2020 Christian Random Thoughts...yet Not Random Is Our Jesus

For those who are still on the fence about yoga and Hinduism. Just for the record Hinduism is not compatible which Christianity.


Colorful, vibrant, musical, and story-driven, Hinduism is a religion that inspires many across the globe. It is a faith-filled to the brim with gods and goddesses.

In fact, there are over 33 million Hindu gods in total!

There are some you may have heard of: Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh, or Brahma, to name a few.

Maybe you’ve seen a statue of the elephant-headed Ganesh, the god of beginnings and remover of obstacles.

Or perhaps you’ve seen a portrait of the mighty blue Shiva, the god of destruction, slaying a demon.

Maybe you’ve never seen any of them! Regardless of if you are just learning, taking a spiritual pilgrimage to India, or a yoga teacher training, learning about the Hindu gods is exciting and inspiring.

The stories of Hindu gods tell the tales of good versus evil, light versus dark, power, balance, and virtue.

Hinduism in India

Yoga and Hinduism are often practices that go hand-in-hand in the West but are more deeply fused and widely practiced in India. Appropriately so, because India is their birthplace. 80% of the population of India identifies with the belief system and recognizes these major Hindu gods.

Stories of these gods are the foundation of Hinduism. They teach about the values and aims of human life and the path to enlightenment.

Hindu mythology has long been a way to pass down these teachings. Hindus worship the gods and goddesses through devotional prayer and meditation. Many perform this kind of “puja’ (worship) in a shrine.

Shrines are a special place you create for prayer and meditation. For instance, they can be anything from altars, rooms, and even pictures and sculptures.

Worshippers decorate these shrines with offerings. These offerings may include mantra or prayer, incense, and flowers. They can be any kind of precious item- provided the person gives it with love and devotion.

Throughout India, you can see incredibly decorated shrines dedicated to different gods. Statues, images, and buildings are colorfully decorated and often fragrant with flowers, especially during important holidays.

ganesh celebration - 10 hindu gods you should know

Practice for the non-Hindu

You don’t have to subscribe to these religious beliefs to benefit from the beauty of the practice.

For example, you can create a quiet, spiritual space with your favorite items. In other words, any objects that help you to focus your mind and bring you joy.

If you want to tap into these powerful gods and goddesses, you can cultivate a meditation practice with one in mind. You could even have a statue or image of your favorite god or goddess somewhere in your space of practice.

This can help you focus your attention on whatever qualities your chosen figure represents: wisdom, knowledge, peace, or power, for example.

People have many different kinds of objects on their altars that aren’t religious symbols too. For instance, you can use objects like pictures of teachers or a matriarchal grandmother, a rock or seashell from a meaningful place, or a flower that recalls a special memory.

If it serves you, you can combine all of these things into one. The point is to make your space of worship unique to your practice.

Yoga and your Hindu Gods inspired practice

altar shrine yogi aaron 10 hindu deitiesIf you are inspired by these Hindu deities, you can find their energies through yoga. Trying specific postures can awaken those dormant energies that are already within you.

There are plenty of poses linked to the broad range of powers that each deity holds. Some of these postures focus on building strength. Other yoga poses center around building mental clarity.

Each of these postures can help you bring the strength from the gods of Hinduism into your daily spiritual practice.


10 Hindu deities you should know


The first deity of the Hindu trinity, Lord Brahma, is the god of creation. The trinity being, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma contains the entire cosmos and all its creatures.

They say you don’t have to be Hindu to practice these things but then it clearly states that when your engaging in these practices specifically doing the poses with your body you’re tapping into the power of said god or goddess. So if you practice hinduism hen you’re a practicing hindu and no longer Christian.
A man cannot serve 2 masters.....
This is from a yoga Hindu website.

This is why yoga Hinduism is not compatible with Christianity.

Entire article here
For those who are still on the fence about yoga and Hinduism. Just for the record Hinduism is not compatible which Christianity.

They say you don’t have to be Hindu to practice these things but then it clearly states that when your engaging in these practices specifically doing the poses with your body you’re tapping into the power of said god or goddess.

