***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***

Hey Ladies,

I'm doing much better with my water intake … on Wednesday and Thursday I had 72/72 oz. Today, I'm halfway done with my first bottle of water for the day … off to catch up on what I missed. :)

I hope you all are doing well …
50/64 oz on Friday. Already downed 16 oz this morning so (hopefully) I'm off to a good start. So glad last week is in the rear view mirror.
I've slacked on my goal of 80oz since Sunday. I've only been getting in 48oz. :( Today is a new day!

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i drank 67.9 oz yesterday! finally got that extra bottle in past 50~oz. .... i got started really late today. i'll be doing great to get even two bottles in.
I had a better than good week! That water your body app is the truth for a type A personality like mine..lol The graph as well maintaining my "A" is really keeping me on track. The weekends continue to take more effort than the weekdays but I'm trying to stay focused and get this water in. I averaged 108 ounces all week although last Saturday was only 80 ounces :-( today I was out running around all day and although it is a lot later than my usual cut-off time ( and i'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about) I will be drinking my last 16 ounces before I hit the sack.

Wonderful progress for almost everyone and to those that are struggling... Tomorrow's another day - hit the reset and try again :-)
I feel like I hit the water jackpot. All this time, I thought the cup I use was 8oz, but it's actually 12 oz. 24 oz down so far.
Checking In:

Yesterday, I got 74/72 oz down. Today, I have 64/72 oz down so far. I have another half a bottle to smash before I'm done for the night … :)
I don't think I've posted for about a week now.

In that time I've definnitely been grabbing the water before anything else, however, I've only been skirting my 64oz goal most of the time and a couple of times was closer to half of that. :ohwell:

So I'm checking in for accountability and just to generally show my face in the thread again...:spinning: