**2015 Relationships & Dating Thread**

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I used to complain to my friends in the past but that stopped with my current SO. Mostly because there wasn't anything to complain about lol! What's funny is that I had a friend that was mad at me because I "didn't tell her anything that was going on" with me and my SO, but there was nothing to tell (me and her don't really talk that often now). It wasn't my fault that my new boo didn't come with any drama! & plus I've also seen the effects of telling certain things and people running with it, so now I rarely discuss him unless it's discussing some plans we have.
My friends and I all share the good and bad stuff in our relationships openly. It's hilarious. But we don't offer negative feedback like he trifling, leave him, etc . That would be pointless. We know ain't nobody going nowhere unless they want to lol. But I've known these people since kindergarten, so they're like family. That's what I mean by friends. Other friends? No, I don't talk to them about anything at all lol
Yeah they are officially on my list. I couldve said plenty truthful things about them that wouldve been perceived as rude but I never did. Im honestly flabbergasted that someone with an incarcerated husband can be so bold:spinning:

I feel for you.
This is the passive aggressiveness some folks in close circles have with either. Waiting for the opportunity to show "I am above you." or it's the old adage, misery loves company...
Yes! My bestie knows more details than them and you are exactly right. She knows Id leave when and if I wanted to. Those other two get the bare bones from now on. But they're invested in this like a soap opera :ohwell: When they ask Ill just say we are both alive and breathing :look:

My friends and I all share the good and bad stuff in our relationships openly. It's hilarious. But we don't offer negative feedback like he trifling, leave him, etc . That would be pointless. We know ain't nobody going nowhere unless they want to lol. But I've known these people since kindergarten, so they're like family. That's what I mean by friends. Other friends? No, I don't talk to them about anything at all lol
SO doesn't want anyone to know we met online. He tells everyone that we met at a certain restaurant/bar.
I have refused to lie as these things always come out and I don't want to look like I was ashamed of something that is perfectly normal. Here in the UK it is still ever so slightly taboo but 1 of my best mates met her man online.

Anyone who asks I will tell them the truth but when I have met his family I have gone along with his 'lie' and will do the same when I meet his friends.

I used to work with one of his good friends and told him that I saw him on a dating site 18 months ago so his mates are doing it too! He was surprised by this.

Should I not be telling my people the truth because of his wishes? Abit late now I guess!!

He knows I do tell the truth to my people and said he doesn't want me to lie to them if it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Anyone else had this issue?

we met on okc almost 3 years ago and i still tell ppl we met at a bar.:lol: technically we did first meet at the bar.:look: im not sure what he tells people.

i have no idea why im embarrassed about meeting online. its so common these days.
I have one friend that I tell relationship details too.

I have girlfriends I've known for over 15 years that don't know any details about who I'm dating and only get to meet him in passing. As much as I love them, they are definitely the stereotypical bitter black females that love to do the most. Majority of them have never been in a relationship so they couldn't give advice if they even tried.
SO and I have an agreement that if we have any issues, we discuss them with eachother and not others. We also agree to never agrue in public or in front of friends and family.

Everytime we're out with other couples and we witness a disagreement or arguement, I'm reminded of how important it is that we keep our relationship personal. It's mad awkward being around when a couple dissagrees lol.
SO is talking to his mom in Spanish about buying coffee (??) while I'm on the phone. Maybe I'll eavesdrop better when I finish my CEs, lol.
I love it how SO listens to what i say and follows upo with actions to make me happy. I stated yesterday morning I needed some attention from him and by lunchtime he brought my favorite lunch and starbucks to my office and then after working all day then getting home to move things into storage he comes over for dinner and spends time just playing trivia games at my house and laughing.

It's one thing to listen but to have his immediate actions reflect my words is priceless.
SO and I have an agreement that if we have any issues, we discuss them with eachother and not others. We also agree to never agrue in public or in front of friends and family.

Everytime we're out with other couples and we witness a disagreement or arguement, I'm reminded of how important it is that we keep our relationship personal. It's mad awkward being around when a couple dissagrees lol.

At what stage should a couple have this discussion?
Im only 3 months in but we have both made it clear this is for the long term.
Thank y'all for your input. You would've thought I gave juicy details but nah. I didn't lol. Their imagination made up the rest smh
Date night tonight...he suggested Starbucks...I said Sheraton Hotel for coffee. It's quiet and hotels have the best coffee. I'm determined to date this year just to break the hold my current beau has on me...I hope this works.