So if you practice hinduism then you’re a practicing hindu and no longer Christian ...A man cannot serve 2 masters.....
This is why yoga Hinduism is not compatible with Christianity.

Entire article here

Thank you Dear @Lucia for sharing this article. It's so important to know the history behind so many activities that Christians think are innocent; yet they are not. With a background in 'Dance', it took me a while to realize that Yoga is not compatible with ones faith in Jesus. God bless you for sharing this important message.

Blessings to Everyone here... :love2:
Thank you Dear @Lucia for sharing this article. It's so important to know the history behind so many activities that Christians think are innocent; yet they are not. With a background in 'Dance', it took me a while to realize that Yoga is not compatible with ones faith in Jesus. God bless you for sharing this important message.

Blessings to Everyone here... :love2:

Thanks Shimmie agreed
Actually dancing and the dance stretches, calesthetic track gymnastics stretches are just as effective if not more so for getting flexible. Too much credit is given to Yoga. Stretching cannot make you strong it just makes you flexible.
Thanks Shimmie agreed
Actually dancing and the dance stretches, calesthetic track gymnastics stretches are just as effective if not more so for getting flexible. Too much credit is given to Yoga. Stretching cannot make you strong it just makes you flexible.
:yep: i agree. Your information is healing to one’s soul, as we are in this world but not of it. Being aware is vital.
My husband has given me an ultimatum requiring me to do something I feel is against my faith. I am torn.
My husband has given me an ultimatum requiring me to do something I feel is against my faith. I am torn.

Hi @LovinLea, I hope you're well and that you've been praying about your circumstances.
Is your husband a Christian? If so, find scriptures that support your position and show them to him. If it's more of a conscience issue and you can't find any scriptures, please show him Ephesians 5:25-30 and 1 Peter 3:7-8.

If he's not a Christian and you've prayed and are sure this is the wrong thing to do, don't do it. Remember how badly it ended for Sapphira when she took her husband's side over the Lord's.

Finally, please ask God for wisdom, he's eager to bless you with it. Doing what you think is right may cost you but God will uphold you for honouring Him (Isaiah 43:1-2, 1 Samuel 2:30). God bless you and give you clear direction.
Hi @LovinLea, I hope you're well and that you've been praying about your circumstances.
Is your husband a Christian? If so, find scriptures that support your position and show them to him. If it's more of a conscience issue and you can't find any scriptures, please show him Ephesians 5:25-30 and 1 Peter 3:7-8.

If he's not a Christian and you've prayed and are sure this is the wrong thing to do, don't do it. Remember how badly it ended for Sapphira when she took her husband's side over the Lord's.

Finally, please ask God for wisdom, he's eager to bless you with it. Doing what you think is right may cost you but God will uphold you for honouring Him (Isaiah 43:1-2, 1 Samuel 2:30). God bless you and give you clear direction.

Thank you.

He’s a Christian as well but a lot of times I feel that his motivations are worldly. He's given me an ultimatum where if I don't agree, he wants divorce. To me, either way the end result is divorce, because how can I live like this? I am praying for the Lord to guide me.
Thank you.

He’s a Christian as well but a lot of times I feel that his motivations are worldly. He's given me an ultimatum where if I don't agree, he wants divorce. To me, either way the end result is divorce, because how can I live like this? I am praying for the Lord to guide me.
Hi again, I don't know what your situation is but if you are able to fast, I'd say to do that. Remind God the He hates divorce, and He ordained marriage to be lifelong. He's a good Father and He gives good gifts to His children. Pray and listen for what He says. He has the power to change hearts and nothing is too hard for Him.

I pray that the Lord blesses you and your marriage. May He show you His love and mercy.
Surviving Drought

In April 2019, a suburban neighborhood in Victorville, California, became buried in tumbleweeds. High winds pushed the rolling thistles into the development from the adjacent Mojave Desert where the plant grows. At maturity, the pesky weed can grow to up to six feet in height—a formidable size when it releases itself from its roots to “tumble” with the wind to scatter its seeds.

