2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Hmmm....call it hormones or whatever BUT. I think him and bm communicate way too much. For those of ya'll with bd and a new relationship, how often do you talk to ex bd about child? I feel like I have to take in him, the daughter obviously but also the bm and some of the bm's family! Her brother came over a couple of times. Hmmm....i'm not with all this contact when and if we tie the knot...

My son's father and I (hate BD title) talked ALL the time, up until we both started dating seriously. It was nothing for us to be on the phone over an hour or longer. Our conversations had nothing to do with a reconciliation at all. They mostly centered around talk of our son and he'd sometimes vent to me about his ex-wife. But once he met the girl he recently married, the conversations pretty much stopped.

Now, we only talk/text a few times a month...only to discuss plans for him getting our son and the conversations are only two minutes max? If that.

Also, I'm still close to his parents and his sister. I guess we have a bond because I gave them their first grandson/nephew and they adore him. Without me, their contact with my son would be minimal. :look: I won't get into why this is the case.

His sister and I always had a good relationship and she's also a sorority sister. When he and I broke up, I didn't see the need to break my tie with them...all for my son's sake. For my son's sake, I try and maintain a peaceful as possible relationship with them.
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Hmmm....call it hormones or whatever BUT. I think him and bm communicate way too much. For those of ya'll with bd and a new relationship, how often do you talk to ex bd about child? I feel like I have to take in him, the daughter obviously but also the bm and some of the bm's family! Her brother came over a couple of times. Hmmm....i'm not with all this contact when and if we tie the knot...

I think it is very individual and depends on age of child. I don't converse with my daughters bio father at all so my comment wouldn't be fair as conversation would be very minimal if I did.

If y'all get married you do have to have some sort of relationship with the mother of his child since she will be in yalls care at various times.
I think it is very individual and depends on age of child. I don't converse with my daughters bio father at all so my comment wouldn't be fair as conversation would be very minimal if I did.

If y'all get married you do have to have some sort of relationship with the mother of his child since she will be in yalls care at various times.

I agree with this. The younger the child, the more frequent the contact will be between the mother and father, especially if they are involved parents that can still tolerate and like each other (which is rare). It's hard to co-parent with two involved parents if there is no or little communication taking place.

They don't talk about reconciliation either as that relationship was over about a decade ago nor do they talk for long periodes.
The child is 13-14 in a few months. Any and every little thing gets a call. It's not like the child isn't at SO's at least 2-3/week.
I suspect that she tries to remind me or send a message to me that SO and her will always have that bond. I mean even the brother comes over at times (well a couple of times). Once she even stayed over when work was being done in her apt. :lol: Damn!


*sigh* Just another downside of dating someone with a child...
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They don't talk about reconciliation either as that relationship was over about a decade ago nor do they talk for long periods. Although one time she did call him to discuss a personal matter. I think it happens from time to time. The child is 13-14 in a few months. Any and every little thing gets a call. It's not like the child isn't at SO's at least 2-3/week.
I suspect that she tries to remind me or send a message to me that SO and her will always have that bond. I mean even the brother comes over at times (well a couple of times). Once she even stayed over when work was being done in her apt. :lol: Damn!

The mother and I aren't close but she's polite towards me and we've actually gone out together without SO. Weird but I did it because I knew it would make SO happy and send a good message to the child. His daughter sees us all as one big family and we even go to parent-teacher meetings, cute :look:. But deep down I'd prefer seperation. I'm used to my past relationship where ex hardly EVER spoke to the bm. [side bar- ex's daugher goes to the same school and ex has asked me to NOT go to parent teacher meetings in the future. Verdict is still out on whether I'll agree to that or not]

I realize that it only hurts the child and the child is forced to pick sides. This child of my SOs is completely and utterly spoiled with love from all angles :) Honestly, it's something I'll have to get over. I should be grateful that he is as involved. I have male friends who have explained to me that they have to make peace because it makes it easier for them to see their child. But in this instance, it's more than just peace, it's like I'm dating a whole family!


*sigh* Just another downside of dating someone with a child...

Question..and this is key: Does the mother have a husband/boyfriend? The contact they have is a bit much; especially the time she spent the night. :look:Your SO sounds like alot of men I know that agrees to most things with the mother to keep the peace so he can see his daughter, all the while driving his SO crazy! :lol:
Are they ever upset with each other? My SO stays pissed with his ex-wives:ohwell: about something, mainly money. He can't stand them and they can't stand him. All they do is argue and his sons are 18 and 20 from first wife (she wants to prolong child support paid to her..notice their ages :perplexed) and a 9 year old daughter from second wife.

I am not aware of any ill feelings. But SO is a very calm person and doesn't get mad at folks easily. He's easy peasy. *barf*

I am not aware of any ill feelings. But SO is a very calm person and doesn't get mad at folks easily. He's easy peasy. *barf*

And there it is. She needs to get her life. :perplexed Because if she had her own thing going on, her SO would take up the slack, I guess. :look: Has she had a man since the demise of their relationship? Let me guess, probably so, but the relationships never last long. :perplexed
I don't know much about since the end of their relationship but obviously they didn't last since she's single now.

