Drink Water For Blingin Hair Challenge!

I'm in, even though I'll only be doing the challenge for two months. :laugh: My daily water intake is 67.5oz.

I have a question. It's hard for me to keep up with my intake when I have work because I have to use the bathroom so often. Anyway to get around this?
Hey ladies! Sorry I havn't checked in. The holiday had me all messed up, but Im back on track. I need 68oz and after this bottle I will have it all in. Im getting there! :)
I had fallen off for a few days but today it was on! I drank 7 cups already for the day and now have 2 more cups left to drink before thew evening is over.
My body is getting more used to drinking all of this water. I don't have to run to the bathroom as often any more.
I fell off. I'm good get back on it. Besides water helping with shine, it should help the moisture levels in our hair as well.
Can I join?

Sorry wait, I don't wanna join. I really want to but I'm so bad at drinking water. I'd prolyl fail in the first day
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I'm adding myself to this challenge a little late...I drank about 33 oz of water today....I need to be doing about double that :(
Checking in for today(80 oz. completed working on 120 oz.) and yesterday(120 oz. completed).

ETA: completed 120 oz. for yesterday. Working on today's water intake of 120 oz.(80 is what I am suppose to be getting but 120 is what I aiming for....wish me luck ladies b/c all this water is no joke).
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Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I've moved back to wisconsin, and have finally settled in. Unfortunately I have fallen completely off my H2O game. I'm just starting on a 16 oz bottle at 6pm:ohwell: I'll be getting back in business. Just gotta take things one day at a time.
I have a question to ask you ladies

i have been on this challenge for 3 days, I average about 5 1/2 glasses a day. I always have been going to the restroom a lot, I mean, a lot every 2 hrs and when I pee ( sorry for being graphic) it is not yellow but almost clear...
Is this bad, good and is it happening to anyone else
I have a question to ask you ladies

i have been on this challenge for 3 days, I average about 5 1/2 glasses a day. I always have been going to the restroom a lot, I mean, a lot every 2 hrs and when I pee ( sorry for being graphic) it is not yellow but almost clear...
Is this bad, good and is it happening to anyone else

This is absolutely a good thing. It means that you are cleaning out those kidneys girl. Keep it up:yep:. Your body will thank you for this.
Checking in for today(80 oz. completed working on 120 oz.) and yesterday(120 oz. completed).

ETA: completed 120 oz. for yesterday. Working on today's water intake of 120 oz.(80 is what I am suppose to be getting but 120 is what I aiming for....wish me luck ladies b/c all this water is no joke).

tishee, I am so proud of your zeal for this challenge. You are settting the pace for all of us....thank you honey:yep:.
I really need to step up my water drinking game, especially when I'm at work because i get busy and forget. I'm taking green and herbal teas to work to help me remember to drink. I'm drinking them straight with no added sweetener.

I'll keep tabs on my intake this coming week! Way to go Tishee!!
Tishee, that is wonderful! I need to catch up with you. I only got about 64 oz in so far. I still have about 30 left to go for today.
May I join ladies? I have the worst water drinking habits. I bought a 32 oz water bottle and I'm starting off with this for a week and work my way up to 64 oz. Although I'm in the bathroom several times a day I know it's great for my body and good for my hair.
Checking in...I did good throughout the work week 4 16oz bottles a day and that's a little over I just need 55oz. However this weekend I fell off big time. Will start all over tomorrow!