Menina Preta
Well-Known Member
Part of my original post
I don't see how we're really disagreeing about earnings . . . If we're talking about social pedigree/background, that's a whole other topic.
I still don't think that outside of men who want the whole "power couple" thing (i.e. the "strivers" who need the boost), men who are $$$ successful in their own right don't care if their wives careers are lucrative or whether she has a career at all or went Ivy. I don't think they seek out the most-degreed girls in the room as their first priority. YMMV. I don't have any experience with highly-educated black 20-somethings, so we're bound to disagree. My dh is not black, in his 30s, etc. I am also surrounded by a lot more successful entrepreneurs than white-collar professionals (who need the social acceptance a bit more).
See, I thought we were talking about the whole, social background, connections, etc.
In terms of just pure money, I don't think most Black guys care if his girl makes 200,000 versus 20,000, so I agree with you there.