Random Christian Thoughts Thread

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Random thought of many for today:
Why do people speak scripture to satan? He knows more scripture than most real or fake Christians will ever know and quote it to us (like he did with Jesus in Matthew 4:6). Resisting him is what makes him flee (James 4:7).

I think we are supposed to use the word of God against satan. he knows the word but often takes it out of context/mixes it up to deceive as he did to Eve in the garden of Eden. Jesus resisted him with the word of God only. Satan attempted to deceive by taking by taking the word out of context but Jesus replied yet again with the word.

The word is also the only offensive weapon we have. (Ephesians 6: 10-11, and then 14 - 17.) " Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ... (14) Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the sheild of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God;"
I think we are supposed to use the word of God against satan. he knows the word but often takes it out of context/mixes it up to deceive as he did to Eve in the garden of Eden. Jesus resisted him with the word of God only. Satan attempted to deceive by taking by taking the word out of context but Jesus replied yet again with the word.

The word is also the only offensive weapon we have. (Ephesians 6: 10-11, and then 14 - 17.) " Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ... (14) Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the sheild of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God;"

LOL @ ^^^^ I don't think that non-Christians really care what Christians think of them so I doubt they would take any effort at all in trying to make us Christians think they believe what we believe. :laugh:

Random thought of many for today:
Why do people speak scripture to satan? He knows more scripture than most real or fake Christians will ever know and quote it to us (like he did with Jesus in Matthew 4:6). Resisting him is what makes him flee (James 4:7).

You must not be paying attention to who has been posting.

The word says to quote the scripture to cause the devil to flee. That's how Jesus resisted the devil when he tried to tempt Him after his 40 day fast (scripture already posted). That is also one of the reasons we go to church. We defend the church as a body, as one corporate being, as Jesus' bride from satan when we come together. When two or more come together in my name there I AM (the Word of God) in their midst.
Mat 18:20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
The devil tricked Eve with the word because Eve didn't know what the word said. She said that God told her not to touch the tree when in fact He instructed her to touch the tree and tend to it just not to eat from it.
Gen 2:15And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Gen 2:17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

But Eve thought he meant for her not to touch it either.

Gen 3:3But of the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

The word is as powerful and sharper than a two edged sword. Why else would we need a two edged sword, who would we use it against except the wiles of the devil and his influence on us and the world?

Hbr 4:12For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
As I'm thinking of what I need to focus upon today, I realize it's standing right there in front of me. I am going to meditate upon this:

F = Full
A = Assurance
I = In
T = The
H = Holy-one

Great anacronym for today's turmoil. And a great new siggy I can pass on...guess I'll get out my Shalom necklace to remind me. Full Assurance...Full Assurance....Full Assurance in the H-ly One. The L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One. Drilling into my mind....
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Random thoughts are supposed to be free thoughts without "correction" and contradiction by those who oppose these RANDOM thoughts.

1 Corinthians 4:5 :

“Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.”

People do not have the right to judge someone's salvation. There is a kind way to share information or present your strong case without condemning others as heretics. It's largely missing from this forum.

Is it questioning someones salvation when the person has told you they are in the process of converting to Judaism or would that be taking someone at their word?

There are rules to this forum that are being missed by some too. The Christian forum is for Christians not for non Christians who want to share their opinions on Christians and to challenge Christian beliefs with the beliefs of non Christian philosophers and non Christian religious leaders.

-This forum is for those who know JESUS CHRIST to be their LORD and SAVIOR. It is not here to question HIS existence or criticize those who believe in HIM.
-Any posts and/or threads not related to The LORD JESUS will be moved to the Off Topic Forum.
-Inappropriate posts and/or threads will be removed or deleted all together.

Thank-you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation. Be blessed, ladies. :) http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=833825&postcount=1

Updated Board Rules:

The purpose of this particular forum is to allow believers of Jesus Christ to fellowship together. Its not political, controversial, or a means for debating. Any post that do not pertain to spiritual advancement, encouragement, etc. will be removed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=837388&postcount=2
Is it questioning someones salvation when the person has told you they are in the process of converting to Judaism or would that be taking someone at their word?

