2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

We are both sticking to our choices and neither are budging. He left it open-ended which means he wants to do what I want, but doesn't want to look as if he's weak/whipped or whatever. But in terms of my feelings for him, it dropped from strong, to now I can do without him in my life.

Once school starts and he's still "open-ended", he'll be just a distance memory to me.
I'm still feeling "army" but it's going to take a lot to get through to him and honestly I don't see myself actually trying to get him to let his guards down. If it doesn't happen naturally, I dont know what to tell him!
I went to the ER last night. I told him I was going but that it was okay, for him not to come. To be honest, I really did not want anyone there. I just wanted to get some answers and having someone there would make me feel like I had to attend to them and that would make me jittery.

He came anyway. And honestly, I am glad he did. It made me feel like I could breathe once I saw his face. He made me laugh the entire time. He asked the doctor questions on what he could do to help me along. He called me first thing in the morning to see if I had decided to go to work or not. He was really upset about how bad my anemia is and wants to go iron pill shopping. How romantic! LOL!

I am making some mental notes. :)
Thanks ladies. I am severely anemic. If it continues they said I will need a blood transfusion. Plus I have had my period for over a week now. That is unusual for me. I will be fine. I am looking for a new gynecologist. The old one I had sucked!

On another positive note we went to Ulta and got me some makeup and then we went to PF Chang's on Saturday. It was nice. :)
Thanks ladies. I am severely anemic. If it continues they said I will need a blood transfusion. Plus I have had my period for over a week now. That is unusual for me. I will be fine. I am looking for a new gynecologist. The old one I had sucked!

On another positive note we went to Ulta and got me some makeup and then we went to PF Chang's on Saturday. It was nice. :)

Lucie there was a period thread that had a lot of good tips in it.
I think we can be friends, I have officially lost interest in him as any thing more. Now it's just up to him.
I'm glad our "breakup" from a couple of weeks ago didn't stick. I can't stop thinking about him and how much I enjoyed being with him this weekend.

He tries so hard to look out for me and make sure I'm comfortable, even random little stuff. He doesn't keep too many food or beverages at his house. I'll bring little things when I come like tea for him to try or little protein bars or something, but they're never still there when I get back because he eats them all (which is why he doesn't like to keep things :look:) and he usually isn't stocked up on the stuff that I like...because he'll eat it all :look:. So I'll usually come with a drink or something but sometimes I don't feel like it. He fixed us some dinner and and we were sitting down, talking, and he said "oh! You don't have Coke Zero!" (that's what I always ask for at restaurants) I was fine with water because um...every now and again you need water. But he said, "let me run and go get it!" Now I thought that was ridiculous (ridiculously nice, but ridiculous because we're eating) so I kept saying "No, I'm fine! Sit down!!!" But he said (now, this is about to be really hot now, yall :look:), he said: "let me do that for you" :look: :look: :look: What? Yussssssssssss! So I was like mmkay :reddancer: "Let me do that for you" Well, that's the magic words :look:

So he went around the corner and got the Coke Zero. I love that he is willing to inconvenience himself to make me comfortable but I don't like that it seems like he is on edge sometimes because I feel like if he feels like he ALWAYS has to be ready to jump up and be inconvenienced at a moment's notice then he'll get tired of that or something. Or, maybe that's just what men do. IDK, I wouldn't want to be a man. lol.

