Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine


Well-Known Member
I stumbled upon this website after stumbling upon an article about black women (BW) having a misconception about being loyal to dating only black men (BM). The first article discussed how white men (WM)-BW relationships aren't seen in the lime light/media often nor supported like the BM-WW relationships. IDK but I didn't know that Peter Norton, the Norton anti-virus guy, was married to a "regular black woman" as the article named her. Not to degrade her but to make a point that she looked like someone you would actually see everyday and not just on television/in movies. She's not "regular" being that she is the former Senior Vice President and Business Banking Executive for Wachovia. :grin: I also found it interesting that I haven't heard about Jennifer Williams' new beau among the others posted on the site. Soooooooooo I hope these websites/pictures haven't been discussed before.

Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine

Peter and Gwen Norton

Angela and Matt Stone (creator of South Park)

Eve and Fiance' Shane Powers

Of course we know Tia married Adam

Kerry Washington and boyfriend

Jennifer Williams and Lucas James

And definitely look at the pics here on Smokie Says

One more - Kim Wayans and hubby! I love this pic and her hair!
I clicked the SMOKIE SAYS link and looked at all the pics. On the "regular" pics, I noticed that most of the bw are more brown...on the darker side...:scratchch Does this mean that lighter bw are left in the lurch? :lol: And, I didn't like the "regular" pic she posted of the chunky interracial family...she made a comment about the gym under their pic. Not nice. :nono:

On another note, I didn't know Keesha Sharp was married to a wm and I didn't know Jane Fonda's son was married to a bw.
But, as a woman who has never dated outside, I will say that I have noticed, since our BLACK PRESIDENT took office, I've noticed a lot more wm checking me out than ever before. I wonder if there's a correlation? Michelle is HOT indeed. I'm sure they see it.
Recently, my SO and I went out to a bar and were socializing and just having a good old down home was a white bar. Anyway, as we were leaving and giving our best wishes to all the white folx we met, a white guy PICKED ME UP and CARRIED ME THROUGHOUT THE CLUB in FRONT of my man! I think they are getting bold ladies! He was a ginger too...:lol: But cute as hell. My SO wasn't threatened, but he discussed it all the way home. :lol:
Recently, my SO and I went out to a bar and were socializing and just having a good old down home was a white bar. Anyway, as we were leaving and giving our best wishes to all the white folx we met, a white guy PICKED ME UP and CARRIED ME THROUGHOUT THE CLUB in FRONT of my man! I think they are getting bold ladies! He was a ginger too...:lol: But cute as hell. My SO wasn't threatened, but he discussed it all the way home. :lol:

:ill::ill::ill::rofl::rofl::rofl::dead::dead:at the bolded

and :lick::lick::lick: at the underlined.

how does that happen? Did he not see your SO?
:lol: ~Charlotte*York~ I would have :dighole:

Ohhh yes they are getting bold. VERY BOLD when they drink. On a regular day, they don't have that liquor courage.

True Story
My last ex SO before we were in a relationship took me to Ocean City overnight. We decided to go to Seacrets (a caribbean club by the beach). I wore this dress. I wanted to kill it and it was my first time ever wearing this dress out. The back of the dress is almost completely open so yea...I worked out.

We go in the club and it is majority white males and females. Some blacks spotted here or there. Needless to say, this dress was drawing alot of attention. My ex handled it well. We got drinks and danced and was having fun. Then we went to the bar to sit down. My ex had his arm around my waist as we were sitting down. A white guy came up to me and asked for a dance. I was shocked because I was like, "You bold as he!!..." My ex said, "Nah, she with me." Then the white guy goes on to say, "Dude, she's gorgeous, she's so bad...blah blah a drunken rage...." I am LMAO ROFL LOL.

Then we go back to dancing on the floor...TWO different white guys approach my ex and congrats him or giving all kinds of props and whatnot. My ex also told me he got thumbs up from all types of dudes from across the room.

THEN...the dealbreaker that made us leave...A WHITE WOMEN tried to sandwich me between her and my ex. :nono: I giggled and stepped to the side :look: We walked to the other side of the dance floor and THEN ANOTHER WHITE WOMEN tries to grind up on me. :lol: At this point, I'm like really...this dress must have pheromones in it or something.

