H2O for a bigger Afro! 2011 Water Challenge

@Long-N-Strong Naturally: Me too! I'm currently working on my 50 oz bottle for the day. I've already had one 20oz and I still have hours to go. *fingers crossed* I really think that drinking bottle by bottle helps me a lot so I'm not overwhelmed!
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@Long-N-Strong Naturally: Me too! I'm currently working on my 50 oz bottle for the day. I've already had one 20oz and I still have hours to go. *fingers crossed* I really think that drinking bottle by bottle helps me a lot so I'm not overwhelmed!

I know right...bottle by bottle makes it seem quite do-able doesn't it? Although that first 100oz. day a 2 weeks ago I felt like :drowning:. I could've sworn I was sloshing when I walked.
Alright... so even though I continued to surpass my goal of 64oz, I didn't get in the 90 that I had yesterday. :nono: I am ending the day with 70oz. I won't lie, I'm a bit disappointed, but I just can't make myself do one more 20oz. This is the one pass I'm giving myself though! Only one!

This may be TMI, but I feel as if a lot of the water I've been drinking goes right through me! Like my body only takes what it needs. It would make sense!

Anywho, good night ladies! Tomorrow is a new day. I hope we all reach (and possibly exceed) our goals!!!!
Well, I'm off to a rousing start today. I'm already working on my first 32 oz. I know it sounds strange, but I seem to do better if I drink out of a big cup vs. a bottle. I WILL MAKE 80 TODAY!!!:orders:

@Godzshildtoo, did you make it to 40 or more? wishing you loads of luck today :)[/QUOTE] Thanks so much. I made 60 ounces that day and about 60 yesterday.:ohwell:

:lol: You're so funny, how late did you end up staying? What was your final oz count?
My final count for that day and yesterday was about 60 ounces. I went to bed at 12:30 a.m. after finishing 1 and 1/2 32 ounce cups. Needless to say I had to keep getting up all night.:nono:
My final count for that day and yesterday was about 60 ounces. I went to bed at 12:30 a.m. after finishing 1 and 1/2 32 ounce cups. Needless to say I had to keep getting up all night.:nono:
This is what happened to me when i started consuming enough water but I try to consume more during the day if i dont make it to my goal by 6 then i just have one last glass. We need the good night sleep too :)

Good luck today hope all goes well :)
Checking in! Got in 100oz today. Yay! Makes me feel less badly about yesterday. Lol. But, I don't know if I'll drink that much tomorrow. All this water makes me feel like I did when I was pregnant... more frequent trips to the ladies' room are not exactly fun! LOL. TMI, I know! haha. :lachen:
I have been drinking between 72-80 oz but yesterday i think i only made it to 50. anyhow im getting back on track today. happy week ladies.
OMG! I have been MIA. This is just a quick check in before I have to get back to my homework. I've pretty much been staying at a steady 70 oz. Sometimes I may drink a bit more, but 70 seems to be a good amount for me on average. I feel and stay hydrated without feeling as if I just drank my weight in water. I haven't fallen off the wagon.

Every once in a while I may crave a little soda, but if I do drink it I make sure to up my water intake for that day to make up for it. :)

Hope everyone is doing well with this challenge and any others in which you may be participating!
Hey Ladies! I have been bad, bad, bad. I was traveling Friday through yesterday and didn't drink water so I wouldn't have to keep stopping while driving or getting up during meetings. I'm getting back on track today. 16 ounces down so far. One thing I can tell you is that I definitely missed the water when I didn't drink it.
Thought I'd check in to update you all on my progress. I currently drink at least 70 ounces of water daily. My weakness is crush orange soda, it tastes so good I can't resist but drinking more water has helped so much. Im also trying to exercise more during the week but its a struggle because of school and work.
Have a beautiful weekend ladies!! :)
I've been looking for this challenge. Hope it's not too late to join!

