive period are just...silly to me. Meaning if you aren't happy...why aren't you? Maybe there's a reason. What can you do to make your life excellent? Well then take that leap. It's terrifying sometimes, but it matters. Sometimes you have to put up or shut up.

What do you focus on...reality. Find things that support the reality you want (in your neighborhood, or even stars. If you want an interracial relationship think about melanie and George lucas or someone else and KNOW that it IS possible. If you want something else, find examples that support that reality. In my case I was open to dating any FH happens to be black because he happened to be the ONE not cause he was black). You really need to just KNOW that if they can, why not you period. And it IS a knowing. It's not about wishing, or hoping, it's actually believing you're just as wonderful.

In reference to guys (and this works in reference to other things to) I can look around and see the attached men, or I can look around and see the single ones. I can think that I am worthy of attracting them. I can think about what's wonderful about me (personality, eyes, etc) and I can love myself. And when I talk that radiates from me. I can also SMILE (lots of women forget this) because I am happy with who I am and radiate what my FH says is my magnet (he says I radiate a warmth and that's what attracts guys to me. He notices, but he's not jealous because he has enough confidence to handle that). Now do I mean to make yourself smile? No. Do I mean to find a genuine way to be happy? Yes. Then the smile just comes. But what if you're life is crap...refer to the change it thing. It's terrifying but worth it.

As for what my FH says, Yes he's my fiance so he would say I radiate but that's the POINT. Other guys have said similar stuff. I bring this up because everytime I hear suggestions like look at them for a few seconds then look away, or do this, or that I think I've never done that. Does it work...I'm sure. But what works for me? I can only say the truth as I know it. Uhm...happiness, and confidence in really does attract men. I can go in a store and single men follow me down aisles. They FIND a way to talk to me. Because I think men like to be around someone who is joyous. Did I have an easy life...that's a laugh (w/ an alcoholic father who was abusive, and other crap)....but I decided to find joy in life and I started attracting happiness to me, and also wonderful opportunities.

You can be blind and hate it, and think your life sucks and that you have nothing to offer. Or you can become stevie wonder, notice what you have that's wonderful and open your mouth and sing! Everyone has shortcomings...or what others may perceive as that (but they never are because there's something else wonderful waiting to get out) It's up to us to find out what is GOOD about us, and let it out. It's not about displaying your talents at all times (I'm using this as an example) but it is about knowing your worth and looking at the good in you. Choose to become magnetic.

If you're looking for pointers on how to dress I can tell you that you should dress the way you want to be perceived, and in a way that attracts who you want to attract. That's based on what YOU want. I can also tell you a ton of stuff that I learned working for a matchmaker...and I think I've shared in other threads.

At matchmaking events, single type mixers (I'll give you an ex)...I could already tell which girl they'd go for. Sometimes (if the guy wasn't a jerk with preconceived notions that were immoveable) they'd go for the lady they never thought they would. They'd say I want this and that, and they'd love to go on a date with so and so, but then they'd see someone who was the opposite and say WAIT what about her. An example: There was a girl that all the guys would flock to at singles matchmaking events. She wasn't more beautiful than anyone else. BUT she did radiate. And I KNEW they would flock to her because of it. And I could see the blondes in the room light up with jealousy at this brunette. KNOWING the guys specifically were looking for them and stated they loved why were they asking HER out? And the funny part was I could smell the other ladies' insecurity a mile away. And a lot of them were prettier then her. But that doesn't really matter in the end. It never failed. If she was in the room...the other women faded out. Don't you know she's also the one with proposal after proposal and guys calling sad because she said no, and we'd say she's not a toy we can't make her love you, we can set you up at another matchmaker event. She was looking for the love of her life too, and if they weren't the one, they weren't the one.

So I say if you want to attract men of all types...there are things that trump this. And that's an inner light. And you can roll your eyes... or not, but it's the truth that I find works for me.

Another post for my LHCF Wisdom blog! :grin:
^^^EVerything you said is the truth. Honestly I wasn't feeling happy about my life and situation and it SHOWED! No guy would approach me. I swear, last week, I changed my mindset and working on changing my life. I just decided to be happy. Next thing I know, I'm getting attention from men, people are talking to me, etc.

Just decide to be happy and define what you consider happiness.

