2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Just enjoyed a blog that reaffirms: "The secret Paul had learned, was to draw strength from God in times of trials. What would cause someone to even desire to be content in the situations he endured?"

Tests/trials and curses are two different things, and Amein~
Just enjoyed a blog that reaffirms: "The secret Paul had learned, was to draw strength from God in times of trials. What would cause someone to even desire to be content in the situations he endured?"

Tests/trials and curses are two different things, and Amein~
Yes, sis...Amein~
Blessed, I am blessed.

When I rise up in the morning.

When I lay my head to rest.

I feel you near me.

You soothe me when I'm weary.

Oh Lord, for all the worst and all the best:

I am blessed.

(Be blessed ladies, as we truck along into 2012. The world has it's fears and doubts.

As for us...we have Jesus! )

What an awesome word...

As for us, we have Jesus :love2:
I love this side of the board.I feel heavy even though I shouldn't be.I feel so weary but don't know how to rest.I don't mean sleep as I can sleep for a long time but no rest.I am like a so spike y right now.As I was driving into work this morning and the thoughts of not wanting to continue came through I thought well you have tried more times than you have fingers and toes and haven't been successful at all.I'm at a point if I can make it til age 30 I will try not to end it all.

For me I know that life is short and not permanent.I know the oppression I feel around me is not permanent but its there.Its hard to feel like unwanted,undesirable,and just a bother to many.I reach out to others sheepishly but no bites.I feel used many days as some only want to deal with me with kid gloves bc of my past actions.I wish I could move,get a new name and start over.But I want to start over mentally too.Things I have been through,seen,and heard clutter my mind,heart and overwhelmingly my soul.I know I can't go based on my feelings as they are ever changing but it doesn't take this pain I do feel away.One day I pray I will grow,and be whole so I can be like some who content in the state of poverty or other calamities.

Father, as we embark upon the vast opportunities that 2012 will afford us; we ask for your inexhaustible wisdom and steadfast guidance. Lead us safely and surely to the paths you have charted for us to travel. Heal us from all pain and heartaches we have previously suffered. Father, 2011 was a devastating year for many of your faithful servants; help us to leave any unnecessary baggage at this altar of prayer. Help us to advance toward our future without the cumbersome load of adverse seasons in our past. Help us to remain focused upon Jesus, our BRIDEGROOM KING IN ALL YOUR GLORY and on the destiny you have designed for us!!

The cry of our heart is to KNOW YOU more fully, to SERVE YOU more faithfully, and to ABIDE IN YOUR PRESENCE more frequently. Father give us eyes to see and ears to hear ONLY YOU and your assignments; refusing distractions whether from friend or foe. Give us hearts that passionately PURSUE YOU until we find you; and the courage to obey you in 2012; I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen!

By: David Felts
Show up Lord! I feel nothing I sense nothing. My situation, by all standards is pretty dire.

But on the plus side, my friend bought me this GAWEGOUS wig!! Bless her in return Father.
Show up Lord! I feel nothing I sense nothing. My situation, by all standards is pretty dire.

But on the plus side, my friend bought me this GAWEGOUS wig!! Bless her in return Father.

Daniel, King David, Joseph, Elijah, Sarah, Job, The Prodigal's son's father, Apostle Paul.......

“Wait on the Lord; be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord.”

Be still and know that He is God!

“Show me You ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day” (Psalm 25:4-5).

@MarriageMaterial @InVue GoddessMaker

And for anyone else who needs encouragement:

Imagine that I dump 10,000 plastic eggs in your back yard. I assure you that inside one of those hollow eggs is a check for a million dollars with your name on it.

Would you get discouraged if you opened the first 100 eggs without finding the check? How about the first 1000 eggs? Of course not ! You'd just keep opening those eggs, just waiting for the moment when you'd find the check.

Apostle Paul knew the meaning of the word "suffering." He had been beaten, stoned, imprisoned, shipwrecked, starved, and rejected. And yet Paul said that his sufferings were nothing compared to the glory that would come. In other words, Paul had opened a lot of empty eggs, but he never gave up or got discouraged. He believed that something great was in his future — God's glory revealed in him.

Perhaps it feels to you as if your life has been nothing but empty eggs. You've already opened 99000 of them and you're not sure you've got the will to go on. Let me encourage you today. Don't give up. I don't want to trivialize the challenges you are facing, but I do want to help you put them into perspective. They are only temporary, and God has something much greater in store for you. Compared to the glory that will be revealed in us one day, our suffering doesn't merit discouragement.

Hang on. Don't give up. Keep going. One day God will replace your discouragement with incomparable glory!

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).

