**2015 Relationships & Dating Thread**

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He went and bought last minute flowers and a ballon. I was pissed and he noticed.

But he explained to me that my gift was an event. I felt soooo bad. Before the event he said we had to stop somewhere. It was the Apple Store where he replaced broken phone with a new one. He took me to an off Broadway play and it was amazing. We had a really good time.

I love that man. He takes such great care of me I can hardly stand it.

He wasn't even upset at my sulking this morning. I got him and I'm never letting go.
I worked yesterday. The only reason I am reminded of valentines day is because other people mentioned it. I'm so wrapped up in wedding plans, moving, and just life to even think about it. FH dotes on me regardless.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
My "surprise meal" wasn't as much of a surprise as I anticipated. His gift basket to me was awesome! He purchased various items that I wanted including a book on emotional intelligence! Can't wait to read it!!!!! My gift to him was a boring sweater.
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It was cute when he asked me Saturday night how many other/old dudes had sent me "Happy V Day" texts/calls that day. I noticed that he glanced at my phone every time it went off. Other than the V Day cup from my parents, he was my only Valentine, duh....That ain't none of his business though :look:
Valentines Day was perfect and full of surprises. I've never had anyone cater to me like that. I am SO glad I got him a gift. I feel like I will need to do something special for his birthday. I think us breaking up after Christmas made him get it together a bit. Still taking it one day at a time...

We adopted a puppy on Saturday that we weren't really prepared for. He(the pup) has already tracked poop in the bedroom. So SO decides it's a great idea to leave a new puppy (who isn't on a food/elimination schedule and isn't crate trained yet), ALONE, in our bedroom, outside of his crate, for the 3 hr interval from when he goes to work to when I get home.

Why doesn't anyone ****ing listen to me? If he makes a mess, I'm not cleaning up a damn thing.
I worked yesterday. The only reason I am reminded of valentines day is because other people mentioned it. I'm so wrapped up in wedding plans, moving, and just life to even think about it. FH dotes on me regardless.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Same here. I literally paid V-day no mind this year, which is a bit unusual. We didn't even exchange cards. lol. Sad. I really wasn't feeling it this year. We spent the whole day together and went to a late night dinner. That was good enough for me (for this year at least) lol
Had a great V day weekend with FH. We went away for the weekend. I ate so much that I had a stomach ache! :lick:

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:love: :love: He makes it all worth it. Okay, well him and my mom. Because all I have done so far is order save the dates. And she did that :look:


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Ok: I learned that I should NOT mingle with any SO friends or co-workers until I'm sure about "us". I can get used to these folks......
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Ok: I learned that I should NOT mingle with any SO friends or co-workers until I'm sure about "us". I can get used to these folks......

Good thing or bad thing?

I just realized SO has met only two of my friends but I've met all of his friends plenty of times. But that's another story for another day smh...
His mom gave him a gift to give to me. I haven't met her yet. I feel like I need to say thank you but how?

You can call her and tell her thank you.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
We got the keys to our new place yesterday! It is fantastic! ! We got the rooms painted yesterday, too. We're moving everything tomorrow.
2 years ago he lost a pair of his favorite sunglasses. brought them up constantly for 2 years. i was able to track down the same exact pair and surprised him with them for christmas.

he lost them already.:ohwell:
Ok: I learned that I should NOT mingle with any SO friends or co-workers until I'm sure about "us". I can get used to these folks......

Me and my man have been together for a year now and only my female besties have met him like ONCE.

I went out the other day and a guy friend says, "You are so...you never talk about your bf."

And I'm okay with that. :lol: I like having my two little worlds completely separate. I was thinking they might all finally meet for my birthday dinner but they probably won't do that either. :lol:
Me and my man have been together for a year now and only my female besties have met him like ONCE.

I went out the other day and a guy friend says, "You are so...you never talk about your bf."

And I'm okay with that. :lol: I like having my two little worlds completely separate. I was thinking they might all finally meet for my birthday dinner but they probably won't do that either. :lol:

I like keeping my worlds separate too! lol. I thought it was only me. Its very rare that my fiancé hangs out with my friends. And I hardly ever have company. I am just weird about people being in my space.
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I actually took bath today :cry3: it was surreal.

We're having sooo much fun decorating and stuff! Well, I'm decorating and he's having fun with the lighting, speakers, and stuff. Unpacking is even fun!
I actually took bath today :cry3: it was surreal. We're having sooo much fun decorating and stuff! Well, I'm decorating and he's having fun with the lighting, speakers, and stuff. Unpacking is even fun!

You are too cute :lol:

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
I like keeping my worlds separate too! lol. I thought it was only me. Its very rare that my fiancé hangs out with me friends. And I hardly ever company. I am just weird about people being in my space.
i agree. I remember when my best friend's other best friend got married about seven year's ago. I know her vaguely well and we are cordial but not enough to be running by houses and stuff. My best friend (he's a guy) was that kinda friends with her though, as well as with me (although...I've never really welcomed unexpected visitors even as a single person, even from BFFs, so...:look:) I always wondered how that worked with her being married and just thought "I guess it's still the same. Oh that's cool."

Well one time there was either a really big boxing event or football game and he said she was having something over her house and he was going and invited me and our other good girlfriend to come that day. We get there and I'm thinking it's gonna be a little party so I was glad I came to school cute that day--little fitted tank and skirt and what not, thought I might meet a single guy--but it wasn't a party. It was the girl--my best friends other BFF--and her husband, both home from a day of work and with that shy uncomfortable yet polite smile that let me know that she prob invited HIM to come over and watch the game and they would have either done that quietly and hung out so her husband could chill and relax OR watched with him, but she definitely wasn't expecting him to bring a posse of women with him.

He was oblivious to her discomfort and I knew then that he was gonna have to get that together because id have turned him right around in my household. I was just so affected by how oblivious he was to his best friend's comfort--she was in a sweatpants and a sweatshirt expecting to be amongst her ppl and here he brings me and my friend who was looking her up and down talking about how she didn't seem friendly and her husband did and my BFF is just laughing and having a good old time.

Cut to my last lunch with my BFF (this is 2015, like 7 years after that incident) and he's talking about my fiancé (who he has met bc he works at me and my fiancées fave clothing store and they've also seen each other at family functions or about downtown, so they know each other but I keep them separate, so this is what he's commenting on) is like "FH is shy. I never see him. I see I'm not gonna get an invite to hang out with y'all at his house so I'm just gonna have to invite myself and drop by." Nope :look:

I keep the worlds separate. I know y'all weren't referring to all that and I went off on a tangent talking about feeling like a random woman in somebody's home but I feel you on keeping the worlds separate. (With this friend I do it, too, because otherwise id lose track of my schedule bc he would come over at 11pm and stuff when I need to be sleep if I let him, so it's not a "change" bc of a relationship, but still.) for one thing, my fiancé is the first guy I've really introduced to my mom because I really want him to have a good relationship with my parents.
Even still, the fact that they can/do call and text each other without me being a middleman weirds me out sometimes. I like it but it weirds me out. I have the kind of friends that would want that capability too. Too much loss of control. Nope.

Also, my fiancé is very terse. He really only answers my mom's texts bc she's my mom. Usually he either doesn't answer ppl or responds with a yes or no answer. My sister and fam have asked about it like "am I bothering him?" That's exactly how I would want him responding to my friends :look: but I'm not about to sit here and basically apologize for his terseness to everybody that tries to make friends with him, so let's just keep y'all separate. Lol
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I think the main reason I like to keep the worlds separate is bc I let different parts of my hair down around different ppl. If they all come together then I could potentially be just all loose-haired and exposed from all angles. This isn't so much a concern with FH cause he knows most of my stuff, but that's how the preference for world separation began when I started dating.

Also.....ppl don't know how to really keep it cute. At my moms bday party, my mom and my friend started talking in detail about this guy I dated in the past. FH knew I dated him (he knew the guy), but they were doing innnnnnn detail even after I was like "ok...let's change the subject." FH and my dad both were sitting there looking like :look:
I like to keep it seperate, too. I don't see the point of having SO around my friends and family and vice versa. He, OTOH, loves that mingling ish. I always tell him 'I hate your friends' :lol: I don't want to be around them. He always asks me if I wanna have dinner /breakfast with his parents on the wknds. He's so nice. I'm always like wtf would I want to do that? :lol: I have parents, I have friends. Thanks, I'm good lol.
This weekend I met up with an old friend I having seen in 10 plus years. We are talking and having a good time and he seems impressed by who I am and how I am. Then he tells me I think like a man. He said it as if it was a grand compliment.

I have heard this many times and I am not sure what it even means but it always by a man who appears to be attracted to me.
When my confidence takes a beating at work, I don't feel lovable by him. Most certainly not in the mood to kiss or ....just hold me and don't say a word.
I take it hard and feel like something is wrong with me in all aspects of my life.
I hope I never get fired, because it could do some serious damage to my self-esteem.
When my confidence takes a beating at work, I don't feel lovable by him.
I just had a talk about this. I am trying to learn how to separate my failures with me as a person. You can't let the up and downs in life control how you feel about your core self and your worth. It's dangerous.
So the same guy I've been going out with payed for movies and food afterward tonight. We have a...agreement? I don't want to call it a date because we never specified a time but we're going to a Yoga class together in the near future :blush:

I feel like it's obvious that we have a connection but I wouldn't call it a spark. I smile and laugh a lot more when I'm around him and conversation flows well. I like him. I think he likes me too but not so much that he wants to be exclusive. And I think I'm okay with that. For now. My life isn't in a good place for an exclusive relationship.
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