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for
First 2 quarters for now

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health
No more dehydration

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day
64oz...let me not lie to myself lol
Ok where is everyone? I need you.:drowning: I have not gotten in 80 oz since I went out of town (about a week and a half). But the worst part is I now recognize the dehydration (because I'm fatigued and dry mouth). Between, alcohol, coffee, heat and the extreme Chicago winter...I am as dry and tired as they come. I'm going to recommit today. I want to be healthy. Maybe I should give up caffeine and alcohol too. Anyone out there?
Ok where is everyone? I need you.:drowning: I have not gotten in 80 oz since I went out of town (about a week and a half). But the worst part is I now recognize the dehydration (because I'm fatigued and dry mouth). Between, alcohol, coffee, heat and the extreme Chicago winter...I am as dry and tired as they come. I'm going to recommit today. I want to be healthy. Maybe I should give up caffeine and alcohol too. Anyone out there?

Hey girlie!! Hang in there I didn't do to well this week myself, but I refuse to give up. I can definitely tell a difference as well since I have been slacking. I would say drink caffeine and alcohol in moderation. I used to drink about 3 1/2 cups of coffee every morning. Now I only drink 1 three times a week. Don't just quit cold turkey that will drive you crazy. :spinning: Best of luck.
Hey Everyone! Sorry for the brief hiatus. I had huge art quilt to finish for a client and I knew (from experience) what would happen if I got onto LCHF...I'd never get off:nono:

I'll be scrolling back for updates and add-ons. Hope you've all been doing well!

Something interesting happened to me the morning after my last post. I awoke at around 3:30am mad thirsty, I mean so thirsty that it woke me up! I ended up drinking 64oz and then going back to bed. By the end of that day I drank approximately 120oz! Now I have to say that I was towards the tail end of a 14 colon cleanse (at about day 9) and my body was screaming for water. It's like I couldn't get enough! Since then I've been drinking anywhere from 100-128oz per day. I now drink a quart with a few drops of fresh squeezed lemon, almost first thing when I get up.
Ok where is everyone? I need you.:drowning: I have not gotten in 80 oz since I went out of town (about a week and a half). But the worst part is I now recognize the dehydration (because I'm fatigued and dry mouth). Between, alcohol, coffee, heat and the extreme Chicago winter...I am as dry and tired as they come. I'm going to recommit today. I want to be healthy. Maybe I should give up caffeine and alcohol too. Anyone out there?

Cut back if you can godzchildtoo. Both coffee and alcohol are diuretics. A hangover is basically dehydration at it's extreme. I wanted to make sure I was explaining what happens correctly so I got the following quote from a website on what they say about diuretics:

"This means it encourages the body to lose more water than it takes on by halting the production of the body's anti-diuretic hormone. This means you feel the need to pee excessively, thus speeding up the loss of fluid from the body that leads to dehydration. Alcohol also attacks our stores of vitamins and minerals, which need to be in the correct balance for the body to function normally. Dehydration caused by drinking can affect the balance by draining potassium from the body, resulting in thirst, muscle cramps, dizziness and faintness."

Hang in there!!:grin:
Okay, my week was pretty good. I averaged 110 oz of water per day! This is awesome and I feel great. I think its really made a difference in the way my body overall, skin and hair feel. I usually have a tendency towards dry eyes and use those eye ointments (at $11 a pop for those itty bitty tubes) but I cut down quite a bit because I just don't need them like I used to. YAY!! More money for hair! Hope everyone is doing well and achieving their goals whatever they may be! Welcome to new challengers!:hiya:
I'm in. I've been drinking water now for the past 2 weeks and it has given me unexpected benefits. I am losing inches, especially in my hip/ waist area. I feel better, sleep better, and also I had no PMS or bloating during my period. That was just 2 weeks. I felt a little weak and I believe my body is detoxing. If I'm too late for the official challenge, that's OK. I'm still doing it.
I'm in! I've been basically doing this since winter started. Trying to keep my body and my hair hydrated during this coooold canadian winter!

Hey fellow challengers,
Im glad that you have all been drinking your water. I have been lurking for a while coz i had travelled briefly.
Im now back and yesterday i made it to 64 oz which was my initial goal. I will try to slowly get back to 80 oz by end of the week (fingers crossed)
I have been able to keep up with my goal of 64-80 oz. I will be 8 weeks post tommorow and should be relaxing my hair in 4 - 6 weeks so i want that growth and retention. I will try to increase my intake to 100 oz from this week.
have a great weekend fellow challengers and dont forget to drink drink drink and drink (water of course)
BUMP! BUMP! BUMP! Where yall at? We need to get back on it with the hot weather coming or else our hair will be fried! I'm renewing today at 64 oz a day.