The rainbows of life follow the storms.
~Author Unknown​
Nice & Wavy

Words cannot express my appreciation for your timely message. I love God and thank him for using his children like you to encourage and show his love.

It's amazing, even over the Internet I can sense the praying saints. It's something different about them. Their conversation, their tone, and their love. I often say the best friend to have is a friend who can get a prayer through to God. I'm not talking about people praying amiss. I'm talking about sincere prayer and seeking God's face. This type of sacrifice has outward affects. Nice&Wavy I have no doubt you are one of the praying saints on this forum. :yep:

To God be the Glory!
I am ready to leave 2011 behind and live a better life in 2012. I claim that 2012 will be the year of shalom - peace and wholeness that only Jesus can give me. I want to be a blessing so I can bless others.

I am trying to get mentally ready for my fast. Wish me luck.

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF
@MarriageMaterial @InVue GoddessMaker

And for anyone else who needs encouragement:

Imagine that I dump 10,000 plastic eggs in your back yard. I assure you that inside one of those hollow eggs is a check for a million dollars with your name on it.

Would you get discouraged if you opened the first 100 eggs without finding the check? How about the first 1000 eggs? Of course not ! You'd just keep opening those eggs, just waiting for the moment when you'd find the check.

Apostle Paul knew the meaning of the word "suffering." He had been beaten, stoned, imprisoned, shipwrecked, starved, and rejected. And yet Paul said that his sufferings were nothing compared to the glory that would come. In other words, Paul had opened a lot of empty eggs, but he never gave up or got discouraged. He believed that something great was in his future — God's glory revealed in him.

Perhaps it feels to you as if your life has been nothing but empty eggs. You've already opened 99000 of them and you're not sure you've got the will to go on. Let me encourage you today. Don't give up. I don't want to trivialize the challenges you are facing, but I do want to help you put them into perspective. They are only temporary, and God has something much greater in store for you. Compared to the glory that will be revealed in us one day, our suffering doesn't merit discouragement.

Hang on. Don't give up. Keep going. One day God will replace your discouragement with incomparable glory!

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).

The rainbows of life follow the storms.
~Author Unknown​

Nice & Wavy ...

I love this... it's so like you to share a word of life such as this.

You shared another one a while back about 'stepping up' upon the dirt which was being thrown in the well; it was meant to bury the life inside, but instead 'they' used the dirt as means to climb from out of the well.

OH, how it blessed me so...

God bless you Loving Woman of God... You and Hubbie... Bless you and your powerful Ministry.


"Shimmie" :love5:
Nice & Wavy

Words cannot express my appreciation for your timely message. I love God and thank him for using his children like you to encourage and show his love.

It's amazing, even over the Internet I can sense the praying saints. It's something different about them. Their conversation, their tone, and their love. I often say the best friend to have is a friend who can get a prayer through to God. I'm not talking about people praying amiss. I'm talking about sincere prayer and seeking God's face. This type of sacrifice has outward affects. Nice&Wavy I have no doubt you are one of the praying saints on this forum. :yep:

To God be the Glory!
I am truly blessed and humbled because I know that God is about to do a mighty work in your life. I do pray for each and every person on this forum...sometimes with many, many tears. But, I'm grateful to meet people like you who love Jesus and are open to receive a word from the Lord.

God is going to use (and is using) the internet in these last days, to reach many people. People are coming to the Lord by the thousands over the internet....God is everywhere, hallelujah!!!

May the Lord's grace abound in your life in 2012 and may your experience His fulness like never before. You are blessed and truly highly favored of the Lord!

Happy New Year and much love to you!

Nice & Wavy ...

I love this... it's so like you to share a word of life such as this.

You shared another one a while back about 'stepping up' upon the dirt which was being thrown in the well; it was meant to bury the life inside, but instead 'they' used the dirt as means to climb from out of the well.

OH, how it blessed me so...

God bless you Loving Woman of God... You and Hubbie... Bless you and your powerful Ministry.


"Shimmie" :love5:


Sis...I am crying now because you are my friend and I truly, truly love you so much and I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

Thank you for your words of love and for remembering what I put in the forums at times....God surely uses His word, even in stories, to bless those who are listening. Thank you for listening to Him!

Happy New Year and I pray that God will go above and beyond in blessing you in 2012! May His favor continually be upon you and may you have so much favor that you are able to spread it throughout the world!!!

Love always.....

I am ready to leave 2011 behind and live a better life in 2012. I claim that 2012 will be the year of shalom - peace and wholeness that only Jesus can give me. I want to be a blessing so I can bless others.

I am trying to get mentally ready for my fast. Wish me luck.

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF
I am in agreement with you, sis! :love2:


Sis...I am crying now because you are my friend and I truly, truly love you so much and I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

Thank you for your words of love and for remembering what I put in the forums at times....God surely uses His word, even in stories, to bless those who are listening. Thank you for listening to Him!