There are rules to this forum that are being missed by some too. The Christian forum is for Christians not for non Christians who want to share their opinions on Christians and to challenge Christian beliefs with the beliefs of non Christian philosophers and non Christian religious leaders.

-This forum is for those who know JESUS CHRIST to be their LORD and SAVIOR. It is not here to question HIS existence or criticize those who believe in HIM.
-Any posts and/or threads not related to The LORD JESUS will be moved to the Off Topic Forum.
-Inappropriate posts and/or threads will be removed or deleted all together.

Thank-you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation. Be blessed, ladies. :) http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=833825&postcount=1

Updated Board Rules:

The purpose of this particular forum is to allow believers of Jesus Christ to fellowship together. Its not political, controversial, or a means for debating. Any post that do not pertain to spiritual advancement, encouragement, etc. will be removed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=837388&postcount=2

My RANDOM thought is to say what was said in Corinthians. It's there. You don't have to respond to it. In fact, I prefer you not to respond to anything I post. BTW, that scripture says exactly what it means. NO ONE is to judge the salvation of another...that is Christ's job. You have been in violation of that command against me and several others in the past and today. It is NOT YOUR JOB TO FIGURE OUT SOMEONE'S SALVATION. Please allow Jesus to be Messiah. I sent in a scripture and you post about someone debating. AHAHAHAHAHAHA:lachen::lachen::lachen: G-d bless you, MsHoney.
My RANDOM thought is to say what was said in Corinthians. It's there. You don't have to respond to it. In fact, I prefer you not to respond to anything I post. BTW, that scripture says exactly what it means. NO ONE is to judge the salvation of another...that is Christ's job. You have been in violation of that command against me and several others in the past and today. It is NOT YOUR JOB TO FIGURE OUT SOMEONE'S SALVATION. Please allow Jesus to be Messiah. I sent in a scripture and you post about someone debating. AHAHAHAHAHAHA:lachen::lachen::lachen: G-d bless you, MsHoney.

You are partly correct it is not my job nor my concern. I was just going by what you told me in our pm's which YOU initiated if you remember, that you were in the process converting to Judaism to become Jewish. This is a forum for Christians and Christian fellowship. The rules are clear.

I will keep what you said in mind though eventhough that's not what that scripture means:grin:. Good thing about mistakes, they can be corrected:grin: May Jesus bless you to the salvation of your soul and mind GV, sincerely.:yep:

Let's keep random thoughts random.
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Jesus said: "...it is written...". Eve did not have a "written". She and her husband Adam saw the Word, walked with the Word, could touch, see, hear, interact with the Word in spirit and in the flesh until Adam sinned in the garden and ate the fruit. Eve had no written word to read, hear or repeat.

Eve was not even around when the instructions for the tree were given to Adam (Gen 2:16-17 - God commanded the man). Eve was created after the instructions were given by God to Adam and the bible simply does not state where Eve got that information about touching the tree, just that God told Adam don't eat its fruit.

Anyway, topsyturvy86, thanks for responding. I need to take a fresh look at speaking the word to the devil. :yep:

:hug3: -> topsyturvy86

Oh, topsy, if you can help me find this specific scripture I'd be so grateful.
The word says to quote the scripture to cause the devil to flee.

This is all I can find about the devil fleeing but it does not say he flees from speaking scripture to him but if we resist him.
Jam 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
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Mat 12:17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,

Mat 12:18 Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.

Mat 12:19 He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.

Mat 12:20 A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.

Mat 12:21 And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

Jesus is the name in which we put our trust. Amen!!!!!
I need to get on my knees and ask my Lord and Savior what He will have me do with my career! He may not be done with me in the Army........

Not my will Lord, but Yours!!! ALWAYS!
You are partly correct it is not my job nor my concern. I was just going by what you told me in our pm's which YOU initiated if you remember, that you were in the process converting to Judaism to become Jewish. This is a forum for Christians and Christian fellowship. The rules are clear.

