**2015 Relationships & Dating Thread**

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How do you guys feel about going on vacation with a guy you haven't been with very long?

In my opinion, it depends on how tight the two of you are and how the two of you feel about each other (you know, all about how comfortable the two of you are around each other). My FH and I took a vacation together after being together for a short time. We had a ball.
We are paying for our own (expensive) flights as far as that. I've just never been able to go on a really nice vacation like this and definitely never had that with a SO.

Actually now that I think of it we had a trip together before but just as friends and it was business related.

I'm glad I have a trip that isn't professional finally.
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My guy was all nervous about us going on our first trip. It was NOT a big deal to me at all because I'm use to travelling quite a bit and sometimes with strangers. Him, not so much. If you get along great why not? *shrug*
Well we're officially in a long distance relationship! He'll be in training for the next few months then traveling pretty often so I'm expecting to be doing this for awhile. It feels like we just started dating again though...man I miss him like crazy! Booking flight to see him in two weeks.
I've known my bf for several years as a casual acquaintance. In November of 2014, he expressed interest which I didnt take seriously because he's 14 years younger than me.
Some people in our circle are wagging the tongues though, which is to be expected. Interesting times ahead.
Jumping in- I was dating a guy in January but cut it off because I just wasn't feeling him when it was all said and done.

Ended up meeting my now boo in early March but shortly after we met, he up and left to Army Basic Training. We decided to use the time to get to know one another via letters and etc. which I can appreciate because we are getting that time in to know one another without lust involved. He has sent me 8 long letters so far and things are going well considering the circumstances. I will be headed to South Carolina to see him next month for his graduation. He is already calling me his girlfriend but I told him that we would make it official after he gets back.
Sooooo I just logged into my old OKCupid account to scare my SO because he was getting on my nerves lmao. I immediately got messages and profile views lol.

Anyway, I read my old summary and I think it's soooo cute :lol: I'm gonna post it here :look:

My self-summary

Hello, hello! Do you like my username? It has absolutely no meaning and is completely random, like me :) No, wait, that came out wrong. I do have meaning...and I'm very random. -__- okay, self, get it together lol.

I took a 6 month hiatus from OKC, because I was just really trying to focus on school. I'm graduating soon, so I can't afford to **** **** up now, right? My pictures are still accurate, except I'm a lil skinnier and my hair is a wee-bit longer...well, the 'fro is bigger. Hot stuff, right? yup.

I am an introverted potty mouth type and I hate to cook. Men who love to cook really open the flood gates. Not the ones up there, either (look down......oh, wait..).

What I’m doing with my life
Ok, so that^^^probably made me seem like a superficial bimbo. But this next ****?? ****in A.

I'm a Bio major who will be graduating very soon and moving back home (this makes me so sad, but oh well). Planning to attend grad school and eventually get my PhD in Developmental Biology. I love looking at embryos and **** and trying to find out what's wrong with them and how it could possibly be fixed. That, on a larger scale? ****ing out.of.this.world. I can't wait. Germ layers, hematopoietic stem cells, transcription factors, the whole nine.

Sidenote: omg! When you highlight the words on this thing, the background is pink! It's such a pretty pink, too! Do they do this for the guys? Or is it blue for yall?

Ok, self, focus.

I'm not really seeing anyone right now. Mostly because I have been being really boring, lately ("been being boring"? really, self?). I have to force myself to go out sometimes...you know, for human interaction. I spent the majority of last weekend researching abnormalities of the corpus callosum just for fun. Did you know that babies born COMPLETELY void of a corpus callosum can still live? That completely blew my mind! Oh, so you're just gonna utilize the hell out of your anterior commisure and stay alive? Oh, you fancy, huh?

I went off on a tangent again. I do apologize.

But seriously, I'm a true homebody. If you can make me want to go somewhere, you are a special, special man lol.

OMGaaaah!!! This sounds like a ****ing grad school application or some ****! lmao. oh well, I tried lol.