Happy New Year and I pray that God will go above and beyond in blessing you in 2012! May His favor continually be upon you and may you have so much favor that you are able to spread it throughout the world!!!

Love always.....


My love to you and Pastor 'A' (Hubbie). The two of you are truly one of the richest blessings in my heart and in my life :heart2:
I haven't been in a place this dark in many years. I'm scared and sad. I want to crawl in a hole and cry.

:kiss: It's okay Honey, cry. Allow yourself to be cleansed by the tears of this soon ending year. You're crossing into a new season of strength and blessings.

Be not discouraged, for God has much more planned for you wrapped up in Joy.
I haven't been in a place this dark in many years. I'm scared and sad. I want to crawl in a hole and cry.
I'm praying for you, sis. I know that place and its not a good place to be. But, I know that the Lord is surrounding you with His love and His mercies are new every morning...He is faithful.

Keep on keeping on....don't ever forget that even in that pit, God is there with you, He said that He will never leave you or forsake you. Even when Job was in a pit, God was with him. Joseph was in a pit too, and God was with him in that pit. And Daniel was literally in a pit with lions, and God was with him. He is not a respecter of persons....He is with you too!

You are so loved and so protected by God!!!

Its so lovely for 2011 to come to a end.I want to leave death like thoughts behind.I want to be happy and joyful the kind that even when your world is coming down before you and you have no money for hair products let alone food and bills you can still smile and dig deeper not to take a pistol to your temple.There have been days of as of late where I feel I'm in a perputal blackness.I don't want to give the devil any credit however for such.I know he is at work esp anytime I pray or go on the prayer line.2012 needs to be my new start a fresh start.I wish I could move and get a new name and just start over.I have missed the mark too many times for ppl in my life now to think of me as anything but a crazy depressed female dog.It makes me not even try to be perky bc its put on the spot light when I do.I want to cry but there are no tears to flow from my heart as its dry.My heart at one point was so cold it had permafrost now its dry as a desert.I wish something could penetrate it to give it life.I hate this feeling of just existing and not living like those I admire do.So long 2011..2012 will be here in 14 minutes.
I'm praying for you, sis. I know that place and its not a good place to be. But, I know that the Lord is surrounding you with His love and His mercies are new every morning...He is faithful.

Keep on keeping on....don't ever forget that even in that pit, God is there with you, He said that He will never leave you or forsake you. Even when Job was in a pit, God was with him. Joseph was in a pit too, and God was with him in that pit. And Daniel was literally in a pit with lions, and God was with him. He is not a respecter of persons....He is with you too!

You are so loved and so protected by God!!!


I haven't been in a place this dark in many years. I'm scared and sad. I want to crawl in a hole and cry.

I agree! When Joseph was in the pit, the bible says that the Lords favor was with him. Just because you are in a low place, it doesn't mean the Lords favor has left you. God was setting Joseph up, to bring the people of Israel under a foreign nation...which would ultimately lead to deliverance of Israel by Moses in one of the greatest demonstrations of God's power in the bible...all because one man was in the pit...for years...with no visions from God...only silence. The more good he did...the worse off his situation became! But he was favored!!! God uses our adversity for his glory! I know it doesn't take away the sting, but when you weep, God weeps too! We have a savior that can sympathize with our sufferings! So ask the Lord to give you strength so that you can endure. Praying with you!
Thanks for the word N&W and Happy New Year to you and all the wonderful women of God on this forum.
I agree! When Joseph was in the pit, the bible says that the Lords favor was with him. Just because you are in a low place, it doesn't mean the Lords favor has left you. God was setting Joseph up, to bring the people of Israel under a foreign nation...which would ultimately lead to deliverance of Israel by Moses in one of the greatest demonstrations of God's power in the bible...all because one man was in the pit...for years...with no visions from God...only silence. The more good he did...the worse off his situation became! But he was favored!!! God uses our adversity for his glory! I know it doesn't take away the sting, but when you weep, God weeps too! We have a savior that can sympathize with our sufferings! So ask the Lord to give you strength so that you can endure. Praying with you!

This right here! :yep: Even in the body, too many christians end up judging others because of thinking that adversity points to somebody doing wrong. It's as though some delight in the troubles of others to gloat in their own self-prescribed and erroneous prophecy...even going so far as to pray for further destruction so that the "repentant" can get closer to G-d. I know of such people. :nono: Little did they know that that little humble man was fully in the path the L-rd set out for him. I guess that, when you examine yourself, you can sometimes doubt due to the silence, wondering why. But that silence is still within the will of G-d for that particular situation.