Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine

I've also dated nbm before, but they came at me correctly. I don't find drunk advances from wm (or any man for that matter) cute, flattering, or respectful at all. And I don't get when women rejoice in these kinds of occurrences.

Please, let's not be melodramatic? There was no "rejoicing". :lol: It was non-threatening and funny. Period. End of story.
Even though I disagree with ~Charlotte*York~ , I understand what you're saying, definitely.

I have another question for you. You said that one reason you weren't offended by the WMs behavior at the club was because it wasn't a threatening atmosphere to begin with. So I'm under the impression that it was more of an upscale, swanky-er club. So if a BM had done this (picked you up, carries you) at this particular club, you would have still felt threatened, in danger, disrespected? Im just assuming that the BM in this club were of the same caliber as the WM in the club. That they didn't seem like a freaknik type crowd anyway.

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No, actually, it was SO's favorite neighborhood bar. They know his name in there. :lol: All white. A very down-home, country type of bar. There were no blacks there at all. I was with my 6'5, Marine (former) SO. We were all drinking, playing pool and singing karaoke all night. We were hanging out with this white guy, Ben, and many others and talking trash and having a ball laughing. At the end of the night, when the lights came up, Ben got happy and picked me up and ran around the pool tables. We all cracked up...everyone. That was pretty much it. On the way home, SO teased me about "my boyfriend Ben" and pretended to get an attitude and we laughed some more and moved on.

IF Ben had been black, it would have been more threatening to me, people don't tend to behave that way without some disrespect being felt between them. Yes, I would have been like, "oh no you don't" and I highly believe SO would have been the same, like, "whoa, bruh, not today." Familiarity breeds contempt? Perhaps. But, I'm being honest. Black men know better as it would be seen as threatening to another black man (SO) it would have been out of character. Ben, the white guy was no threat to SO....he knows Ben isn't my type.

I know it isn't politically correct, but it just didn't bother me. I understand and respect that many women here would have been offended. That is your prerogative. It wasn't about worshipping or being enchanted or rejoicing! :lol: It was just hilarious because it was so random and bold that he would do that in front of my very tall, very big SO. We all just had to laugh.
I mean Charlotte... this is why I don't even fck with it because there is no reason you should have to keep overexplaining what is to you an innocuous experience. People who hold these over-sensitive views are going to continue to do so regardless of anything you could say so I wouldn't keep wasting my time on it.
That would've freaked me out (in a please don't put your hands on me - let alone remove me from the ground - stranger kinda way), and DH wouldn't have been "threatened" he'd be "threatening" to kill that dude :grin:. That would've been a bad scene. I can't believe your SO was cool with that. He must be so chill.

He is actually, very chill. He's 45! :lol: And, I'm 41. We've learned to pick our battles and when to just chill and have a good time. Trust me, I have never felt unsafe with him around and he's never let anyone disrespect just wasn't that deep to us. And, maybe he felt a little twinge at first but when he saw me laughing and squealing, he joined in laughing too. After Ben did his little stunt, he ran over to SO and hugged him. It was all good.
I mean Charlotte... this is why I don't even fck with it because there is no reason you should have to keep overexplaining what is to you an innocuous experience. People who hold these over-sensitive views are going to continue to do so regardless of anything you could say so I wouldn't keep wasting my time on it.

I know. I'm done. I didn't mean to derail the thread. I just don't want anyone mad at me. :lol: I know I can come across harsh in some of my posts. But, I respect everyone here and I respect your right to feel differently just as I hope you'll respect mine. :luv2:
Anyone know any of good BW IR blogs that are not as militant as Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine or Beyondblackwhite?
OMG! Thank you so much for answering my question nicely. I thought I was a goner for sure lol. Again, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I was just curious and had more questions. I'm done now lol

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Anyone know any of good BW IR blogs that are not as militant as Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine or Beyondblackwhite?

I know of a few blogs of regular women who are in BW/WM relationships, but they're just regular this-is-my-life blogs, not glorifying the BW/WM relationship or anything. Is that what you're looking for? or blogs with the topic of BW/WM relationships?
OMG! Thank you so much for answering my question nicely. I thought I was a goner for sure lol. Again, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I was just curious and had more questions. I'm done now lol

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:lol::lol::lol: oh no! I gotta work on my delivery! :lol:
It seems like this kind of smacks of desperation to me on some levels I mean you actually need a book and a website to meet people Next thing you know someone is going to open up a school and there will be informercials and stuff


@Almaz - I was surprised to see a need for the website(s). Wow! I guess there's a book about everything these days.

Exactly. Do we really need a how to manual? This is all very comical to me. Then again I need to remind myself where I am.
I know this is going to sound horrible..... But I want a white boy like he's some kind of accessory or something. lol.

Lol! This is wrong but it's refreshing to see a woman be honest about this kind of desire.

Men often have no shame sporting women like the latest fashions or sports car and bragging about it their friends.. A lot of women want men for status too but we tend not to want to go the extra mile to get them lol...
I know this is going to sound horrible..... But I want a white boy like he's some kind of accessory or something. lol.

Honesty. A beautiful thing.

Try it. If you don't like it, you can always never do it again. But of course you can't build on an accessory mentality but I'm sure you know that already

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