I can't wait for her to have a man tbh.
Why do you have to tell me you want to make love to me? Do you love me? We have never met fool! And you live in France. No merci monsieur. I guess that must be a sweeter way to say I want to *** your brains out. SMH.
Why do you have to tell me you want to make love to me? Do you love me? We have never met fool! And you live in France. No merci monsieur. I guess that must be a sweeter way to say I want to *** your brains out. SMH.

Dudes throw that out to see what your reaction will be.....:ohwell:
Dudes throw that out to see what your reaction will be.....:ohwell:

But that is stupid. How can you make love to someone you don't love?! Just be up front with your ish and be like I wanna bang you into oblivion. The feelings still won't be reciprocated but at least I don't have to vomit in my mouth a little. :look: :lol:
But that is stupid. How can you make love to someone you don't love?! Just be up front with your ish and be like I wanna bang you into oblivion. The feelings still won't be reciprocated but at least I don't have to vomit in my mouth a little. :look: :lol:

Cause some chicks fall for the okey doke.
You don't know how many times I have said Dude, if you just want a piece of *** let me know!
I've only had one that was honest....he still didn't get any but I had to respect his honesty. (he didn't just come out and say "I want some ***") :lachen:
things are well with the man & i; we made another year on 12/28th...

he has a bday coming up soon..not sue what to do. i just bought him a new battery for his car this past weekend. i think i may have drained it while i was sitting in it (w/my ph on the charger, surfing the net) while he was washing it....it stalled, we had to get a jump...oops!! we'll see...

Happy Anniversary to you all!!
I've been dating someone for 4 months and I don't know if it will ever be anything more. I ain't worried about it though. Working on getting a puppy or kitty soon
....and here we go again...last minute wanting to go out. Nope! Not doing it.

A few weeks ago I got a call saying, oh I was just walking home from the shops and saw there's a festival on today. This was at mid-day. I'd have to get ready and I live about an hour and a half away from where the festival was. Then he was going to leave for work around 3. Needless to say, I told him no.

The fact that I'd have to leave everything I was doing, travel for an hour and half to entertain him for an hour before he goes to work ... :nono: I just can't. I mean, I don't mind spontaneity. BUT this is the way he ALWAYS made plans with me. I've learnt my lesson. You say jump, I say no thank you.
My SO was so pressed about me telling my father about him. So after forgetting countless times to tell my dad, SO brings it up again. So I told my dad and my SO wanted to talk to him (and of course my dad wanted to talk to him) so I gave him my dad's number. I'm glad he is so eager to get to know the family, its kind of weird though at the same time.
And this is why I tread lightly, he ROYALLY flucked up!! I am soooo angry and tired of this stupid b/s day in and day out. This is exactly why I don't ever want to get married and why I'd rather live alone. At least then important documents won't be mailed to me and kept without my knowing and I wont miss out on important deadlines for things like hmmmmmm..........HEALTH INSURANCE!!

This man is 30 years old with the memory of a 10 year old boy, who the hell keeps mail hidden in kitchen cabinets!?!? And then I've been racking my brain about this paperwork calling the insurance company back and forth, going crazy. Now I'm going to have to spend all week getting things back in order. As someone with a chronic illness, I DO NOT have the time or patience for this bullshat!
Started going on gymdates with my S.O..

Me and him went to the gym together for the first time last week. It was good! I thought he was gonna be one of those 'half-a**ed' exercisers, but nope! He's great at the gym! He'd be a good gym partner, if our schedules allowed...which they don't lol.

So I'm still mad at him. yup. I think he's still mad at me, too.
My birthday celebration was epic...thanks to him and the little boy.

1. The little boy serenaded me with the birthday song, while swinging from a chair! Love him! He is such a boy...
2. Lime green and yellow roses from SO.
3. Dinner at a local Italian restaurant called Scalini's. I don't even care for Italian, but I do now! It was so damn good!
4. Went to a grown folks club...he had the deejay to wish me a happy birthday.
5. The rest of the night shall remain a secret...ssshhhh!!!

Tonight...hosted friends at his house for a post birthday get together/football party/any reason to drink celebration.

My roses.... With a pic of my son and Santa if you look closely. <3


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So I came over earlier and was about to go to home because I have some work to do for tomorrow. It's lights out at his house at about 9 :look: He was like "do your work here." At first I didn't want to because I likes my space :look: But he had some work to do too, so we're currently sitting here, me with my stuff and him with his, with Scandal playing in the background. Well, I'm about to stop doing my stuff (it's been 2 Scandal episodes that I was productive) and browse LHCF.I'm surprised he isn't asleep.
Kinda nice.
omg he is always accusing me of being too emotional without coming out and saying it. rarely am i ever anything other than relaxed. i stay in chill mode. he'll be like ''remember that one time, you were so upset/angry/had tears in your eyes?'' and I'm just like wtf?! i wasn't anywhere near being riled up.-_-

saying ''ok whatever'' is apparently the equivalent of having an emotional breakdown.
omg he is always accusing me of being too emotional without coming out and saying it. rarely am i ever anything other than relaxed. i stay in chill mode. he'll be like ''remember that one time, you were so upset/angry/had tears in your eyes?'' and I'm just like wtf?! i wasn't anywhere near being riled up.-_-

saying ''ok whatever'' is apparently the equivalent of having an emotional breakdown.

Guys always accuse us of being too emotional. I always get the chill out when I'm not even upset. I had to get on him about that.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF