**2015 Relationships & Dating Thread**

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any time i have a problem or issue he goes into Mr. Fix-It mode and gives me a detailed step by step breakdown of what i should do, asking questions i don't know the answers to, telling me to call this person and that person. i already know what i need to do! i was simply venting! my goodness! its exhausting.

sometimes i just want him to say, "it'll work out. dont worry babe." talking to him makes me even more stressed out.
SO told me he has found the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with (me). It's kind of taken me aback, like "how can you be so sure", especially since I'm not sure about spending the rest of my life with him yet.
It's almost time to enjoy the trip that SO gave me for my birthday. We leave in 2.5 days! I'm excited. It will be a much needed break from work and freezing weather :ohwell:

Get this, it's my birthday trip... but the details are a surprise for him :lol: He knows I live for planning vacations, parties, events, and, well, anything lol. So, part of my birthday present from him was was his credit card attached to a card telling me to plan a vacation.

Besides the country we're going to and how long we'll be there, but he knows none of the details. So now I'm excited for him to find out about MY bday present :lol:

Shhhh! Don't tell him... We're going to Mexico. Flying in to Cancun and then driving to Playa Del Carmen. We're staying in a private bungalow on the beach. I've never done this before, so I can't wait. While we're down there, I want to take a day trip to Tulum.

Then we're driving back up to Cancun and staying in an all-inclusive resort. I'm excited because the room I booked has a jacuzzi on the balcony. We will spend a lot of time enjoying the resort, but I also want to take a day trip to the Mayan ruins and to do a few excursions.

Saturday morning cannot come soon enough.
SO told me he has found the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with (me). It's kind of taken me aback, like "how can you be so sure", especially since I'm not sure about spending the rest of my life with him yet.

Im wondering how we're supposed to respond when men say these things when we don't yet feel the same..er...thank you??
We've decided on a tentative date for the wedding. May 2017. We're already starting to plan and need to start saving more money.

We were planning our life in this order: wedding, then hopefully buying a home, if not buying then renting for a bit till we can buy, then kids. The baby making and the housing part are sort of gonna be happening at the same time.

However, his mum keeps telling us we should live together before we get married, even if it's only for a little while. I agree. I'd like to live with him for a bit before marriage. I'm sure I'd be fine with living with him but then again, that's what everyone says until they actually live with their SO.

I live in a studio flat and he still lives with his parents. So he's gonna move in with me. Eek! We literally decided this a few days ago and he said he's gonna move in on Monday. As my place is tiny he's only bringing his clothes and personal items and leaving the rest at his parents as sort of storage until we get a bigger place after the wedding.

This is exciting but also scary. We've been together 5 years and I feel like I pretty much know everything about him, all his habits etc. plus he stays here every weekend, but it's gonna be so weird to have him here all the time. And I know that it will be different. But I think it's a good idea. I'd rather find out what it's like living with him now than after I'm married to him.
In his mind we are back together, but I'm not so sure yet.

I hate when things become a waiting game and you have to see if they're going to continue to with all this new recent effort they've been putting in.

I ordered him some engraved office accessories for his new job though. :look: I need to stop doing things like that but I can't wait to see his reaction when I give it to him.
It's almost time to enjoy the trip that SO gave me for my birthday. We leave in 2.5 days! I'm excited. It will be a much needed break from work and freezing weather :ohwell:

Get this, it's my birthday trip... but the details are a surprise for him :lol: He knows I live for planning vacations, parties, events, and, well, anything lol. So, part of my birthday present from him was was his credit card attached to a card telling me to plan a vacation.

Besides the country we're going to and how long we'll be there, but he knows none of the details. So now I'm excited for him to find out about MY bday present :lol:

Shhhh! Don't tell him... We're going to Mexico. Flying in to Cancun and then driving to Playa Del Carmen. We're staying in a private bungalow on the beach. I've never done this before, so I can't wait. While we're down there, I want to take a day trip to Tulum.

Then we're driving back up to Cancun and staying in an all-inclusive resort. I'm excited because the room I booked has a jacuzzi on the balcony. We will spend a lot of time enjoying the resort, but I also want to take a day trip to the Mayan ruins and to do a few excursions.

Saturday morning cannot come soon enough.

We're also going to Cancun and also for my bday staying in an all inclusive resort!
You MUST give me the deets when you get back.
Yay! Now I'm more excited. Even though it's my bday present to myself, not as lucky as you, I planned a day trip toooo...Tulum as a surprise for him. I'm nervous about the whether. I hope it's HOT.
How long are you staying?
Our random conversations:

Me: Baby tell me a secret

Him: I will get back to you on that one

*Days later*

ME: Hey baby how was your day?
Him: Great love! The secret is I will marry you!
Me: Awww you never told me that before!
Him: Yeah because it was a secret

I love it!