After that my ex was like yea its crazy in here lets bounce. I said sure I think I've gotten enough attention.
True Story
My last ex SO before we were in a relationship took me to Ocean City overnight. We decided to go to Seacrets (a caribbean club by the beach). I wore this dress. I wanted to kill it and it was my first time ever wearing this dress out. The back of the dress is almost completely open so yea...I worked out.

We go in the club and it is majority white males and females. Some blacks spotted here or there. Needless to say, this dress was drawing alot of attention. My ex handled it well. We got drinks and danced and was having fun. Then we went to the bar to sit down. My ex had his arm around my waist as we were sitting down. A white guy came up to me and asked for a dance. I was shocked because I was like, "You bold as he!!..." My ex said, "Nah, she with me." Then the white guy goes on to say, "Dude, she's gorgeous, she's so bad...blah blah a drunken rage...." I am LMAO ROFL LOL.

First, that is a hot dress! Could you wear a bra with it? If not how do you get your boobs to stay up and round and point forward?

Second, that man was really bold! I mean, your date had his arm around your waist!

For you and CharlotteYork, have black men ever behaved toward you like the white men in your stories? If so, what was the outcome of that?
Recently, my SO and I went out to a bar and were socializing and just having a good old down home was a white bar. Anyway, as we were leaving and giving our best wishes to all the white folx we met, a white guy PICKED ME UP and CARRIED ME THROUGHOUT THE CLUB in FRONT of my man! I think they are getting bold ladies! He was a ginger too...:lol: But cute as hell. My SO wasn't threatened, but he discussed it all the way home. :lol:

WTH??:lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm so glad your SO is secure enough in your relationship not to have done anything to him:yep:
BeautifulFlower i'm not surprised you got so much attention, you were killing it from head to toe:grin:! You're gorgeous!

But LMAOOOO at the yt folks! Lawd they truly are getting all types of bold!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
:lol: @~Charlotte*York~ I would have :dighole:

Ohhh yes they are getting bold. VERY BOLD when they drink. On a regular day, they don't have that liquor courage.

True Story
My last ex SO before we were in a relationship took me to Ocean City overnight. We decided to go to Seacrets (a caribbean club by the beach). I wore this dress. I wanted to kill it and it was my first time ever wearing this dress out. The back of the dress is almost completely open so yea...I worked out.

We go in the club and it is majority white males and females. Some blacks spotted here or there. Needless to say, this dress was drawing alot of attention. My ex handled it well. We got drinks and danced and was having fun. Then we went to the bar to sit down. My ex had his arm around my waist as we were sitting down. A white guy came up to me and asked for a dance. I was shocked because I was like, "You bold as he!!..." My ex said, "Nah, she with me." Then the white guy goes on to say, "Dude, she's gorgeous, she's so bad...blah blah a drunken rage...." I am LMAO ROFL LOL.

Then we go back to dancing on the floor...TWO different white guys approach my ex and congrats him or giving all kinds of props and whatnot. My ex also told me he got thumbs up from all types of dudes from across the room.

THEN...the dealbreaker that made us leave...A WHITE WOMEN tried to sandwich me between her and my ex. :nono: I giggled and stepped to the side :look: We walked to the other side of the dance floor and THEN ANOTHER WHITE WOMEN tries to grind up on me. :lol: At this point, I'm like really...this dress must have pheromones in it or something.

After that my ex was like yea its crazy in here lets bounce. I said sure I think I've gotten enough attention.

Awww shucks....Thanks! I get attention but that was over-the-top. I never experienced that level of white folks and alcohol before. Just Ridiculous.:lachen::lachen::rofl:

mwedzi Thanks. Its in my top 3. :yep:

The dress it super super tight was no bra and a thong (or no panties if you prefer is needed). It helps that I am B-cup and perky, but this dress will lift and pop you in all the right places. It makes everything look bigger and rounder. :look::lick:

And YES very bold. I couldn't even speak. It was like so blatant. Alcohol is a helluva drug. :lol:
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White guys always get extra bold when they have alcohol in these system. The problem is that most of these dudes wouldn't speak to you sober.
^^^Of interracial coupling for black female, BW-WM coupling is most common. However, its known we couple with Asian, Latino, Middle Eastern, etc... as well.
:lol: A white guy came up to me and asked for a dance. I was shocked because I was like, "You bold as he!!..." My ex said, "Nah, she with me." Then the white guy goes on to say, "Dude, she's gorgeous, she's so bad...blah blah a drunken rage...." I am LMAO ROFL LOL.