Same exact thing happened to me. It's not till you get to that place that you realize what everyone has said about being happy and confident has been true. The same thing that attracts me to others is what will attract others to me.
They'd say I want this and that, and they'd love to go on a date with so and so, but then they'd see someone who was the opposite and say WAIT what about her. An example: There was a girl that all the guys would flock to at singles matchmaking events. She wasn't more beautiful than anyone else. BUT she did radiate. And I KNEW they would flock to her because of it. And I could see the blondes in the room light up with jealousy at this brunette. KNOWING the guys specifically were looking for them and stated they loved why were they asking HER out? And the funny part was I could smell the other ladies' insecurity a mile away. And a lot of them were prettier then her. But that doesn't really matter in the end. It never failed. If she was in the room...the other women faded out. Don't you know she's also the one with proposal after proposal and guys calling sad because she said no, and we'd say she's not a toy we can't make her love you, we can set you up at another matchmaker event.

Yall know I got to be different...but I'm just put how I really feel out on the table. No chaser. And if I'm wrong, set me right, but I'ma just throw out there how "I" feel. This in response to Glib's blog by the way that's where the quote is from

All that radiating positive energy...THAT ISH DOES NOT WORK except for a small amount of people. Yes there are people who are beautiful on the inside. There are people who naturally positive and radiate positive energy to others. How do I know? I'm one of those people. I get told this all the durn time. "You inspire me to want to be better" "You are just always so motivated." "Kris you are so positive all the time and carefree about life"

I get nicknames like Sunshine, Sunflower, Butterfly (cuz I come after the rain) all kinds of krazy ish. But I don't care what you say. Positivity is great and all, and it surely won't knock you down. It's a great thing to have for your personal outlook on life. But it and attractiveness are NOT the same on the totem pole.

Just because I can stop a room with just my voice or conversation does NOT men men are all the times checking for me. They're not even attracted to it. Do they not know I possess that energy? Yes they know. That's why I'm their friend or acquantainces. Nothing more. They're attracted to who they're attracted too. And most of the time my personality but body may not meet that mold.

The reason being is that I'm not all attractive to other people. And even though I may be positive, there is always someone similar to you who is positive AND attractive womp womp.

If all this, "adapt a positive attitude and you will have men falling at your feet were true" we would not look at movies such as "Just Wright" and know they were definately fake. Stuff like that just simply doesn't happen in real life. Here is a average woman (Queen Latifah) with a BEAUTIFUL personality and spirit who is int he company of a hott and rich guy. No matter how beautiful her "spirit" is and how "positive" she is, in the beginning she is outshined by her gorgeous, stereotypical model/boy crazy best friend. And that's just life. That's how the cookie crumbles.

I KNOW PLENTY of positive and radiant people. They're my friends. They're single too. They're not exactly choosing to be either.

Everyone will find someone. If you are positive, they will love your personality. You would have had all this time to yourself to work on yourself and establish yourself, but don't expect positivity alone to do all the hard work. It doesn't work miracles

Now I'm not knocking positivity. Everyone should work towards being a positive person because it will take you a long way in the personal path of your life. Positive people are happier, more driven, more financially stable, and show out more self-love than others, but don't think that just because you've possessed all this positivity that your dating scene might change.

Attractiveness matters.
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Yall know I got to be different...but I'm just put how I really feel out on the table. No chaser. And if I'm wrong, set me right, but I'ma just throw out there how "I" feel. This in response to Glib's blog by the way that's where the quote is from

All that radiating positive energy...THAT ISH DOES NOT WORK except for a small amount of people. Yes there are people who are beautiful on the inside. There are people who naturally positive and radiate positive energy to others. How do I know? I'm one of those people. I get told this all the durn time. "You inspire me to want to be better" "You are just always so motivated." "Kris you are so positive all the time and carefree about life"

I get nicknames like Sunshine, Sunflower, Butterfly (cuz I come after the rain) all kinds of krazy ish. But I don't care what you say. Positivity is great and all, and it surely won't knock you down. It's a great thing to have for your personal outlook on life. But it and attractiveness are NOT the same on the totem pole.

Just because I can stop a room with just my voice or conversation does NOT men men are all the times checking for me. They're not even attracted to it. Do they not know I possess that energy? Yes they know. That's why I'm their friend or acquantainces. Nothing more. They're attracted to who they're attracted too. And most of the time my personality but body may not meet that mold.

