2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Thank you sis. I am petitioning God and re-reading the Word. I am leaning on Him.
@Ms Red

As long as you keep quiet, you can expect much of the same. It is not God's desire for his children to live in misery, the fullness of God can not operate in such surroundings.

Go before God in prayer and fasting and ask the Lord to give you the boldness and wisdom to approach your mom.

Re-post this in the prayer thread so others can pray for you and your mom, it sounds like she is bitter about some things, bitterness has stolen her joy and will separate you both from God.

Right now speak the word over your situation, the word of God says declare a thing and it shall be established and where the Spirit of God is there is liberty.

Praying for you Sis.
"Here I am. Witness against me before the LORD and before His anointed: Whose ox have I taken, or whose donkey have I taken, or whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed, or from whose hand have I received any bribe with which to blind my eyes? I will restore it to you." And they said, "You have not cheated us or oppressed us, nor have you taken anything from any man's hand." (1 Samuel 12:3-4)

There is a freedom that comes in having nothing to hide. Living a life of integrity allows you this freedom. Your integrity is measured not by what you say about yourself but by what God and people say about you. Samuel had lived all his life among the people of God. Leaders who preceded him were dishonest and corrupt; it would have been easy for Samuel to compromise in his dealings as well. Near the end of his life, however, Samuel could boldly stand before his nation and ask them to reveal any offense he had committed against any of them. They could not think of one.

In his position of leadership, Samuel could have taken advantage of people. Yet because he carefully guarded his motives and kept his relationships blameless, Samuel could fearlessly ask the people to report if he had mistreated them in any way. It takes courage to open your life up to the scrutiny of others, but Samuel did not fear what others would say about him. He did not have to avoid anyone whom he had offended. He had a confidence that comes from living a blameless life.

If you have mistreated others, you cannot change the past, but you can choose to live with absolute integrity from this day forward. Living righteously frees you to face any person unashamedly, knowing you have behaved in a Christlike manner. If your reputation is stained, seek forgiveness from those you have offended. Ask God to guide you daily in your relationships so that you have no regrets about your treatment of others.
Jump right into the Pool of Mercy (Bathesda) for your healing, don’t be too concerned about who the water splashes on, maybe they will be healed too.
After reading Shimmie's thread on Weak Willed Church, I was reminded about something that I shared with the ladies of the Prayer Call


I want to share with you a message that I heard last night from one of my dear sisters in the Lord, such a powerful word from Psalms 91, many things stood out to me but time would not permit me to go into them all.

As regards to prayer she said that we must take back our homes, families and streets (neighborhoods) from the enemies hold. The Lord woke her up one morning and had her walk barefoot throughout the streets of her neighborhood, declaring peace, pleading the blood of Jesus on homes and the very airspace of her neighborhood. It is in our speaking, God spoke and it was, it came into being and so we must declare, and put him in remembrance of what He says he will do, not for His sake but for our sakes (this includes our families and friends we are interceding on behalf of our future generation and people we do not even know and may never meet).

I don’t know what the Lord will ask you(me) to do but I pray a spirit of boldness on each of you including myself, I pray that we be like Joshua and not be afraid of the look on the faces of men, don’t be concerned about the naysayers because God’s thoughts and ways are deeper and higher than ours. He said he uses the foolish things to confound the wise

These are serious times; called for much work, much faith, and much boldness and I don’t want to be left out of anything that God is doing in this season and I pray the same for each of you.
Matthew 10

34“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn

“ ‘a man against his father,

a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—

36a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.
After reading Shimmie's thread on Weak Willed Church, I was reminded about something that I shared with the ladies of the Prayer Call


I want to share with you a message that I heard last night from one of my dear sisters in the Lord, such a powerful word from Psalms 91, many things stood out to me but time would not permit me to go into them all.

As regards to prayer she said that we must take back our homes, families and streets (neighborhoods) from the enemies hold. The Lord woke her up one morning and had her walk barefoot throughout the streets of her neighborhood, declaring peace, pleading the blood of Jesus on homes and the very airspace of her neighborhood. It is in our speaking, God spoke and it was, it came into being and so we must declare, and put him in remembrance of what He says he will do, not for His sake but for our sakes (this includes our families and friends we are interceding on behalf of our future generation and people we do not even know and may never meet).

I don’t know what the Lord will ask you(me) to do but I pray a spirit of boldness on each of you including myself, I pray that we be like Joshua and not be afraid of the look on the faces of men, don’t be concerned about the naysayers because God’s thoughts and ways are deeper and higher than ours. He said he uses the foolish things to confound the wise

These are serious times; called for much work, much faith, and much boldness and I don’t want to be left out of anything that God is doing in this season and I pray the same for each of you.