Then we go back to dancing on the floor...TWO different white guys approach my ex and congrats him or giving all kinds of props and whatnot. My ex also told me he got thumbs up from all types of dudes from across the room.

That dress is wicked BF! You look good in it! It's like the dress just brought out the HONESTY in all of the white people! :lol: They couldn't keep up the facade of disinterest in the presence of you in that dress! :lol:
For you and CharlotteYork, have black men ever behaved toward you like the white men in your stories? If so, what was the outcome of that?

I haven't been picked up forcibly by a random black man in a club since I was, like 23 or something. And, at 23, we were unrefined and goofy and likely thought it was funny. Actually anything pre-freaknik for me I would have been more game to play with a bm. Post-freaknik, I was done with forward acting bm forever and have not swayed from that to this day. Visiting that "festival" changed my perspective on black men in profound ways. I became extremely conservative after that.

I think if it had been a black man this time, honestly, I don't think I or my SO would have been amused. I can admit that. He would have stopped the guy and I would have had all sorts of an attitude.

And, it's not like I think wm should get a break but it was so just unexpected and against the grain that we were all like, ":blush::blush::blush::lachen::lachen::lachen:."

It was totally beyond the realm of anything I've ever experienced with wm.
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Maybe when me and the SO get hitched, you can add our picture! :yep: :lol:
january noir - Will do!!!

I clicked the SMOKIE SAYS link and looked at all the pics. On the "regular" pics, I noticed that most of the bw are more brown...on the darker side...:scratchch Does this mean that lighter bw are left in the lurch? :lol: And, I didn't like the "regular" pic she posted of the chunky interracial family...she made a comment about the gym under their pic. Not nice. :nono:

On another note, I didn't know Keesha Sharp was married to a wm and I didn't know Jane Fonda's son was married to a bw.

~Charlotte*York~ Yep some of Smokie's comments on the pictures below that one wasn't nice either. The snag-a-sailor (snag-a-tooth), domestic help, and something about former slave owner are the ones I remember. I was more into seeing the pics of happy couples so I ignored most of her comments.

Also, I hadn't thought about Michelle Obama representing! There may be a correlation. Also, there's some new rookie cop show that's on TV now that shows a BW dating a WM and I can see that allowing WM to consider dating a BW more or if they've considered it to actually act on it. Kind of like how they keep showing gays/gay couples and it becoming more "common".

RachelRegina - the model in your siggy :lick: indeed!!!

BeautifulFlower :hiya: Hey woman!!! You were on fire in that dress! You had me laughing at the WM giving :thumbsup: and high fives to your ex. WM are men and they do know what looks good!

For you and CharlotteYork, have black men ever behaved toward you like the white men in your stories? If so, what was the outcome of that?

mwedzi - although you didn't ask me, I can say the BM and WM approach and behaviors are different. The last WM that approached me just came out with "you are soo beautiful, I really like your smile" the last BM that approached me poked me in the back, walked clear across the room, and then waved me over when I looked. Needless to say, the WM and I talked for a short while, the BM got an eye-roll and a turned head. BUT individuals are different so I can only speculate on this being a BM WM difference.

Hey Girl Heyyy!

The last WM that approached me just came out with "you are soo beautiful, I really like your smile" the last BM that approached me poked me in the back, walked clear across the room, and then waved me over when I looked. Needless to say, the WM and I talked for a short while, the BM got an eye-roll and a turned head.

This is hilarious. Thats just all kinds of wrong. I would be completely irritated if someone poked me in the back.
It seems like this kind of smacks of desperation to me on some levels I mean you actually need a book and a website to meet people Next thing you know someone is going to open up a school and there will be informercials and stuff


@Almaz - I was surprised to see a need for the website(s). Wow! I guess there's a book about everything these days.[/QUOTE]
It seems like this kind of smacks of desperation to me on some levels I mean you actually need a book and a website to meet people Next thing you know someone is going to open up a school and there will be informercials and stuff


@Almaz - I was surprised to see a need for the website(s). Wow! I guess there's a book about everything these days.

So you think all people who online date (,,, etc) are desperate?
Or just people who target other races online?

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