And then the next morning he said "do you want some breakfast?" See, I know yall are like that's basic after a year of being together! But I thought it was sweet because he doesn't eat breakfast but I usually stop eating around 6pm so at breakfast time I'm ravenous! I had a noon appointment so I was all ready to just leave and get something to eat on my way home but he went and got us breakfast and me a large coffee. Because I take my coffee large! Awr. I can't stop thinking about that and looking at the pictures I snapped of us when he wasn't paying attention :look: :drunk:

I won't even talk about our Sallie Mae conversation because that made me want to have his baby (no, he didn't offer to pay 'em all because that's what my momma guessed and I was like well dang...that would have been nice. Hmmph. Just the fact that he brought it up and offered to help--because it makes me super stressed out :look:--was important to me and showed me how serious he is. It was...different.)
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Hopefully later this year I will be ready to find a meaningful relationship. I've been using weight loss and the CPA exam as an excuse not to look.
Thanks ladies. I am severely anemic. If it continues they said I will need a blood transfusion. Plus I have had my period for over a week now. That is unusual for me. I will be fine. I am looking for a new gynecologist. The old one I had sucked!

On another positive note we went to Ulta and got me some makeup and then we went to PF Chang's on Saturday. It was nice. :)

Sending positive vibes your way, hope you get well very soon!

Sent from my jacked iPhone
This dude cracks me up. He was headed to the store and wanted to know if I needed Angel Wings. I was like, "What?! Are you trying to kill me?!"

I realized he meant Always with Wings. Poor thing tried, LOL! I laughed so hard! My SalonsRUs/LCL dryer came today and he said YAYYYYYY! I am rubbing off on him.
I have the flu. My boys were keeping me entertained yesterday.

K and I randomly started planning a trip to visit my family in WI next summer. Then he said "We should probably hang out more before then, huh?" Ummm...YEAH DUDE! Ask me on an official date already!! :lol:

J likes to photoshop pictures and send them to me. Dude needs to stop making me laugh. It hurts!! He better step up his game though....K is creeping in slow and steady....
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Im officially a pervert. It has become an inside joke for us now. It's funny being a celibate tease. :lol:
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First ex boyfriend created a Facebook page and friend me....I'm his only friend for the last few weeks. Naw dude we can't re-live any romances. AND you're married! With a small continent of kids.

This week another ex popped up what is going on!
He asked me when my passport expired. I told him May 2018. He sounded so nervous asking and told me he wants me to go on a cruise with him and his family (mom, dad, sister, her hubby, their kids). His parents are renewing their vows. Oh em gee. He sounded so scared to tell me. He said he will bring it up in the spring again for my answer. I think he is in love with me and thinks I am "The One." How did this happen so fast? I worked with him and know the sort of man that he is. Gosh, this is scary.
Mine said it early too but I loved him too.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
K FINALLY asked me on a real date. He's gonna teach me how to play pool. I'm excited!

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
Why do men fall in love so doggone fast

Thats the way I like it:yep:. I don't think I could do the mutual thing or me falling first:perplexed. Although it can be a little overwhelming when I don't feel the same for quite a while.
Mine said it early too but I loved him too.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Mine said it right at our 4 week mark, on my son's birthday. I loved him already too.

Sent from my iPad using LHCF
Thats the way I like it:yep:. I don't think I could do the mutual thing or me falling first:perplexed. Although it can be a little overwhelming when I don't feel the same for quite a while.

this is me. mine told me he loved me in less than a month. i was like 'o rly?':lachen: he was in love before i had decided if i even wanted to continue seeing him.:nono: most of the guys ive dated had much stronger feelings, much quicker than me and i prefer it that way.

i :infatuated: him now though. that's my baby.
Thanks ladies. I am severely anemic. If it continues they said I will need a blood transfusion. Plus I have had my period for over a week now. That is unusual for me. I will be fine. I am looking for a new gynecologist. The old one I had sucked!

On another positive note we went to Ulta and got me some makeup and then we went to PF Chang's on Saturday. It was nice. :)

Lucie, can you have you doctor refer you to a hematologist? I was anemic and received iron infusions by IV. The weekly infusions brought my levels up to normal in 2 months.
ArrrBeee said:
Lucie, can you have you doctor refer you to a hematologist? I was anemic and received iron infusions by IV. The weekly infusions brought my levels up to normal in 2 months.

I have to see a hematologist too :nono: I hate this anemia bs

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