The reason being is that I'm not all attractive to other people. And even though I may be positive, there is always someone similar to you who is positive AND attractive womp womp.

If all this, "adapt a positive attitude and you will have men falling at your feet were true" we would not look at movies such as "Just Wright" and know they were definately fake. Stuff like that just simply doesn't happen in real life. Here is a average woman (Queen Latifah) with a BEAUTIFUL personality and spirit who is int he company of a hott and rich guy. No matter how beautiful her "spirit" is and how "positive" she is, in the beginning she is outshined by her gorgeous, stereotypical model/boy crazy best friend. And that's just life. That's how the cookie crumbles.

I KNOW PLENTY of positive and radiant people. They're my friends. They're single too. They're not exactly choosing to be either.

Everyone will find someone. If you are positive, they will love your personality. You would have had all this time to yourself to work on yourself and establish yourself, but don't expect positivity alone to do all the hard work. It doesn't work miracles.

Now I'm not knocking positivity. Everyone should work towards being a positive person because it will take you a long way in the personal path of your life. Positive people are happier, more driven, more financially stable, and show out more self-love than others, but don't think that just because you've possessed all this positivity that your dating scene might change.

Attractiveness matters.

Halle Berry can't keep a man. Reggie Bush wouldn't marry Kim Kardashian. Of the three - Khloe is the married one! I know they're famous people and other things are at play...but the point is that attractiveness isn't everything. There are BEAUTIFUL people who are single and who will BE single.

Positive energy isn't about being "bubbly" and outgoing, or being funny or "cute" - its truly about your OUTLOOK on the world. Positive energy isn't about smiles. Positive energy is something that is sensed by people without words being exchanged. People sense it from the across the room. Its YOU. And it doesn't mean you don't get down, or bummed or insecure - it just means that on average, you're outlook is POSITIVE (51%).

And I'm just going to be real - your post suggests that you try to cover up insecurities with being outgoing and bubbly. If you're smiling and talking to people all while thinking in that back of your mind that "its not going to be me" - its not going to be you!

Without knowing you - I've read your blog posts and it seems like you have a great heart and a desire to truly understand people as individuals. THIS is something that some men will truly appreciate and want to hold on to.

Stop putting yourself in situations and around people that bring out your insecurities. Choose to put yourself in some situations where YOU are a star, through talents, interests or personality. I've noticed that you recently started cooking - why not take a cooking class. They're you'll be in an environment with OTHER people who like to cook.

There are aspects of you that are unique and attractive to men. Focus on THOSE and let THEM be the source of your positive energy! :yep:
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Putting yourself out there, being "single and ready to mingle" is great, but if your outlook is negative, nothing is going to happen for you. And now you're going to come home even more frustrated an annoyed because you're having the same results. I say quit faking it. Take some time to think, assess and acknowledge. Acknowledge you're insecurities and then balance them with things you appreciate about yourself.

Learn how NOT to talk about yourself. If you're feeling insecure, the more you talk, the more you might slip around and let some of that insecurity slip out. Plus, men love to talk about themselves. Its amazing how much you'll find out WITHOUT having to ask.

Once you've hooked 'em and its time sink him - make a man feel like he's capable of anything and he's not going to go ANYWHERE. AND he'll return the favor. :yep:
The reason being is that I'm not all attractive to other people. And even though I may be positive, there is always someone similar to you who is positive AND attractive womp womp.

I may be out of line here. But I would say consider yourself the most beautiful person in the world (I do). Despite the opinions of others, it really starts with you. Don't think because you didn' get THAT particular guy, that he may have a FRIEND to introduce you to. I've seen the "not so cute" girls, walk, dress and have the attitude that they are the stuff. AND they get GOREGOUS men (I mean the "why the hell is he with HER" type of guys). I should know, my "not so cute" friend gets the cute guys.

My "not so cute" friend tells me this all the time. "Yeah, I may not have the "standard looks" but I project confidence, personality, etc and men flock to me because of those things." True statement I've seen it happen often, she is never without a date.