We're also going to Cancun and also for my bday staying in an all inclusive resort!
You MUST give me the deets when you get back.
Yay! Now I'm more excited. Even though it's my bday present to myself, not as lucky as you, I planned a day trip toooo...Tulum as a surprise for him. I'm nervous about the whether. I hope it's HOT.
How long are you staying?

Yay!! Have a good time :grin: We're staying for 9 days. 4 days in playa del carmen, 5 in cancun. One more day of torture... I mean work, and we're out of here!

I already made Cancun the home city on the Weather widget on my phone. :lol: It is currently 82 degrees there :cool:
I have a job interview next week (fingers crossed) and while I was talking to FH about it last night, he was like, "So we are going to practice for it, work for it, pray for it and you are going to get that job." :huggle: He's not super religious (neither am I, we're more spiritual if that makes sense), so for him to throw in "pray" was just like.. yeah, we are on another level now.

Last night we went to the movies and on the way home randomly he said, "Thank you for being my homey". I was like awwww thank you for being MY homey. He's so sweet.

We go to Vegas next Friday. :yay: Im getting more and more excited.... :yep:
I told SO I was sending him the BuzzFeed article with 27 cute pictures to restore his faith in rats. (I like rats; he does not.) Instead of freaking out he said, "oh my gosh, I'm marrying a crazy rat lady!" He is adorable!! :love:
I was trying to give a ninja the benefit of the doubt. Was also watching how he handled that mess he made and.....well... :nono:
I just want to selfishly say the state of the world right now...is totally wrecking my sex life. I would really really like really appreciate it if all this craziness would die down....so my current situation could return to his...it's rightful place!
I gotta cut the marriage talk...I'm not trying to pressure him I just want him to put his money where his mouth is.
Neither of us like it when we have to leave the others company :( we're such saps! lol It reminds me of our honeymoon phase except sooooo much better!

Did I mention that I'm moving in with him at his current place at the end on January? Until we move in to our apartment in February. firstly because I can't wait to live with him yayyy and secondly cuz I don't wanna pay double rent for February lol.
I'm planning a special evening for my guy before he goes away. He mentioned his favorite food is Italian food. Call me crazy, but I'm ordering my favorite pasta from a nearby restaurant and dumping it in a pot and acting like I cooked it. :lachen:
SO told me he has found the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with (me). It's kind of taken me aback, like "how can you be so sure", especially since I'm not sure about spending the rest of my life with him yet.

Most of the good relationships I know if started with the man being intense and the woman having to catch up later lol.

FH was intense in a way I hadn't seen him with other women. When they know they know quickly most of the time imo.
I just did it! Actually made him think it was time because he was being way too clingy too and all that other ish.

I am so relieved!

Back on the market. Yay!

You remind me so much of myself when it comes to the way you deal with relationships and men. Thumbs up!!
His grandma has leukemia and doesn't think she'll make it to next Christmas. She's 90 years old and is ok with it. Apparently, she decided to start making baby clothes so we'd have them when she's gone. So sweet but dang! Talk about putting the pressure on!! :lol:

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
You remind me so much of myself when it comes to the way you deal with relationships and men. Thumbs up!!


Does it ever get you in trouble with the men tho? I mean the 'meaner' i am the more clingy thry become .

See being like that this one, like most the others, has decided he dont really want to let go.... not going out easily.
I was worried about the lack of space we'd have coz my place is so small. However, it doesn't even feel like he brought anything with him.:lol:

I cleared out the whole of one of my chest of drawers/dressers for him. It only had beanies and house clothes in there anyway so I could easily find another space for them. Anyway, dude put all his clothes in the drawers: jeans and trousers in one drawer, t shirts in another, jumpers/sweaters in another, underwear and socks in another.

Please tell me why his clothes only fill up about half of every drawer? :lachen:

This is a very good thing, though, because when we move into a place we buy together I'm gonna need most of the space in the closets and wardrobes. :look:
We had a serious conversation about marriage/our relationship and he unknowingly did a lot to convince me that he's serious about this marriage thing. I'm happy, but inwardly freaking out.
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We had a serious conversation about marriage/our relationship and he unknowingly did a lot to convince me that he's serious about this marriage thing. I'm happy, but inwardly freaking out.

ETA: Last night he pledged half of his bonus check towards a wedding if I want one which I thought was magnanimous but probably pie in the sky on his part, especially since he has no interest in a wedding. This evening when we talked, he told me he gets his check in 3 weeks and he's sure I can't wait to go on a wedding shopping spree once it gets here. I guess I'll stop doubting him on this. :spinning:
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