Calling in the One Challenge

Congratulations on completing the course!
Keep us posted on your progress and especially when the One arrives in your life!

We are here for you and will support you.
I am so glad you asked us for advice before doing it.

Go for your dreams! Don't give up something permanent (your purpose)
for something that may be temporary (your current bf). He needs to
fit in with your life goals and support you in pursuing your dreams.

Your avi is really inspiring me as I pursue my fitness goals.
I want to become my best in all areas of my life and you have
accomplished the fitness goals I am pursuing. The bonus of me
becoming my best is that I will also be a gift for my husband!
I am strong headed so it would take Jesus to change my plans. I believe that if he really loves me he will support me through this at the end of the day it's to his benefit as well.

I told my bff about me stopping the daily texts to this dude and explained why. She encouraged me to send one last text to get clarification and get out of limbo once and for all. :rolleyes: I did and got rejected big time. He doesn't wanna be with me. Can't say I didn't see this coming. I should've followed my instincts and let him pursue me. I shouldn't have let her talk me into this. At least I have my answer. My heart is broken and I'm in a lot of pain right now. This sucks. It's embarrassing and I don't know how to deal with it. It just happened so maybe it hasn't really hit me yet. Lesson learned.
update: I told my bff about me stopping the daily texts to this dude and explained why. She encouraged me to send one last text to get clarification and get out of limbo once and for all. :rolleyes: I did and got rejected big time. He doesn't wanna be with me. Can't say I didn't see this coming. I should've followed my instincts and let him pursue me. I shouldn't have let her talk me into this. At least I have my answer. My heart is broken and I'm in a lot of pain right now. This sucks. It's embarrassing and I don't know how to deal with it. It just happened so maybe it hasn't really hit me yet. Lesson learned.

You have no reason to feel bad because one guy doesn't like you. Not at all. Don't feel like you ever have to stay with someone who makes you feel that you have to in any way chase him to inquire about where you stand.

I told my bff about me stopping the daily texts to this dude and explained why. She encouraged me to send one last text to get clarification and get out of limbo once and for all. :rolleyes: I did and got rejected big time. He doesn't wanna be with me. Can't say I didn't see this coming. I should've followed my instincts and let him pursue me. I shouldn't have let her talk me into this. At least I have my answer. My heart is broken and I'm in a lot of pain right now. This sucks. It's embarrassing and I don't know how to deal with it. It just happened so maybe it hasn't really hit me yet. Lesson learned.

Sorry to hear you are hurt. :sad:
The good thing about this is that you have a definitive answer from him,
and won't waste anymore time wondering about him.
You have freed up space for your One to come into your life.
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You are still an amazing woman. You are still desirable. You are making progress. You are gaining clarity, wisdom and the confidence to go after what you want in life. This is giving you the momentum you need to move forward.
Fact: Everything is always working in your favor, always!!! ♡♡♡
Mortons, Avyn, and tigerrose you're all right. Thank you for the words of wisdom. This was the first time I intentionally opened up my heart to a man and he says: no thanks... I closed up to avoid this pain. Nothing like rejection to bring all of your insecurities up to the surface. I'm giving myself plenty of time to grieve fully. I'm not bringing any of this crap into my next relationship.

I'm in the anger phase now. Today I deleted every text, pic, and email from him. I also blocked him completely on my phone, all social media, and burned all the letters he sent me. I got rid of all traces of him. Now the healing can begin. And making space doe my true love to find me.
If you haven't bought the book yet, you can buy it online at either Walmart or Target.

$9.04 (with free shipping today 12/11 only)

It is more expensive at Target ($13 I think) but they have free shipping for the holidays, not just today.
^^^as xmas gifts I bought 4 copies for 4 of my good friends that i think this would be useful ....all successful women but something is wrong with their picker...anyhooo i want to see them all in healthy, happy, relationships as i love them...:yep:
I am on week 4 of this book and it has been an eye opener. I bought the book a while ago and never finished it.

I am so committed to this this time as I am finally ready and truly ready to 'meet the one'. I had to revisit the 'list', look at the walls that I have erected. 7yrs ago, I was on a date where the guy continually tried to have sex when I said no. I went back to his to chill before heading home and for song time blamed myself that I was the reason that he date raped me. I figured if only I hadn't gone back to his. He had me pinned down and pulled my hair each time I tried to get away.