ETA: NOt ignoring your other statements. But that just reminded me of a convo I had with a friend.
I may be out of line here. But I would say consider yourself the most beautiful person in the world (I do). Despite the opinions of others, it really starts with you. Don't think because you didn' get THAT particular guy, that he may have a FRIEND to introduce you to. I've seen the "not so cute" girls, walk, dress and have the attitude that they are the stuff. AND they get GOREGOUS men (I mean the "why the hell is he with HER" type of guys). I should know, my "not so cute" friend gets the cute guys.

My "not so cute" friend tells me this all the time. "Yeah, I may not have the "standard looks" but I project confidence, personality, etc and men flock to me because of those things." True statement I've seen it happen often, she is never without a date.

ETA: NOt ignoring your other statements. But that just reminded me of a convo I had with a friend.

Positive energy isn't about being "bubbly" and outgoing, or being funny or "cute" - its truly about your OUTLOOK on the world. Positive energy isn't about smiles.

Putting yourself out there, being "single and ready to mingle" is great, but if your outlook is negative,

Learn how NOT to talk about yourself. If you're feeling insecure, the more you talk, the more you might slip around and let some of that insecurity slip out.

Halle Berry can't keep a man. Reggie Bush wouldn't marry Kim Kardashian. Of the three - Khloe is the married one! I know they're famous people and other things are at play...but the point is that attractiveness isn't everything.

But I would say consider yourself the most beautiful person in the world (I do).

My "not so cute" friend tells me this all the time. "Yeah, I may not have the "standard looks" but I project confidence, personality, etc and men flock to me because of those things."

Yes all of this is very true. :yep: All of this advice is already in Chapter 2 of Relationship Wisdom of LHCF :giggle:. But it's not what I'm saying. I'm not insinuating that attractiveness is all that matters. Just like Halle Berry can't keep a man even with her attractiveness, a person with their "positive ball of energy" is not gonna keep a man based on that alone. Having a positive attitude and attractiveness is not interchangeable. They both work together in the field of relationships in my honest opinion. So to make is seem like if you simply work on your personality and adapt a positive outlook on life and you will have men to flock towards you because of your positive energy is an unfair statement. It's untrue in my opinion. It's a great thing to have, and will help you in other areas of life, but you still have to find someone who is attracted to your "positive outlook on life" AND your "attractiveness" to them which is again subjective and will vary from person to person. You doing well in the dating scene is not just dependent on one factor. You have to find someone who is drawn to a number of different factors of you not just one to have a happy healthy relationship...

And only time determines that.
I'm loving LuckiestDestiny's advice about changing your life. If you are miserable, painting on a smile is NOT gonna get it. Figure out exactly why you are unhappy, and then change it. Are you unhappy because you have allowed your passions to wither on the vine, because you have packed on 30 lbs, or because you are in a soul-sucking job? You can change all of those things. And when you are out there doing what you love, you will radiate that positive energy that attracts.

Yes, you have to be physically appealing to a man, but tastes vary. I remember on one BWE/IR blog there was a pic of a :lovedrool: Swedish man with a Schmegel looking broad. (She seriously looked like that little monster dude from Lord of the Rings) However, he was smiling like he hit the lotto TWICE lol... there is a man out there who will think you are foine and be drawn to your personality. You just gotta find him. And I think being out there having the time of your life and being who you really are is where that man will be. If it can happen to Schmegel, it can happen for anyone. :yep:
Shoot, I know of a woman with no legs and missing hands and she's a genetic counselor who married a nice-looking, respectful man... they have a baby now. :yep:

This is him pushing her wheelchair down the aisle.


I know these are white people and the thread is about black women, but I'm just saying... ole girl was like, "I know I'm too fly to be alone," and decided to date online. Four months after their first date, he was so sprung that he packed up and moved two states over to be with her.
When I was dating, I seemed to always attract nice guys, but they always thought they could change me. It was weird because my personality is so strong. Maybe the challenge of taming me was a turn on? Who knows.
I remember on one BWE/IR blog there was a pic of a :lovedrool: Swedish man with a Schmegel looking broad. (She seriously looked like that little monster dude from Lord of the Rings) However, he was smiling like he hit the lotto TWICE lol:yep:

I know the exact couple you are talking about!! When I first saw them, I just stared.

In this dating thing, I think a lot of people seem to forget that luck has a lot to do with things. You can be doing everything "right" and still not be getting the results you want, and that is ok. Do what you need to get what you want, but if it does not happen in a certain time frame, it might not mean that you are doing something "wrong;" it just might be luck. *kanye shrug*

I mean look at all the people with bad self esteem, unattractive, but are in good relationships. I see these a lot. There are hints to help you in the dating game, but luck plays apart in any game.