Tumbleweeds are what I picture when I read Jeremiah’s description of a person “whose heart turns away from the Lord” (Jeremiah 17:5). He says that those who draw their strength from “mere flesh” will be like “a bush in the wastelands” and be unable to “see prosperity when it comes” (vv. 5–6). In sharp contrast are those who put their trust in God instead of people. Like trees, their strong, deep roots draw strength from Him, enabling them to remain full of life, even in the midst of drought-like circumstances.

Tumbleweeds and trees both have roots. Tumbleweeds, however, don’t stay connected to their life-source, causing them to dry out and die. Trees, on the other hand, remain connected to their roots, enabling them to flourish and thrive, anchored to that which will sustain them in times of difficulty. When we hold fast to God, drawing strength and encouragement from the wisdom found in the Bible and talking to Him in prayer, we too can experience the life-giving, life-sustaining nourishment He provides.

By: Kirsten Holmberg
You Will be King
by aodukoya

‘And he fixed his gaze and stared at him, until he was embarrassed. And the man of God wept. And Hazael said, “Why does my lord weep?” He answered, “Because I know the evil that you will do to the people of Israel. You will set on fire their fortresses, and you will kill their young men with the sword and dash in pieces their little ones and rip open their pregnant women.” And Hazael said, “What is your servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing?” Elisha answered, “The Lord has shown me that you are to be king over Syria.” ’ 2 Kings 8:11-13
Hazael came to inquire something from the prophet. After giving him an answer, Elijah fixed his gaze on Hazael and wept. Embarrassed by the whole situation, Hazael asked “why does my Lord weep?”, Elisha’s listed evil acts that Hazael would commit such as;
  1. Burn down strongholds (fortified cities)
  2. Kill young men
  3. Dash in pieces kids
  4. Cut open pregnant women
Hazeal’s response is noteworthy. He responds by saying, “What is your servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing” in other words, “I don’t have the power to accomplish such great things” – To which Elisha responds “you will be king”. That is to say you shall have the power.
Elisha attributes to Hazael an evil list of future actions to which Hazael responds “I am but a dog, how can I accomplish these things?” Telling perhaps is the fact that there is no show of hatred for the list, no horror, no disgust. Where he places his confidence is in the lack of opportunity, to commit the sin saying; “What is your servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing”? , thus saying, I can’t do it because I would not have the opportunity to do it. He may have not personally liked the acts that Elisha had listed, but his confidence was based on a lack of opportunity, rather than repulsion for the acts in question. Elisha put him in no doubt by responding, “The opportunity shall arise” – “You will be king”.
Sadly, we are like Hazael because we can sometimes see sin in opportunity terms. And so we major in avoiding sin which is the more external work but minor in the more internal work. We think if we take away the occasion for sin, the sin is dealt with. But we ought to realise that the Monks tried that down through the centuries and it never really dealt with the sin within. Not that external methods don’t have their merit but they are never enough. They must strictly be the tip of the iceberg of the way we are dealing with sin.
Some of the ways we seek to deal with sin:
  1. We remove apps from our phones
  2. We avoid places such as pubs
  3. We put filters on our computers
  4. We employ breathing technique to calm our anger
Again these types of practices can have merit but they are no cure.
If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” ( referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.’ Col. 2:20-23
  1. When we are more concerned about opportunity we really never deal with the source of our sins – Our heart!. Hazael’s hope was in his lack of opportunity. He was not concerned about his ability to perpetrate such horrendous deeds. You see, our propensity towards sin is not due to the opportunities, but the evil lurking in our hearts. Our task is to mortify (that is to kill, to starve, to make powerless, not to feed) our sins and grow in grace so as to hate the sin themselves.
  1. When we depend on a lack of opportunity to help us live rightly we end up blaming other people and other things for our sins. Hazael said, I am not a King, so I cannot do these sins, basically he was saying only kings could do these things. Even so we blame – the driver who crossed our path for our road rage, her provocative dressing for our lusts, their rudeness for our anger etc.
  1. We do not see how we are not responding rightly to the sin. For example, look at Hazael’s response, there was no hatred of sin, there was no revulsion at the list. Are you revolted by the sin that so easily grasps at your heart? Do you sorrow over your lapses into sins you had formally repented of? Is your heart grieved by it? If you are making any excuse blaming another then you have not begun to deal rightly with your sinful heart.
Don’t trust in the lack of opportunity because the opportunity will arise, you too will be king sooner than you think. What will you do when that opportunity comes?
An Evil List
Hazael came to inquire something from the prophet. After giving him an answer, Elijah fixed his gaze on Hazael and wept. Embarrassed by the whole situation, Hazael asked “why does my Lord weep?”, Elisha’s listed evil acts that Hazael would commit such as;
  1. Burn down strongholds (fortified cities)
  2. Kill young men
  3. Dash in pieces kids
  4. Cut open pregnant women
This list speaks so much of today. The sin in the earth grieving the heart of God