I’m really good at
ballet dance.
using profanity.
using correct punctuation online, when I feel like it.
running PCR reactions.
being online.
and being adorable.

The first things people usually notice about me


Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

Favorite authors: Jodi Picoult, Eric Jerome Dickey, Kim Edwards, Steven King, Richard Wright, Kimberla Lawson Roby.

Favorite shows: House, Bones, Law&Order SVU (but they're taking away Benson and Stabler! :(((( ), Monk, Criminal Minds, Southland.

I like most genres of music...except country. Actually I do like some country songs..

The six things I could never do without

1) My 'fro
2) My nightlight
3) Air freshener
4) My mommy
5) My daddy
6) My left thumb*

I spend a lot of time thinking about

How much sexier I would be if I was pescatarian. I'm really trying to do this. But it's so damn hard to get acclimated too.

On a typical Friday night I am

wONdrINN y Da yUNg foLKzZZ wRiite liK DIzzzz nowadays. You know? That seems to take so much unnecessary effort!

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

*I suck my thumb....my left thumb, to be exact. I'm probably sucking it right now.

You should message me if
you are not a dumbass or a perv :) And you can make me laugh! This is very important!! (Cooking is also important. .......did I mention flood gates??..)
He purchased my engagement ring and wedding band at the end of March. He loves surprises, and he's full of surprises. I'm kinda nervous as to how AND where he plans on asking me. He knows I'm quiet and don't like a fuss to be made about me. I feel like screaming 'WHEN AM I GETTING MY RANG - yes, I said RANG. I promised myself that I wouldn't ask. Lawd. :drunk:
He purchased my engagement ring and wedding band at the end of March. He loves surprises, and he's full of surprises. I'm kinda nervous as to how AND where he plans on asking me. He knows I'm quiet and don't like a fuss to be made about me. I feel like screaming 'WHEN AM I GETTING MY RANG - yes, I said RANG. I promised myself that I wouldn't ask. Lawd. :drunk:

Oooo!! This is so exciting!! *squeal*

I had no idea that FH had bought a ring for me. He did it when I was out of town with my girlfriends. If I knew I would have DIED! The surprise when he proposed was un-freaking-real! I'm sure your future FH will find a way to make his proposal very special. :yep:
Oooo!! This is so exciting!! *squeal*

I had no idea that FH had bought a ring for me. He did it when I was out of town with my girlfriends. If I knew I would have DIED! The surprise when he proposed was un-freaking-real! I'm sure your future FH will find a way to make his proposal very special. :yep:
I squeal when I'm in the car or sometimes when I'm home. My squealing equals super excitement. I just have to let it out. :D
I was slightly worried my bf wouldn't be able to put the grill together. My son and him tackled it last night and it came out wonderful! They were in there last night fussing up a storm though.
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I received four letter from Basic Training yesterday and in them he is asking me where do I want to live after we get married and do I have a preference for a house or condo because he does not want to waste money on rent. He then commented that he is glad that he met me now in his life because if he would have met me any earlier, he wouldn't have been mature enough to understand what he has and probably would have messed our relationship up. I really think this is the real deal. I mean of course anything can happen, but I really feel like he is genuine. I started all of this with explaining my expectations of honesty/integrity and wanting a serious relationship that leads to marriage and he hasn't run off. Now he is talking about getting engaged and being married more than me. I mentioned in an earlier letter that I wanted to wait until we were at least engaged before we had sex and he responded with he has fallen in love with me and will wait until our wedding night to have sex the first time, if that is what I want to do but it will be a "LONG year".
I am headed to Fort Jackson in 23 days to see him graduate. I cannot wait to see his handsome (and sexy) self again, but this time in uniform.
When he works my nerves and I wanna :hammer:

I'm taking a Sunday nap after falling asleep with the TV on. He comes in, grabs the remote, turns it to some Vietnam War documentary and I'm jarred out of my good sleep by the sounds of machine guns and bombs.

I'm now wide awake after changing the durn channel and he is sleeping like a baby. :rolleyes:
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