I am saying all this to just remind people that eventhough it may be hard, please do not be so hard on yourself, thinking you need a complete overhall for a mate, or "why hasn't it happened by now?" Chances are, it will be ok. *hugs*
I think there is a hurdle that some women are trying to get over first. And it may not be keeping a man. But attracting one. And yes I agree that attractiveness plays a role in 'attracting'. When it comes to men...yes it matters. In a perfect world, it wouldn't..but these are simple negro...(ok back to my point) lol.

I think its safe to agree that personality & attractiveness play a role in attracting. However, it's not the end all to be all when it comes to finding someone. Lacking in one does not mean you're doomed for all eternity in single hell. (But men go thru this too so its not just a women thing) But i just wanted to point out that there are no set rules to this. People with good looks and boring personas can snag a mate, just like someone with so-so looks and great personas. I just hate to see women go into the dating scene with this mindset that because i look like A...and have the personality of B...that i will end up with Z.
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Nope, I have never had a problem with getting dates or having potential SO.

I think it's b/c I am aloof most of the time. They try so hard and most fail, LOL. I agree w/ everyone, tho. Positivity plays a huge factor but it also helps to be cute (to someone). I remember I stopped talking to this guy about a year and a half ago so I wanted to get back to dating others. Well, I just started smiling and they came.

But, for me, it has always been my smile. I mean, I used to not smile or make eye contact ( I hate not looking at a person's eyes) so I wouldn't get approached. Now, I embrace it and go with the flow.

I am happy with my friends and don't want to meet anyone but I am thinking about things that can be conversation starters (i.e. earrings, tops, hair, etc). I think it's my glasses b/c I have quite a few pair and ppl that know me comment on me having so many. But hey, that doesn't work for strangers so back to the drawing board.

Oh, and for the ladies that can't find a reason to smile, just think about one thing you are thankful for and you will smile. That's what I do when I am feeling sad. I think about how I got where I am and the many blessings that I have. Sometimes in thinking about that I want to cry with joy. It works.....
Yes all of this is very true. :yep: All of this advice is already in Chapter 2 of Relationship Wisdom of LHCF :giggle:. But it's not what I'm saying. I'm not insinuating that attractiveness is all that matters. Just like Halle Berry can't keep a man even with her attractiveness, a person with their "positive ball of energy" is not gonna keep a man based on that alone. Having a positive attitude and attractiveness is not interchangeable. They both work together in the field of relationships in my honest opinion. So to make is seem like if you simply work on your personality and adapt a positive outlook on life and you will have men to flock towards you because of your positive energy is an unfair statement. It's untrue in my opinion. It's a great thing to have, and will help you in other areas of life, but you still have to find someone who is attracted to your "positive outlook on life" AND your "attractiveness" to them which is again subjective and will vary from person to person. You doing well in the dating scene is not just dependent on one factor. You have to find someone who is drawn to a number of different factors of you not just one to have a happy healthy relationship...

And only time determines that.

You definitely raise some good points. Positivity and confidence alone will not get you someone who is not attracted to you. That is the reality. If it did, well on this very board we wouldn't have women talk about meeting a man who is wonderful and x, y, and z but he is too short and therefore they are just not interested in him. This is where the friendzone comes in because when women meet a confident, positive, and overall wonderful guy, but they lack physical attraction, they friendzone him. Men do the same with women. Everything works together. A sense of humor makes a guy more attractive in my eyes, but there has to be some initial physical attraction there. He'd definitely catch my attention before a gorgeous, dull guy.

I think confidence will take someone far in the dating world because it will allow them to go places they wouldn't normally go and interact with all types of people. I've found that women who have a negative outlook on the dating world usually take the safe way to meeting a mate, which probably isn't working. Low self-esteem keeps some women from branching out and exploring other avenues to finding a mate. They are afraid to make eye contact with people or talk to people. Some will not attend functions unless they go with a group of people, and then they will just hang with that group and not branch out to meet others in attendance. Lastly, women who lack confidence in the dating world often fail to pick up on subtle signs that a guy is interested.
Nope, I have never had a problem with getting dates or having potential SO.

