***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***

40oz down so far...I get the 60+ easily now even with a couple coffee's in there.
I'm looking for another herbal tea to use in my 40oz brew....
Lost a day somewhere. Overslept and woke up thinking today was Wed! Anyway, I got in 60/64 oz yesterday (Mon). Not there yet but so much better than I ever thought I would be so I'm happy.
I'm in. And like missbugg21, my goal is to drink a gallon per day. The easiest ways I've found to get 8 glasses of water down is to get two one-liter (32 oz) bottles of water, start drinking when you first wake up, and make a goal to down the first bottle within two hours then do the same with the other. You'll have 8 glasses of water down before noon. However, from experience, I've learned that just because I've accomplished my 8 glasses early in the day, does not mean I will remain all the way hydrated until the next day. For this reason, I continue drinking water all day until I go to sleep even if I surpass my goal early in the day. And usually I do surpass my initial goal of 8 glasses of water early in the day--so this is why I go for a gallon.
I just remembered that I love the cucumber water that's offered at the spa. I peel and slice the cucumber and freeze. Then I add it to my water for a refreshing drink.

Livestrong.com said:
Weight loss requires dietary trade-offs that lower the number of calories you consume. For instance, you reduce your caloric intake by consuming low-fat dairy products in place of full-fat dairy products. Another easy trade-off involves replacing high-calorie drinks with water. If you dislike water, add a slice of cucumber. Increase the flavor of cucumber water by making it a pitcher at a time and keeping it in your refrigerator.

Cucumber Water
Cucumber water contains very few calories. An 8.25-inch cucumber only has 45 calories with its skin and 34 calories without its skin. Cucumber water requires you to place just one slice of cucumber in your glass. Since water contains no calories, cucumber water often has fewer then 5 calories, depending on the size of the cucumber slice. Even if you placed the entire cucumber in your glass of water, the beverage would still contain fewer than 50 calories.

Nutritional Benefit
As the flavor of the cucumber enters the water, some of the cucumber's nutrients also enter the water. The longer the cucumber floats in the water, the more flavor and nutrients enter the water, explains Barbara Mendez, a master's-level nutritional consultant in New York City. Nutrients provided by the cucumber include but are not limited to vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium, vitamin K and potassium. The amount of these nutrients you get from cucumber water depends on how much cucumber you use in the water and whether you eat the cucumber slice after drinking the water. The more cucumber you use, the more nutrients you receive. Get the most nutrients out of cucumber water by placing an entire sliced cucumber in 2 quarts of water and refrigerating it overnight. Discard any unused water after two days to keep your beverage tasting fresh.

Calorie Reduction
At fewer than 5 calories a glass, cucumber water enables you to potentially eliminate 150 calories or more from your daily diet. A 12-oz. soda or fruit-flavored drink contains approximately 150 calories, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. For every soda you replace with a glass of cucumber water, you reduce your calorie consumption by 150 calories for the day, allowing you to lose around 15 lb. a year without making any other dietary changes.

Other Weight Loss Benefits
An increased intake of cucumber water might also help you lose weight by decreasing the amount of calories you consume during each meal and reducing water retention throughout your body. A study published in the July 2008 issue of the "Journal of the American Dietetic Association" shows that older adults who consumed 16 oz. of water a half-hour before each meal consumed fewer calories than those who did not. Even if drinking cucumber water before meals does not help you eat less, it might decrease your weight by reducing water retention. Katherine Zeratsky, a clinical nutritionist at Mayo Clinic, recommends drinking at least eight glasses of water each day to prevent water retention. Decreased water retention often equals lower body weight.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/506219-cucumber-water-weight-loss/#ixzz2I4bHbfzU
Hello Hydrated Hynas ...

Yesterday (Monday), I had 64/72 oz and today I have 64 oz down with 8 more oz to go. I am about to refill my little bottle of water and by the time I get home, goal is done for the day.

I hope you all are doing well ...
I am commiting to 64 oz per day! Some of you ladies put that to shame, but I want to be relaistic

I got my 64 oz in today
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I'm avgering about 52oz a day. It's not where I want to be, but its a huge improvement for me. I also noticed I eat less.
Checking in, been slacking on just about everything the last couple of days, but I have my jugs filled and ready to get back on track tomorrow.
Does anyone here have guidelines for how much water you'd like to have consumed by certain times? If so, please share. (example 20 ounces by noon, then 36 ounces by 4pm...)

I find myself starting late and playing catch up all evening trying to Hit my goal before midnight. :look: :lol: I'm thinking that if I make "rules" for myself, it'd be easier for me.
Wow. Yesterday was horrible for me. I don't think I got one glass of water in. Trying to think back. I had a glass of grapefruit juice in the morning, protein drink around lunch and coconut water in the evening. Is that it? Yesterday was so hectic, I can't remember and my app has no entries. Wow. :nono:

Ah well. Today's a new day and I'm expecting to be back on track.
I was pretty bad with water yesterday .... Hmmmmm I guess Im joining the challenge :giggle: ..... and I forgot my water bottle today so Im gonna have to make a more concerted effort to drink today.

daviine my goal is 96oz per day and I break up my "water day" into 4 sittings because my water bottle holds 24oz.

24oz by 8:00am
48oz by 1:00pm
72oz by time I leave work - whenever that is
96oz before bedtime - whenever that is

I will always get my first 24oz in no matter what because I start at it as soon as I get up. I fill it from the night before and leave on my night stand.

I also have my second bottle of water by lunch time

Now this is where the struggle starts, I always fall off in the afternoon and end up nursing the same 24 oz bottle until bedtime
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I am doing well during the week getting at least 90 oz in but the weekends . . . forget it. I am always running errands and HATE HATE HATE public restrooms. What to do, what to do . . .
Checking In:

64/72 oz yesterday and 48 oz down so far ... I don't like this little 16 oz bottle because the thought of having to drink THREE more bottles to meet my goal for the day is not the business. I need to purchase a bigger water bottle!!

ETA: 72/72 oz down for the day …
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