I was a step mother for six years (I still keep in contact with my lil girl - I still call her that).
Her mother would also request rather elaborate gifts and want to throw $2000 birthday parties before the child was even old enough to appreciate them but I always kept my mouth shut unless it meant we were going to suffer financially in some way. If it didn't mean our usual saving wasn't being interrupted and we weren't going to not be able to pay a bill because of it, I didn't say a word.
Particularly for a holiday or a birthday party, I just stayed out of it. It's not worth the conflict you can cause over a few hundred dollars. Now if he brought up to me, I think her mom is being unreasonable and asked me my opinion, I would certainly state how I felt in truth. But, although I didn't always agree, I figured I'd not want someone butting their nose in our parental business if the roles were reversed. Keep in mind though, I have a great relationship with step child's mother. We still talk regularly. She's on my myspace page.
In fact, here's pretty much an excerpt of our most recent Christmas convo:
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:18:07 PM): hey, what's up with you
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:19:26 PM): hmmm
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:19:28 PM): nothing much
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:19:52 PM): just bracing for the holidays
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:24:02 PM): i know. Kenya has an expensive shopping list
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:24:29 PM): this one isn't really materialistic but he's gonna transformers me and train set me to death. He's not really into the media frenzy yet and I'm happy because I don't want him sitting in front of video games all day long.
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:24:50 PM): and his teacher has made some suggestions for some things
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:25:00 PM): she used to say "I don't care what i get for Christmas"
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:25:51 PM): but this year it is everything from a laptop to a Playstation 2 to a bowling ball to a flatscreen tv and a nintendo handheld game system
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:26:01 PM): holy crap
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:26:02 PM): lol
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:26:18 PM): sounds like somebody we know with their expensive tastes
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:26:21 PM): I am just waiting on your husband to ask what she wants and I am going to tell him a lapto
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:26:27 PM): lol
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:26:31 PM): now you know he is not my husband anymo' he is our problem equally now. let me know what he says, maybe I should put in my requests first LOL. Let me submit my order request first, I have less on the list.
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:27:04 PM): He would come out cheaper to get that and let me get the rest of the list
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:27:24 PM): he might...all you can do is ask
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:27:50 PM): we'll see
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:28:04 PM): we will be prepared to get it for her
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:29:21 PM): He needs to get used to it because it is only going to get more expensive as she gets older
Tonia (11/12/2007 7:29:50 PM): Barbies are not important anymore
gratiae (11/12/2007 7:30:07 PM): lol
This girl is only 10 years old. LOL.
So there ya go...
Well, now it IS reversed since we are divorced. There is no "other" woman yet but
I've already let him know on no uncertain terms that NO woman better ever interfere with what he does for his child or child support. Otherwise, me and her gonna have a problem. And he understands that and agrees and I seriously hope his new girl whenever he finds one takes heed. That man makes a lot of money and he has plenty to spend on BOTH children and still have enough money left over to wine and dine her so I better never hear any complaints.
I know this to be true since our Consent Court Order (we agreed upon) requires that he give me a copy of his tax return every year by April 15.
LOL, but my ex is so paranoid about losing HALF...I don't think he'll be getting married again for a long long time.
I'm not judging you OP because I agree the gift is a bit much. Some women have different views on buying expensive gifts for children than others. Personally, I don't think a 12 year old can even appreciate a $300.00 purse. I probably wouldn't do it for my son. I might by her a $300 something that's actually worth $300.00 but ummm a purse isn't worth $300.00 to me. However, I'd put the value of my relationship ABOVE and BEYOND this measely $300.00 and just not say anything for now.
Men LOVE LOVE LOVE their little girls and if they get the feeling that gf is trying to interfere (even if they don't out and say that's what they are thinking) you could push him away.
If he asks your opinion, give it but if he doesn't, just let it go.
Even when you're married, unless it interferes seriously with your ability to save money for retirement, vacations, etc. or pay a bill, I'd just not say much about it. If he just has the extra dough to spend that he might have just spent on something equally frivolous for himself or for you, I'd just hush as long as my other needs were being met.
The child is 12 years old. This is just the beginning. If $300.00 is going to bother you now, you're going to be really irritated by the time the child hits 16/17 so get it in your head what you can deal with and what you cannot.
This may not be the best relationship for you if this is something that's going to eat you up.
Hugs. It's gonna be alright!