I think it's b/c I am aloof most of the time. They try so hard and most fail, LOL. I agree w/ everyone, tho. Positivity plays a huge factor but it also helps to be cute (to someone). I remember I stopped talking to this guy about a year and a half ago so I wanted to get back to dating others. Well, I just started smiling and they came.

But, for me, it has always been my smile. I mean, I used to not smile or make eye contact ( I hate not looking at a person's eyes) so I wouldn't get approached. Now, I embrace it and go with the flow.

I am happy with my friends and don't want to meet anyone but I am thinking about things that can be conversation starters (i.e. earrings, tops, hair, etc). I think it's my glasses b/c I have quite a few pair and ppl that know me comment on me having so many. But hey, that doesn't work for strangers so back to the drawing board.

Oh, and for the ladies that can't find a reason to smile, just think about one thing you are thankful for and you will smile. That's what I do when I am feeling sad. I think about how I got where I am and the many blessings that I have. Sometimes in thinking about that I want to cry with joy. It works.....

Ah, conversation starters. These things work great in casual type settings. A guy probably won't come up to you out of nowhere and just start talking, but he will come up to you and ask you about a book you're reading or a t-shirt you are wearing. Don't sleep on sports gear, just make sure it is a team you are actually knowledgeable about. I remember wearing a football team t-shirt (not a football fan) and guys love to use that as a conversation starter. Too bad I had no idea what they were talking about:look:. Boy did I look dumb:rolleyes:.
Not fun...whoever doesn't have to deal with this is truly blessed. Count your blessings lol. I try not to let it bother me. Though life could be so much worse, I wish I could live the life of the pretty girls and feel wanted for once. (The irony is that I think I'm attractive but from male reactions or lack of, I'm not :wallbash:). I get worried that I might be stuck in this rut forever because I do the things that people suggest (look happy, be confident, look your best) and I still don't get approached/complimented. Just frustrating and annoying.

Even worse, I'm young, natural, living in the DMV, just finished undergrad...I should have been dating up a storm.

It also doesn't help that I see bm/non-bw couples everywhere now, more than I see bw coupled up. Still trying to figure out how to not let that bother me.

But I've gotten a lot better over the years at accepting it and enjoying what I do have. Hope getting a dating life will be a lot more easier for me in grad school/post grad life. :look:
I feel the same way...Guys don't approach me as often...well guys who I am attracted to dont. I used to think I was pretty, but then as of late I have been questioning myself because my friends get approached before me. I am wondering maybe it realli is confidence.
Not fun...whoever doesn't have to deal with this is truly blessed. Count your blessings lol. I try not to let it bother me. Though life could be so much worse, I wish I could live the life of the pretty girls and feel wanted for once. (The irony is that I think I'm attractive but from male reactions or lack of, I'm not :wallbash:). I get worried that I might be stuck in this rut forever because I do the things that people suggest (look happy, be confident, look your best) and I still don't get approached/complimented. Just frustrating and annoying.

Even worse, I'm young, natural, living in the DMV, just finished undergrad...I should have been dating up a storm.

It also doesn't help that I see bm/non-bw couples everywhere now, more than I see bw coupled up. Still trying to figure out how to not let that bother me.

But I've gotten a lot better over the years at accepting it and enjoying what I do have. Hope getting a dating life will be a lot more easier for me in grad school/post grad life. :look:

Who you attract - these are the men that consider you date-able - is a cold pill to swallow, or at least it was for me. Because for the longest, I was constantly attracting dudes that I didn't want, and the ones I did want weren't checking for me.

What kind of dudes are attracted to you? What is the difference between these dudes and the ones you want?

Change where you go and who you go with.

I'm gonna be honest. Two things had to change for me: I had a friend who was constantly attracting the types of dudes I wanted, while I was getting NO PLAY. Instead, I was the one who had to talk to their "boy" with the chain hanging low and 2-week old cornrows. :nono: So I started hearing the type of things they want and did, and started doing those things without said friend. Call it what you want, but she was blocking my flow! :lol: And low and behold, I started getting different results. Don't put yourself in a position to be a small fish in a HUGE pond.