1. The riots and looting and burning in the cities and businesses
2. Young men losing their lives ... Police Brutality; Black on Black murders sky rocket above all.
3 & 4: The taking of innocent lives; babies heartlessly aborted up to Full-term.

God’s heart is grieving...heavily
Here to support each of you...


in spite of all of the challenges, look how far each of you have come after all you have been through. With God’s help, you made it through the toughest part of this journey. You’re still here; tired, yes...but you are stronger. More aware. You did it, Ladies. You are still here, living and breathing and stronger than ever.

Keep breathing; keep praying; keep learning from this. History will marvel at you some day. Your amazing strength will teach others, that what tried to take you out, didn’t win.

God bless each of you.
Ladies, we are in the last quarter. Those of you who have given birth, are familiar with what is referred to as the 'ring of fire':

Crowning is often referred to as the “ring of fire” in the birthing process. It's when your baby's head becomes visible in the birth canal after you've fully dilated. It's the home stretch — in more ways than one.

Let's remain steadfast. Hope this helps:

Mental health preservation:
'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND.' ( 2 Timothy 1:7)

Against anxiety:
'There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear.' ( 1 John 4:18)

When feeling lonely:
'A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave Me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.' ( John 16:32)

Against unbelief:
'For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.' ( 2 Corinthians 10:4)

It's very important to simply go back to basics: we've been taught that we need the Bible PLUS medication, a self-help book, a friend to call or what have you. But the Word of God says that His grace is sufficient for us ( 2 Corinthians 12:9). Do everything you can to avoid this frantic society we live in: limit your screen time to the minimum, only write down about 3 tasks per day in your planner, pray often, drink plenty of water and keep preaching the gospel to yourself. Stay blessed and encouraged. We're together in spirit and in truth.
Hi @LovinLea, I just watched this message on YouTube this past weekend. I hope it helps you in some way. I have attached a short clip, but you can also find the entire message on YouTube under the same title. A Fit of Carnality by Jesse Duplantis.
It really really helped.

Just an update. I refused the ultimatum. We came through on the other side of it. He told me he now wants to be closer to God and we have started doing church from home and praying more often together.

Thank all of you ladies for your wisdom.
It really really helped.

Just an update. I refused the ultimatum. We came through on the other side of it. He told me he now wants to be closer to God and we have started doing church from home and praying more often together.

Thank all of you ladies for your wisdom.
Hallelujah! To God be the glory!
I pray for God to cover you both with His love and give you many more testimonies.
Keep moving forward together in Christ.
God bless you!
Being against abortion does not necessarily make you pro-life. When you can watch the lives of others being gunned down in the streets and look the other way, you are not pro-life. When you can see 'other' people's children being ripped from their arms and not even flinch, you are not pro-life. When you can see homeless and hungry people begging for help and the only advice you have to offer is "get a job," you are not pro-life. Don't be fooled by twisted logic -- ask God for wisdom and learn to think for yourself.
My pastor wrote a series of books that are on Amazon and had a book launching at church but they started the bidding at $1,000.00 for a set of 3 books:oops: then to $500.00, $200.00 etc. It moved my spirit and Im now looking at them sideways. Apparently the funds will be donated to help folks in Ghana. I havent been back there since, Ive been going to this Ghanian church for a almost year and love it there but that book launching...smh *please dont quote*
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