Black women


New Member
When I think about all of the black women I know personally who are not married my mom, aunts, cousins etc. It makes me wonder do black women limit themselves by trying to hold out for the brothers. I hear alot of women say that if the guy is not black then they won't date... I think that may be pushing it, while the brothers date whoever they want. What do y'all think??
If black women want to date only brothers it's simply their choice and I don't knock them for it. Unfortunately, some black women don't realize that the single black man that only dates black women list is slowly dwindling. I think some sistas assume that other races of men aren't checking for them, so they limit themselves to what they think we are entitled to, the black man.
Just my two cents,I feel that many black women have been conditioned so to speak that the must marry or date their own as no other race can do it like a black man in so many areas of their lives ie sex,love,handling them ,understanding the plight of a black person.However I feel as we progress we must open ourselves up to fact not everyone will marry and every who does marry will not marry their own.

I have more of a open mind now as I have been exposed to various races and love diversity.
Just my two cents,I feel that many black women have been conditioned so to speak that the must marry or date their own as no other race can do it like a black man in so many areas of their lives ie sex,love,handling them ,understanding the plight of a black person.However I feel as we progress we must open ourselves up to fact not everyone will marry and every who does marry will not marry their own.

I have more of a open mind now as I have been exposed to various races and love diversity.

I hv 2 agree I hv a friend who has been single for quite some time, she desires to be married and hv children she is 34, she has no one she is even seeing but she insist on dating a black man while other race of men hit on her all the time. I tell her all the time she could be passing up her husband!
I've dated all around the rainbow but I will only marry black and I don't foresee that as a problem. The end.
And let me guess: you're friend is "attractive, college educated, with her own home and car" and you just don't understand why she hasn't been scooped up yet?

Tell your friend to go find a man who will love her, support her and care for her the way she wants. Black, white or otherwise.

The end.
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I held out for a "good black man" and got one to marry me. Boy I swear, the way people talk around here it's as if the good/worthy black men are few and far between and only want white/other women. :nono: That type of thinking is no reason to date outside of one's race, especially since it isn't even true. It never was for me and, if I ever have to date again, will probably never be for me. :nono:
I held out for a "good black man" and got one to marry me. Boy I swear, the way people talk around here it's as if the good/worthy black men are few and far between and only want white/other women. :nono: That type of thinking is no reason to date outside of one's race, especially since it isn't even true. It never was for me and, if I ever have to date again, will probably never be for me. :nono:
ITA...I also don't think the "Black men date whoever they want" mantra is particularly true either. Concluding that ALL black men even desire to date outside of their race is a broad assumption. I have met TONS of black men that have never looked twice at a woman of a nother race, and love good-ole regla black girls.
I think black women do limit themselves by only dating black men but make no mistake, interracial dating for black women isn't a piece of pie either, unless you live in California or some other place that is extremely liberal. The thing with interracial dating is that men of other races need to get these preconceived ideas out of their heads when it comes to black women. Black women unfortunately fall victim to gender racism alot and that's unfortunate because so many black women are beautiful, educated and have great hearts and great personalities but people cannot see this because they are blinded by predjudices!
gabulldawg and Mai Tai, totally agree. From these discussions online one would really think that "all black men" are not interested in us at all...point blank period :nono:. Don't believe the hype ladies.
I think black women do limit themselves by only dating black men but make no mistake, interracial dating for black women isn't a piece of pie either, unless you live in California or some other place that is extremely liberal. The thing with interracial dating is that men of other races need to get these preconceived ideas out of their heads when it comes to black women. Black women unfortunately fall victim to gender racism alot and that's unfortunate because so many black women are beautiful, educated and have great hearts and great personalities but people cannot see this because they are blinded by predjudices!

You have got to be kidding me....So we are supposed to force men of other races to want us? I know, let's have a million black women march so that we can show men of other races that we will no longer be ignored on the dating front!!!

Stop sipping that Kool-Aid and get a who ever want to date you and keep it moving!!! Why are you so fixated on other races not wanting Black Women are you losing sleep over this?
I have said it before and I'll say it again. I'm convinced there are white people posting on this board to plant this crap in our heads. I know people have laughed at me before, but I truly believe it. Don't fall for the hype. :nono: You can listen to that foolishness if you want to.....
Ive got single Black sons they are looking to marry someone from our background and they will cause that is all they want. But some women should look elsewhere it may help
I see your point OP, but IMO, black women need to think less about the implications of "limiting" themselves to black men and more about the ramifications of wasting time, energy, and emotions on men and relationships that aren't worth any of the three. Again, IMO/E, people focus on a (perceived) lack of opportunties as if that is the only piece of the relationship puzzle.
Black people whether men or women aren't getting married at the same rate as other races. So I don't think the issue is as simple as black women wanting to only date black men. Because even brothers who date white aren't marrying them either.

Personally, I believe blacks don't value marriage in the same way as other groups. I think alot of blacks don't date to marry. They date with no clear intentions. I say that because I know alot of women who aren't married but the ones who wanted to get married are married.
I held out for a "good black man" and got one to marry me. Boy I swear, the way people talk around here it's as if the good/worthy black men are few and far between and only want white/other women. :nono: That type of thinking is no reason to date outside of one's race, especially since it isn't even true. It never was for me and, if I ever have to date again, will probably never be for me. :nono:

Thank you! I only date black men, because that's what I prefer. I tried, but I'm just not attracted to non-blacks. Luckily, I don't have a shortage of college educated, professional black men knocking on my door. :yep:
Many of my female family members haven't found good men. Why?
Mistake 1: They don't date outside their race.
Mistake 2: They refuse to move out of their hometowns (I am not suggesting to move just to date but man, leave your mother's womb why don't ya?), so you have the SAME men who have dated a friend of a friend and it gets messy.
Mistake 3: They deal with stupid crap from black men because they think they can't do any better...ugh
Many of my female family members haven't found good men. Why?
Mistake 1: They don't date outside their race.
Mistake 2: They refuse to move out of their hometowns (I am not suggesting to move just to date but man, leave your mother's womb why don't ya?), so you have the SAME men who have dated a friend of a friend and it gets messy.
Mistake 3: They deal with stupid crap from black men because they think they can't do any better...ugh

Yes I agree
This thread was not meant to beat the black woman by NO means, I most definitely am a black woman whom which is married to a black man. I just always wondered why alot black women I personally know aren't open to dating outside their race. Before I got married I was open to dating/marrying whoever I had a connection with regardless the race. I believe there are good men in every race as well as horrible men in every race...
This thread was not meant to beat the black woman by NO means, I most definitely am a black woman whom which is married to a black man. I just always wondered why alot black women I personally know aren't open to dating outside their race. Before I got married I was open to dating/marrying whoever I had a connection with regardless the race. I believe there are good men in every race as well as horrible men in every race...

Because other races of men are either 1) ugly, girly, no "swag", small peen or 2) think black women are ugly and manly and non dateable.

Or at least this is what I've heard from BW when I ask :lol: or some variation of this lol

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I'm married to a black man but had I not met him when I did I was going to start dating outside of my race and it wasn't going to be the first time

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No one should ever make a decision based on feeling that they are forced into that decision. BW shouldn't run and start dating white/other men simply because they think thatBM aren't checkin for us or that there aren't any good black men out there. That's only going to cause more problems IMO....
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