Grad school was a HUGE confidence booster for me. Because all of a sudden I was being complimented by dudes who were about something. Grad school is an amazing opportunity to put yourself amongst a group of people who know you're on the level because you're classmates together. And if its a grad school program that requires/prefers some work experience (i.e. business school), you're also in a scenario where many of the men are more marriage-minded. Plan some mixers amongst the negro population across the graduate programs (law, medicine, graduate programs, MBA etc)! YOU be the catalyst...that way you get first dibs. :lick:
LOL, yeah I can't do the sports thing but books and such are more my thing. Still trying to find something, tho.......
...I had a male friend who would always make sure he left the house with a book in his back pocket because girls would use it as a way to strike up conversation on the subway...

Just make sure its not some "Push" by Sapphire or Sista Souljah! :lol:
finally read through everything, and I have to say you ladies have realli opened my eyes.
I have been struggling with dating for like, EVER. I am the shy girl who in my modest way, didn't want to come off as confident. I was also the girl who was scared of guys, I put them on this pedestal as if they were some kind of God. This made me very awkward around guys and made me feel uncomfortable around them. And this also made me standoffish when it came to interacting with guys.
I always wondered why guys never approached me, and I started to feel down and I just started not liking my life because I was lacking male interaction while my friends had an ample amount of male interaction.
I just went out this weekend and I noticed one of my friends...she was getting approached by guys left and right...and I noticed the difference between me and her was her confidence and her ability to be very engaging and comfortable with conversating with guys. While I am the type to just smile and look away (thinking 'OMG, when will this be over--') when a guy talks to me.
I think the steps for me is to just stop doubting myself and stop putting so much significance on what other people think.
Like some of you ladies stated, I need to find what makes me happy about my life or find a realistic way to be happy. I need to be more optimistic and value what I do have.
I have been in this funk for so long, it shows on my face...I'm the chick who guys say 'you need to smile' to. :/
I am going to take the advice you all have given and try it out...hopefully it will work out for me :)
First off to the OP...

THANK YOU so much for this thread. It brings to the forefront an issue that's often tap danced around but not really addressed head on.

And to those of you who have responded as well, thank you too.

I can attest to a lot of what has been said in here about the power of confidence because I have seen what a difference it can make.

I don't (and won't) pretend that I constantly feel good and confident with myself. I'd say that 50% of the time, I don't feel fabulous, but I feel pretty good about myself. I look in the mirror and generally like what I see and feel good about the kind of person I am. Then I'd say, about 20% of the time, I can feel pretty down on myself, like back to the way I used to feel when I was in middle school or high school when I practically hated myself :nono:

But then there's that 30% of the time when I feel AMAZING about myself. And HOLY CRAP what a FREAKIN' DIFFERENCE it makes! I end up meeting the most amazing people - not just men, but people in general.

I'll contrast two experiences I had as an example.

Both nights, I went out to places dressed up very nice. I definitely looked good, at least externally.

In Case A, deep down, I was feeling a bit bad about myself at the time. I hadn't really been going out on dates or meeting anyone interesting. So, I was doubting myself a lot. And I was REALLY, REALLY hoping to meet someone while I was out.

I really didn't meet anyone that night. Sure, I chit chatted with a few people here and there, but I didn't really connect with anyone. Worse, because I was so desperate (yeah, I admit it) to meet someone and get attention from a guy, I damn near made an idiot of myself for some douchebag who acted like he was doing me a favor by acknowledging that I even existed.


Now, contrast that with Case B which happened not too long ago. I was out with two visiting friends of mine (male friends in fact, who are pretty good looking dudes). Them being the goofballs that they are, of course I was having a blast. I was happy to be with my friends, happy to be enjoying the nice warm weather. Happy to have a chance to just let loose and have a good time. I felt GREAT!

The difference was night and day. I was striking up random conversations with people. And a TON of guys approached me, despite the presence of my guy friends. This was surprising to me, because normally, being around straight men, even if they're just friends, is usually regarded as kryptonite when it comes to guys approaching you.

Reading this thread just reinforces what I've been learning more and more - you've GOT to feel great about you and believe that you're worthy. If you don't, you'll put out a "woe is me" vibe that people really can sense. It's not attractive and, worse, will often attract predatory guys (not necessarily dangerous guys, just the types who know how to use a woman who is obviously insecure).

I don't know about you all, but I'm working hard to grow that 30% of the time into at least 80 to 90% of the time :grin:
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