***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***


Ah naw, say it ain't so … I appreciate the info AND it hurts to know that my wine is knocking a huge dent in my progress. I've been kinda off with my water intake this week … I've only had 32/72 oz so far. Maybe I should get back in this thread daily for motivation!!

Well you know how they say misery loves company right...that's why I shared:look: I rolled my eyes at that part of the book then sighed...:lachen: Here's the weekend let's see how I do...having coffee now:ohwell:
Ugh, I missed my goal by 3 ounces. I could've gotten 'em in by midnight if my cousin hadn't called me and kept me on the phone yapping. Ah well. Close enough. 81 oz for tonight.
I'm in! I've be upping my water intake the last month trying to keep up with at least 60oz a day. I'm downloading the water app so that should help. Sometimes I add a Green Tea tea bag to my bottled water and give a good shake for 30 seconds just to add a little flavor.
I read this book and it said for every cup of coffee/tea/soda you drink you need to drink an additional half a cup of water. And for every ounce of alcohol you need an additional 5.5 ounces of water:ohwell:

I wasn't aware of the exact counter productiveness of the tea/coffee/juices verses the water ratio but, when I opted to up my water intake I also opted to reduce my alcohol intake and cut out all sugary drinks. I've been limiting my alcohol consumption to once a month or less (mainly special occasions) and I've only had 3 fruit juices and 1 ribena so far this year, the rest has been water all the way, I don't drink tea or coffee.

I've been improving the last couple of days today I got 54.4/70 this is an improvement on the weekend, tomorrow I will try to do better.
I wasn't aware of the exact counter productiveness of the tea/coffee/juices verses the water ratio but, when I opted to up my water intake I also opted to reduce my alcohol intake and cut out all sugary drinks. I've been limiting my alcohol consumption to once a month or less (mainly special occasions) and I've only had 3 fruit juices and 1 ribena so far this year, the rest has been water all the way, I don't drink tea or coffee.

I've been improving the last couple of days today I got 54.4/70 this is an improvement on the weekend, tomorrow I will try to do better.

Girl, I am jealous of you!! Lowkey, I drank :lachen:... I cannot imagine only drinking on special occasions! I know I sound quite ratchet but I am okay with being judged. Since I can't reduce my alcohol intake as significantly as I would like, I will just chase my drank with some water. Hey, balance right?

Checking In:

32/72 oz so far and I am about to refill this bottle to get another 32oz down.
Just lazy today. I didn't start dining until dinner time and only got in 32 oz for the day. Ah well. I'll start early today.
Good morning, Ladies!
I'd love to join.

My weight is 102 so half is 51 oz of water daily... 3.2 pints (or 1.5 liters) of water is my goal.

I've had 1.05 pint already so 2 more to go... :lick:
Good morning, Ladies!
I'd love to join.

My weight is 102 so half is 51 oz of water daily... 3.2 pints (or 1.5 liters) of water is my goal.

I've had 1.05 pint already so 2 more to go... :lick:

Welcome aboard and drink up!
Ok so ... today I barely got thru 2 pints but that's a lot more than usual. I'm short 17.4 oz which I'm gonna say is actually 15 since night vitamins havent been taken.

Kinda wondering how my capri sun roaring waters chock up to this goal... I drink about 2 of those a day! :yep: But it's sugary so that's bad, huh? :confused:
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One mini perrier and two roaring waters. Not sure how much either were but this will save my spot and serve as my reminder.

1 mini perrier = 11.5 oz
3 roaing waters = 18 oz
1 mini fiji = 16.9 oz
today = 46.4/51 !!!

Dang I thought I was slacking today too. This is helping so much!!
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Bravo angel of the north!!!

Grr. My goal seems so easy but I can't ever get there.
2 mini fijis = 33.8
1 rw = 6
Total = 39.8/51