**2015 Relationships & Dating Thread**

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Why do some women get involved with the guy who mysteriously has all this money, expensive cars, expensive clothes but no job to show for it? The ones that SCREAM illegal activity? Are they THAT materialistic where they are blinded by the bling?
I feel sorry that her bf got shot and killed but I kinda wanna say to her, maybe NOW you'll leave those kind of guys alone.
IDK....I'm confused.
I'd invite the sis-in-law to the bachelorette party and the mom in law and sis-in-laws to the spa day, especially the mom-in-law and the sis-in-law who is coordinating the wedding. It's the right thing to do and will create good will.

I totally agree. Goodwill is super important when blending two families. So long as there is no disrespect going on, I say invite them. You have no idea when you might need to cash in those chips. Seeing that you are moving closer to your in-laws, they could be a good support system when you and FH need some alone time and need someone to watch the kids should you decide to have any.
Uhm, our "kidZ" ? Try kiD buddy.
And with every day passing I'm getting quite happy thinking of life plans without a crumbsnatcher.
Yay! My xmas gift came early and I got a Pibbs Kwik Dry 514!
Now I can start my protein treatments again.
Mi like him :)
@Harina I'm not so sure it's a new thing.
All part of the boundaries talk.
I'm scared as all heck though....

Of course it's not new but it is talked about so much more openly nowadays to the point that some guys just expect that you're going to do it. I blame porn.
No that's what I meant, are people talking MORE about it these days?
I hadn't noticed.
Still scared...lol
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Anyone starting the 2016 thread?

Here's my question: do you know your man's whereabouts or feel like you should know them? I'm unsure if this is reasonable but I had invited him to go to a bday party with me. He didn't want to go and said he wanted to just chill at home (important detail) Ok. I called him after I left the party and he told me he wasn't home but instead at someone else's home. I didn't ask who's or anything because I was immediately annoyed and it showed in my voice. A few minutes later I got a call back saying that he was on his way home. I didn't like thinking he's in one place to later find out he wasn't at all. I could have easily gotten a text from him saying that there was a change of plan. When did these plans come up? Did he simply not want to go to the bday party? People should have the right to live but...

What's the norm in your relationship?
Anyone starting the 2016 thread?

Here's my question: do you know your man's whereabouts or feel like you should know them? I'm unsure if this is reasonable but I had invited him to go to a bday party with me. He didn't want to go and said he wanted to just chill at home (important detail) Ok. I called him after I left the party and he told me he wasn't home but instead at someone else's home. I didn't ask who's or anything because I was immediately annoyed and it showed in my voice. A few minutes later I got a call back saying that he was on his way home. I didn't like thinking he's in one place to later find out he wasn't at all. I could have easily gotten a text from him saying that there was a change of plan. When did these plans come up? Did he simply not want to go to the bday party? People should have the right to live but...

What's the norm in your relationship?
He's allowed to not enjoy the same things you do. His intent might have been to stay at home, but then new plans came up.
IMO don't trip about it. I don't think its reasonable to request that someone text you any time they leave their house.
Disclaimer: Yes, I dared say it and I will not apologize. This ain't the CF and this is REAL talk.

I'm all for couples working it out and learning each other's love language but please let me say that it's ridiculous to try and drill into women that their p*ssy has magical powers. All this worshiping the "king" of your castle, cooking for 10 hours and making y our home spotless, deferring to his demands and attitude - read, tantrums, scrubbing his nuts for him, allowing him to rule his kingdom....your p*ssy isn't magical. You can shove all the stones, crystals and platinum and gold up there....if he wants to treat you like sh******, he will. If he wants to cheat on you, there ain't a damned thing you can do personally to dissuade him. Moral behavior has got to come from HIS WILL. You cannot change him. You didn't make him and you cannot save him. He's got to save himself. Magical p*ssies are right alongside unicorns and fairies with wings and stuff. It's not the P, it's the D and His WILL that make him do unthinkable actions to harm his loved ones. So, save your money, your potions, crystals and such. Sometimes, life throws curveballs. Live, learn, sometimes, move on but don't throw away your right to human dignity and some "magical" place where you worship a man.
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That was great @kanozas
It reminds me of something I was thinking about yesterday while on my run.
When I man tells a woman that she's special and that she's better than all his exes etc. etc.
I kinda feel like cussing him out on behalf of all the exes (even if he's mine).
For any good woman that's ever been left because the man simply wasn't ready, I say cuss him out.
When they are ready, they wanna make it seem like the 'chosen' woman was sooooo great, BS, it was about timing. And we all know, no one has control over that. IDK, just a thought....
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