**2015 Relationships & Dating Thread**

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Our two year anniversary today. :cloud9: I had to work and he had to go out of town so I we saw each other for all of 5 minutes today. :cry3: We went out to dinner at the spot where we had our first date last night and he brought me breakfast at work this morning. :2inlove: Not seeing each other today doesn't really matter. In 2 months we'll have a new anniversary to celebrate! :love4:
LOL @sunshinebeautiful cracking up...

He found a meditation class for us to attend yesterday. As the instructor was explaining the technique here's what this fool is doing:

Him (whispering): Hey...Fine 4s...Fine 4s....Fine 4s
Ignoring cuz nothing good will come of it but he persists so I turn my head to look at him.
Him (mouthing): I want your body.
Me: Can you stop? this is not the space I want to be in right now.
Ignores what I'm saying and speaks over me
Him: I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it....

I was dying inside trying to keep a straight face LMAO!
He wants to take other classes together but there's no way I'm sitting next to him again, I don't care if it's glass blowing.

He's so cute teehee....
Received a 4 minute phone call.... Yeah, we got through so much stuff in 4 minutes- Amazing! He sounds so different too. Two weeks from today, I drive to Fort Jackson to see him graduate. But right now, I am just so sad in a ball of tears. Hope the next 13 days fly by :(:cry3:
My bf left for boot camp yesterday. I was able to text him before he got on his flight this morning but Im sitting here like boo boo da fool. Lonely isnt the half of it.

My son tried to cheer me up last night and it worked but today, lawd, I dun ate so much junk and crap to distract myself.

I got it bad. 1 day down....89 to go. -_-
We need to be buddies. My SO is wrapping up his ten weeks right now. But these last two weeks are DRAGGING. I did get a phone call on Tuesday though and he cannot wait to see me.
What branch is your boyfriend in?
My bf left for boot camp yesterday. I was able to text him before he got on his flight this morning but Im sitting here like boo boo da fool. Lonely isnt the half of it.

My son tried to cheer me up last night and it worked but today, lawd, I dun ate so much junk and crap to distract myself.

I got it bad. 1 day down....89 to go. -_-
We need to be buddies. My SO is wrapping up his ten weeks right now. But these last two weeks are DRAGGING. I did get a phone call on Tuesday though and he cannot wait to see me.
What branch is your boyfriend in?

He's Army. At Ft Benning though. I'm prior Army so I know the drill but boy does it suck being on the other end. I'm a mess. Waiting on my first letter and it's only been two days lolol
It annoys me when he asks me if I have plans for X day when in my mind that's 'our day' why would I make plans?
It makes me wonder if I should make other plans from time to time or get more friends. Ugh....I hate relationship strategy games. Or being so attached.
He's Army. At Ft Benning though. I'm prior Army so I know the drill but boy does it suck being on the other end. I'm a mess. Waiting on my first letter and it's only been two days lolol
Same here. I went to Jackson almost 10 years ago. Honorable discharge last year. Now that I am on this side it is like shock. Our relationship was just starting too right when he shipped out. But I am happy to be apart of this from day one. If he is the one and we get married, then I feel proud to have supported him through out all of this.
My SO is prior service AF and just switched to Army Reserves and is looking to Commission.
Same here. I went to Jackson almost 10 years ago. Honorable discharge last year. Now that I am on this side it is like shock. Our relationship was just starting too right when he shipped out. But I am happy to be apart of this from day one. If he is the one and we get married, then I feel proud to have supported him through out all of this.
My SO is prior service AF and just switched to Army Reserves and is looking to Commission.

Oh thats really good. Well dang, I was in 10 years ago and went to FT Jackson too , lolol. This is sounding almost alike, except my bf is brand spanking new. Hes going in the National Guard but thinking about full time AGR. We might be getting engaged when he comes back.. He's been hinting about it , so we will see.

So I won the Challenge Question last week for my SO's Basic Training on Facebook. They took a picture of him and he wrote a sweet message on a chalk board for me and had a big smile. This week is going to drag. I wish I could snap my fingers and it be next week. I see him in 9 days!!!! This has been way too long.
I've always said I was late bloomer.

I realize two things along my relationship travels: 1/ what being in love is like and 2/ knowing what I deserve in a relationship. I’m learning from my experiences and disappointments (and tons of heartbreak) rather than blindly repeating what others tell me I deserve (because no one really knows you 100%).

I don’t fall in love as quickly as I thought I did. Falling in love takes time for me to develop because it requires complete openness, trust and vulnerability on my part which takes time to develop. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been in love. Even more interesting, I don’t think anyone’s been in love with me! The key ingredient to being in love is reciprocity. All those frustrating experiences prevented me from falling in love because the love was never fully returned. What would make me love someone? Only last year did it become clear to me that one should really like the essence of the person they are with, the spirit of the person. That’s what I need to fall in love. Would you want him/her as a friend or even want to get to know them? I can’t say I’ve dated really great guys.

As far as knowing what I deserve, honestly, this revelation came from simply stepping outside of myself like an outsider. I see all that I give, all that I do and how much I offer. WHY would I accept anything less when I give so much? I don’t think about what’s wrong with me anymore. Paradigm shift anyone?

I will admit, I feel slightly sorry for myself. Maybe sorry that it took me almost 4 decades to learn.
[end vent]
SO FREAKING HAPPY!!! He got a new job. He resigned from his current job to move back to me before the wedding. We were prepared for him to have to substitute teach for a year before he got something permanent. The market is tough around here for teachers but he killed that interview and got it!

Why can't he ever follow directions??? I wrote out all the meals for the week. Sent him the meal list as well as a detailed grocery list. Of course he gets nearly nothing on the list. Wtf! I didn't ask for ground beef now all the meals I planned out I have to replan. Ugh he just does what he wants to do. Another area I no longer need help in from him
So the long awaited day is here! I drive down to Fort Jackson in about 5 hours. 8 hour drive so I should be there by the early evening. I am so excited and so nervous. Last contact ever was 5/11. He sent me his last letters.

I canNOT believe we just did this and went through this. He thanked me for my dedication and loyalty while he was away. Now that he will be soon "back to reality," I am kinda nervous how things will go. Absence made my heart grow fonder but for him....? I need the actions and not the words so now I will see if he was really serious with everything he has said and written.
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