I will keep what you said in mind though eventhough that's not what that scripture means:grin:. When I had to block you from pm'ing me I should have put you on total niggynore and not respond to you at all in this Random thought thread. Good thing about mistakes, they can be corrected:grin: May Jesus bless you to the salvation of your soul and mind GV, sincerely.:yep:

Let's keep random thoughts random.

Sigh, you are clearly overboard. I spoke to you concerning this Jewish spark of life that touches upon all descendants of Jews, and you told me that you, too, were a Jewish descendant. Why on earth are you talking about private messages here on this list? Yes, I am in the PROCESS...that means, listening, learning...I obviously have not gone THROUGH the process. G-d is here, was here, was always here and will forever be here. He has not changed. You are not in that relationship between me and G-d. If anything, I'm looking into the relationship from family that were forcibly converted...there is a lesson to be learned from them and their faith. That is not your concern, however. My soul is forever in the hands of G-d. Thank G-d Almighty it's not in YOUR hands, MsHoney. Please, leave me alone! If anyone is the enemy here, you certainly are mine since you keep pursuing me. I'm telling you here and in public, let me go!

You pasted the sticky from the mods. HOw on earth am I challenging Jesus' existence? You don't agree with someone, you accuse them of heresies? Shaking my head. Is anybody else seeing this unjust persecution here? Putting me on "niggynore." I find that disgusting and extremely offensive. Nobody here is a "niggy."
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You are partly correct it is not my job nor my concern. I was just going by what you told me in our pm's which YOU initiated if you remember, that you were in the process converting to Judaism to become Jewish. This is a forum for Christians and Christian fellowship. The rules are clear.

I will keep what you said in mind though eventhough that's not what that scripture means:grin:. When I had to block you from pm'ing me I should have put you on total niggynore and not respond to you at all in this Random thought thread. Good thing about mistakes, they can be corrected:grin: May Jesus bless you to the salvation of your soul and mind GV, sincerely.:yep:

Let's keep random thoughts random.

You did not have to block me from Pm'ing me. I asked you kindly to stop contacting me after all the rotten things you said to me. The only reason I contacted you was to abide by the rules and settle things in private. That's fact. But after your failed attempts to get me to have YOUR relationship with G-d, I asked you to just stop. You are a very insulting woman. I have the conversations saved and will pass them onto a moderator. This must stop. Again, YOU do NOT have the right to determine what is in someone's heart or mind. We do not see the world the same and that's that. Leave it be, MsHoney.

And about keeping random thoughts random, that's what I have done. Randomly posted. Of course, here you are to challenge even my random thoughts. And what is your NIGGYnore? Are you calling me a Nigg3R? That is against the rules here. Again, G-d bless you.
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Sigh, you are clearly overboard. I spoke to you concerning this Jewish spark of life that touches upon all descendants of Jews, and you told me that you, too, were a Jewish descendant. Why on earth are you talking about private messages here on this list? Yes, I am in the PROCESS...that means, listening, learning...I obviously have not gone THROUGH the process. G-d is here, was here, was always here and will forever be here. He has not changed. You are not in that relationship between me and G-d. If anything, I'm looking into the relationship from family that were forcibly converted...there is a lesson to be learned from them and their faith. That is not your concern, however. My soul is forever in the hands of G-d. Thank G-d Almighty it's not in YOUR hands, MsHoney. Please, leave me alone! If anyone is the enemy here, you certainly are mine since you keep pursuing me. I'm telling you here and in public, let me go!

I said I was going to ignore you from now on GV and wished you well. What else can I do apart from reporting you? I already had to block you from pm'ing me. Do we REALLY need to go there? Why do you keep engaging me? You don't like my "interpretation" as you call it then Stop addressing my posts directly or indirectly:yep:. If you put me on ignore then you won't even have to see them, right?

Just stop engaging me. Okay?

Let's keep the random thoughts thread random and stop hijacking it.

Ladies, please keep any disagreements off the board. Thanx.
Someone can start another thread on the same topic if they like, but I don't want to see this nonsense carried over to it.
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