I had to concede so that he would let me go and not agitate him. I then went on holiday and had a one night stand cause I didn't want him to be the last person I slept with and since then I have kept away from men.

All along I have saying that I wanted to be married but really I have been putting a wall up. And made excuses like I am so picky and there just isn't enough men out there.

I have been on lesson 34 - developing emotional literacy. I have really struggled with this. If someone was to say something along the lines of how they like me, I instantly find everything wrong with them and come across cold. The thing is before that as friends, I am myself and outgoing and fun and that is why they end up liking me and then when I feel like it might get serious I put such a distance.

In the past, I have always said that I feel like the guy in the relationship being the commitment phobe. And always being flaky.

This has been the mirror I needed to be truly trustful with myself.....sigh...

There is a guy that might go somewhere and I am fighting my usual urge to find faults. People aren't perfect!

An ongoing journey.

Glad for this board and the opportunity to share
I need help ladies, I want a long term promising relationship. I want to find the "one" but I feel like I need to release my mind off this particular guy I dated and still keep contact with. What should I do, do you think I can finish the book with him still lingering around or cut ties? :look:
Still can't get past lesson 2 even though i read up to half of lesson 4. I'm taking a break; right now i am focusing on other aspects of me and work.
I need help ladies, I want a long term promising relationship. I want to find the "one" but I feel like I need to release my mind off this particular guy I dated and still keep contact with. What should I do, do you think I can finish the book with him still lingering around or cut ties? :look:

NinasLongAmbition I don't know your whole situation but i cut all ties to all of my exes to really clear the way for love to find me. No contact, nada.
I have been stalking this thread since its creation. I first want to thank you ladies for sharing, it's very much appreciated.

I'm not in to LOA or "calling in the one". But I believe the book, can help me take a deeper look into my negative experiences with men (father on up). If the one shows up......great!

So thank you ladies.

I promised myself, I wouldn't purchase any more of these books. But I did.
Renewed1 Another one bites the dust :lachen: I said the same thing before I bought it. In all seriousness though this book forces you to face your hangups. At least it did for me.
[QUOTE ]metro_qt
Your avi is really inspiring me as I pursue my fitness goals.
I want to become my best in all areas of my life and you have
accomplished the fitness goals I am pursuing. The bonus of me
becoming my best is that I will also be a gift for my husband![/QUOTE]

tigerrose I really appreciate this! !! I have no doubt that you will be able to achieve your fitness goal, especially with the completion of this book. Your future husband is already so proud of you!!!
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Today, I read chps 4-11. This afternoon, I left work extremely frustrated & annoyed [as usual] so I'll have to revisit certain exercises when my mind is clear!

Work is definitely the thorn in my side. It's my hope that the exercises will improve my work life so I will complete them (particularly write a fairy tale story, list future goals) from a work perspective.

Crystalicequeen123 please add me.

Update: Even though I never completed that exercise from a work perspective I "Called in " new position for 2015:grin:. It should allow me to accomplish other important goals during the year if I remain disciplined.
Update: Even though I never completed that exercise from a work perspective I "Called in " new position for 2015:grin:. It should allow me to accomplish other important goals during the year if I remain disciplined.

Congratulations Nomadiclady !
2015 is already a year of breakthrough for you!
As we improve ourselves, every area of our lives
will improve.
I ordered this book today. Excited to try it. I've been dating this guy non-exclusively for 2 months now. He says he's not ready for a relationship. Maybe this book can help me help push him a little more quickly or find a man who is ready for a relationship.
I have completely fallen off of this since my mother's car accident two weeks ago. I was actually journaling for this book at 10pm when I received the phone call from my dad saying a nurse picked up her phone saying that she is the hospital.

My mommy my love was discharged from the hospital last night and is now back at home with us and is on the mend. Now in the new year, I think I can pick right up where I left off.
LaBelleLL, sorry to hear about your mother... Well wishes and blessing are extended to your family..

Happy New Year to ALL!!!!

Me, I too fell off not because of any outside occurences, but because I been dealing with me, and sort of feeling lik eI need o resolve the whoe I am not good enough feelings.. :perplexed But hey why not do both at same time it MO for new year, that amongst other things