***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***

SunnyDelight... i'm with you. i do well during the week at work, but the weekends are difficult. for me, it is because we have a water filter thing at work, but we don't have one at home... and i'm just sitting around at work.

NaturalfienD... that is just why i had to buy a bigger bottle. i just got a 32 oz. i wanted it to hold even more, but this will do.

i did a terrible job with water drinking this week because it took me a few days to have time to get a water bottle when we ran out of our 24 case of water Saturday.

Today, however, I got in 80-oz so far. I am going to try to get another 8-oz in because that is exactly half my weight in oz.

New goal- 64 oz (up from 50 oz)
Goal Starting 01/20- 72 oz
Goal Starting 01/27- 80 oz
Ultimate Goal Starting 02/03- 88 oz

80/64 oz
Not perfect (and never will be) but I'm making progress. I've graduated from buying/reaching for 8oz bottles to buying/reaching for 32 oz bottles and actually drank 3 of them yesterday! Today, not so good so far but I'm on the right path.
At 50 now..not feeling the last 10 but I think I will do it....just gulp it down and get it over with.
72oz down. Lord help me through this struggle ..... 24oz to go.

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I've had a good week, on average I've been hitting 61% of the amount of water I should be drinking per day, this is a huge improvement for me as someone who only drank water when I was in the heat on holiday. I came close to hitting my target a couple of times too.

I've noticed that I can easily drink a 500 ml bottle of water in one sitting now, when I started drinking water, I was struggling with 200 ml glasses. I don't drink tea or coffee anyway and I have pretty much cut out sugary drinks, I feel like I'm in a good place, I'm sure my body is grateful after the years of abuse. I'm hoping for a better week next week :)
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Today was hard for me as I am sick and so is my 9mth old. I got maybe 1.7L in and oj and ginger ale. I got some cinnmon tea that I use for my hair so if I'm still feeling bleh tmrw I will try that so it can add to my intake amount and possibly help me feel better...
It's the weekend! !! I've prepped my weekend thermos ....I haven't had any to drink yet but I'm ready:giggle:
94/84 today. Not bad, says I.

I'm so proud of how we're all checking in. Good or bad. Keep up the good work, ladies!
Ummm yeah so today (scratches nervously) not so good. Maybe 30 oz (yikes!) my cold is getting better so I will definitely make up for it tmrw!
I've been doing pretty well, but yesterday only drank about half of my daily goal. Gona try harder today. I read somewhere that it takes up to 2 days of proper hydration to bring your body's hydration level back up to normal, so I'm trying not to mess up and keep my levels normal all the time.
I was doing well but my hiatus set me back. Lately I've been only able to drank 48-60oz of water. My goal is 80oz. I'll keep pressing on. I WILL reach and sustain my 80oz goal! ;-)