H2O for a bigger Afro! 2011 Water Challenge

Hola chicas! Just checking in. I actually drank 70 oz (6 oz more than my goal!) today and it was so much easier than I thought it would be! I have a huge 50 oz bottle and a smaller 20 oz that I reuse and refill. I am very proud of myself right now for taking the time to stay hydrated since that's my biggest issue. I can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow!
Hola chicas! Just checking in. I actually drank 70 oz (6 oz more than my goal!) today and it was so much easier than I thought it would be! I have a huge 50 oz bottle and a smaller 20 oz that I reuse and refill. I am very proud of myself right now for taking the time to stay hydrated since that's my biggest issue. I can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow!

Way to go aishasoleil!

I had to stay up til now, but I made it! 80 oz down!

Congratulations godzchildtoo!

We're doing it ladies!!
I was never a water lover, but when I was pregnant & nursing, water was my lifeline. Now it's second nature to drink only water.
I am in for all four quaters, I am commiting to drink a minimum of 57 oz (I have a big bottle at work, and will fill it up in the morning), I expect to drink more than that outside of work. I am doing it more for my skin than hair. Since I am taking Biotin, my skin acts horribly when I don't drink enough water.
yesterday was my first day and I came in slightly under goal...about 72 ounces. I'm going to try to go over 80 today because I'm going to have some coffee. I've started using Crystal Light for 2 bottles a day; maybe that will help me get it down.

I went through a period last year when I wanted to work on drinking more water and Crystal Light really helped me a lot. It was super hard for me to enjoy plain water because I was so used to drinking Kool-aid (LOL! My husband finally broke me of that by not letting me buy any. I went cold turkey :lachen:) and soda.
Eventually, I got to the point where I got sick of all the flavors and I discovered that as long as my water is very cold, it goes down just fine! Nothing else truly quenches my thirst anymore. Just keep drinking and you'll definitely get to your goal and then some!
This might be a silly question BUT if I add a bit of crystal light or something to the water does that still count? (not enough for the color to completely change but enough to offset the taste)
The water in the cafeteria at my school always tastes like the Powerade fountain it comes from. Bottled water is not eco-friendly, I don't trust the water n Boston.

I'll suck it up and drink Powerade tainted water if I need too but I would just like to know lol.
This might be a silly question BUT if I add a bit of crystal light or something to the water does that still count? (not enough for the color to completely change but enough to offset the taste)
The water in the cafeteria at my school always tastes like the Powerade fountain it comes from. Bottled water is not eco-friendly, I don't trust the water n Boston.

I'll suck it up and drink Powerade tainted water if I need too but I would just like to know lol.

Ideally it should be plain water but that being said, if you need to add Crystal Light to the Powerade tainted water then by whatever means necessary. Try to use it as a last resort though if you can. We'll cheer for you:yay:
Checking in....today was a little struggle. I wanted to drink EVERYTHING BUT WATER! lol but I didnt. It was a struggle but i made it!:yay: 64oz of water. Im thinking that since today was so difficult I will stay with that amount for about a week then work my way up.
Re: H2O for a bigger Fro! 2011 Water Challenge

Please add me:

My goal: 90 oz a day.
I'm in for the long haul all four rounds!
Welcome New Challengers, the more the merrier!

Checking in. I'm definitely behind schedule today (like two bottles behind schedule). I was ahead until 5pm then, I don't know how but time got away from me, but I will do it.
I have been consumuming btn 72-80 oz. Let see how the days goes. good to know that fellow challengers are doing well.

@Godzshildtoo, did you make it to 40 or more? wishing you loads of luck today :)
Just checking in before bed: I got in 90 oz today! I just couldn't stop drinking that water! I even tried to stop at 70 but I kept craving it. Also, I was snacking on almonds and I really needed something to wash them down. LOL! I don't even feel thirsty, I just wanted to drink it. We will see how tomorrow goes. I hope that this isn't just excitement from joining a challenge! I'm going to work hard not to fall off the wagon. :) Good night ladies! Hasta luego!
☝ Please add me!
◆ All 4 quarters
◆ I need a bigger fro, Health benefits and clearer skin!
◆ 60-80 oz a day
I'll have to start tomorrow, it's too late today an I didn't drink much water today because it was soo cold outside.
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Just checking in before bed: I got in 90 oz today! I just couldn't stop drinking that water! I even tried to stop at 70 but I kept craving it. Also, I was snacking on almonds and I really needed something to wash them down. LOL! I don't even feel thirsty, I just wanted to drink it. We will see how tomorrow goes. I hope that this isn't just excitement from joining a challenge! I'm going to work hard not to fall off the wagon. :) Good night ladies! Hasta luego!

Whoa, 90oz that's terrific! Well, if it's just the excitement from joining a challenge I hope you keep riding that the entire time :yep:
I have not made it quite to 64 oz daily but I'm still trying to drink more every day...

Hi curly2shoez! The best part of this is even though you may sometimes fall short of your goal, drinking water has become something near the forefront of your mind as opposed to something we may concider once a week or month. Even short of 64oz you're drinking more water now than you have in the past.
That's awesome Rossy2010 and well above your original goal if I'm not mistaken!
LMAO Ihave to work on my spellings :(
Anyhow, yes its above my original goal which was 64. I really like this challenge its the best thing for me. I try to consume more than my goal so that on "bad" days I may end up consuming my original goa
today i made it to 72 in addition, I had 2 glasses of diluted juice but I wont include it.

I go to sleep now good luck to everyone

*contemplating on joining but I already drink a lot of water. I still want to join though*

*contemplating on joining but I already drink a lot of water. I still want to join though*

JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!! the bolded letter is the reason you have to join :yep::yep::yep::yep:. We need company plus your gorgeous hair will be an inspiration