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God isn't a half-way God; so, He won't try to tell me anything...He simply does. Sometimes, it's in the most unexpected ways, through the most unlikely people/events.
I wish that Christians would remember that honoring your parents is a commandment. :/ It doesn't end when you are an adult. And it needs to be followed, it's just as much as a commandment as all of the other ones.

I am just bummed out b/c someone very close to me isn't doing this. Honestly it breaks my heart. And it also just solidifies my feelings of never having children :nono:
God did not give us armor for the back, because He didn't except us to run away from the battle. He gave us the breastplate of righteousness to protect our heart, lungs and other vital organs. The helmet of salvation protects our head. The shield of faith is meant to protect us from the fiery darts of doubt and unbelief. The girdle of truth covers our reproductive organs, the parts that allow us to give birth to His promises and plans. The shoes prepare us to run with the good news and deliver the gospel of peace. The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, is the only offensive weapon He thought it necessary to give us.

You need to understand that, even in the appointed place, famine will come from time to time. Don't run! Stand! Fight! You are ready for battle!
Revelation 20:11-12
King James Version (KJV)
11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

These dead or the lost, not the saints. The saints are judge today now while its called today for you. Give an ear
I guess God is moving. I had a conversation about giving a relative sermon by Creflo Dollar on being Empowered by the Blood on Friday. I guess God is moving because I saw it somewhere else, not too far. Godly timing ALWAYS!

My question is how is someone operating in the prophetic when they have prophesied 3000+ times and missed it, can't get out of there situation and if they got it right, they are repeating someone's words (ie, copycat situation). Well, I guess I have answered my own question--don't need to call around or cross boundaries.
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I enjoyed spending time with my beautiful niece, heading back to college.... I want nothing but the best for her in all areas of her life. So glad her head is solid. Please keep in prayer all college students heading back to school ..this truly is a generation that needs our prayers and support, no matter what. And we can't give up on them. Happy Sunday, everyone!

@ bolded, that is so true. It's unfortunate your friend doesn't see the need to honor their parents as an adult. They may no longer be A CHILD, but she is still their mother and they can't change that. I believe children are an assignment from God... I pray you don't allow others' actions to sway you to not wanting to have children (if you really do). God bless...

I wish that Christians would remember that honoring your parents is a commandment. :/ It doesn't end when you are an adult. And it needs to be followed, it's just as much as a commandment as all of the other ones.

I am just bummed out b/c someone very close to me isn't doing this. Honestly it breaks my heart. And it also just solidifies my feelings of never having children :nono:
“Do anything you can do to keep your mind off yourself. Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.” -Joyce Meyer
I am looking with great longing and expectancy to see the word spoken over the children of God manifested in their lives. Everything that God promised he will do, He WILL do, his words will not fall to the ground but will accomplish everything it has set out to do.
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

The promises of God is yeah and Amen.

He is faithful who has promised.
“I’m a fifteen year-old high school drop out, it could have turned out a lot worse for me than it did. Ultimately God had a plan for my life. I’m very grateful that when I didn’t have a plan, He had a plan.” ” -Sheryl Brady
I think the first step is to understand that forgiveness does not exonerate the perpetrator. Forgiveness liberates the victim. It's a gift you give yourself.
T. D. Jakes
That pastor telling his congregation he disapproves of weaves is sure causing a stir... and stirring up some strong emotions. Would love to see a discussion on this side of the board ... :yep:
You know, I'm not sure what the attitude is about. If I have done or said something you're offended by, I am approachable. You could have come to me personally as a fellow Christian without taking it here. I have no issue acknowledging if I have offended someone and we could have gotten it take care of without taking hits below the belt and undue sarcasm. This was not even necessary and definitely not Christ like.
You should know me by now, but since it doesn't seem like you do, I will let you know something about me:

I don't catch attitudes....:lol:, that's not my style. If I have something to say to someone, I will tell them directly, not around the bush or behind it for that matter. If I had a problem with you or as you put it, 'offended', I would have come to you directly...that you can count on...:yep:

Whatever the problem you have, maybe that's something you need to pray about and ask the Lord to reveal to you what it is.

Hit below the belt? Undue sarcasm? What is wrong with you....:lol:. Girl, I don't have time for that...nope, not today or tomorrow. And now you are telling me that its not Christlike? Girl, bye:lol:

Let's just leave this conversation as a misunderstanding because I'm not going to continue having a conversation over something that's silly. Just silly.