ETA: We had a great time. He definitely wants a relationship. I could kick it with him....he really is very nice and has a seriously nice Rover.

I just said the exact same thing in another thread.

I might have a date this weekend with a new guy. He asked about it on Wednesday but I said we should play it by ear cause the weather has been horrible the last few days.
I am giving in :nono: he is really pleading his case and making an effort. For once, I am torn. I think I'll let him take me to dinner to hear him out.
At what stage should a couple have this discussion?
Im only 3 months in but we have both made it clear this is for the long term.


We actually agreed on the arguing before we were official, however had been dating for almost 3 months. The agreement came about after we witnessed an argument between a man and a woman at the table behind us during a dinner date. We decided then that we would never be that couple. We discussed it right then and there lol.

As for the agreement not to discuss our relationship with others, that came right after we became official. We had a discussion about the things we expected out of our relationship... and that came up. I forget which one of us brought it up initially, but we both agreed.

I think any time after you consider yourselves in a relationship should work. I don't think it's ever too early to agree on some ground rules that will make your relationship stronger.
Me: Can I do anything to help with dinner?
Him: No, baby. You go relax. Have another beer.


A man in the kitchen is so sexy. :lick:

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
SO is gone for 50 days for work. We haven't been apart longer than 4 days since we met. .. this should be interesting.
him: i spoke with my parents earlier and my mom said she would be really upset if we don't get married in a church.
me: but that's none of my business :perplexed
him: i told her we can all sit down and talk when they get back [from india] and all four of us can have a discussion.

he claims he's already told her he doesn't want to get married in a church but says she should hear it from me as well. naaah, you need to handle that, bruh.

i will agree to a wedding even though ive never wanted anything less in my life but i WILL NOT get married in a church.:nono: **** that ****.
He does such random sweet things. I've been texting him all week that I'm freezing in my room, he shows up last night with a space heater for me.
My modest sweetie smh...

He took me on a surprise date night. I got all dolled up and suspected he was taking me to a movie after he asked if I had a large purse. Even though it was a movie I wanted to se, it sucked.

Since I'm on a vegan and gluten free diet, he prepared a surprise sneak-in-the-movie meal by making me a vegan burger on gluten free bread, vegan cheese and home made sweet potato fries. My financially strapped sweetie is soooo darn sweet.
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Thinking of what to do for our 2nd anniversary. I told him I wanted to make a long weekend out of it. His idea was a getaway to Aruba or something. I was thinking more like drive upstate for a bed/breakfast. Cost friendly and less travel time...

Maybe I should let his ideas marinate? His sounds better than mine. ;)
Thinking of what to do for our 2nd anniversary. I told him I wanted to make a long weekend out of it. His idea was a getaway to Aruba or something. I was thinking more like drive upstate for a bed/breakfast. Cost friendly and less travel time...

Maybe I should let his ideas marinate? His sounds better than mine. ;)

You know you wanna go to Aruba!
Went to see Selma last night with my newish love. Ended up spending the night and passing out after giggling over ridiculous YouTube vids.

We woke up to the UPS man at the door. After hearing him fumbling around he told me to look and the package was boots for me!!! I felt so happy and spoiled but then he was trying to get up and shower for work. I'm like heck no. I didn't spend the night to go home high and dry. I told him he had to pay the toll...he looked at me like what? So I gave him the look and boy did he pay!!!!

I'm glad I waited this long to make it official because I know him and trust him and have zero insecurities when it comes to him being around beautiful women all day everyday!
He always knows what to say to me when somethings happened and I'm feeling down. Its like a weight lifts almost immediately. Always. Even back when we were casual acquaintances. I love this man. He's good for my soul.
He knows you want to discuss this topic but it sounds to me like he will continue to avoid having the conversation for as long as he can. He will likely even play dumb if you bring up the topic again. If I were you I would not keep bringing it up. Whatever the issue is I believe it will naturally resurface again anyway.
Our random conversations:

Me: Baby tell me a secret

Him: I will get back to you on that one

*Days later*

ME: Hey baby how was your day?
Him: Great love! The secret is I will marry you!
Me: Awww you never told me that before!
Him: Yeah because it was a secret

I love it!
Our random conversations:

Me: Baby tell me a secret

Him: I will get back to you on that one

*Days later*

ME: Hey baby how was your day?
Him: Great love! The secret is I will marry you!
Me: Awww you never told me that before!
Him: Yeah because it was a secret

I love it!

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
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